How to use the claripy.If function in claripy

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few claripy examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def pc_actions_INC(state, nbits, res, _, cc_ndep, platform=None):
    arg_l = res - 1
    arg_r = 1

    cf = (cc_ndep & data[platform]['CondBitMasks']['G_CC_MASK_C'])[data[platform]['CondBitOffsets']['G_CC_SHIFT_C']]
    pf = calc_paritybit(res)
    af = (res ^ arg_l ^ 1)[data[platform]['CondBitOffsets']['G_CC_SHIFT_A']]
    zf = calc_zerobit(res)
    sf = res[nbits-1]
    of = claripy.If(sf == arg_l[nbits-1], claripy.BVV(0, 1), claripy.BVV(1, 1))
    return pc_make_rdata(data[platform]['size'], cf, pf, af, zf, sf, of, platform=platform)
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def pc_actions_SBB(state, nbits, cc_dep1, cc_dep2, cc_ndep, platform=None):
    old_c = cc_ndep[data[platform]['CondBitOffsets']['G_CC_SHIFT_C']].zero_extend(nbits-1)
    arg_l = cc_dep1
    arg_r = cc_dep2 ^ old_c
    res = (arg_l - arg_r) - old_c

    cf_c = claripy.If(claripy.ULE(arg_l, arg_r), claripy.BVV(1, 1), claripy.BVV(0, 1))
    cf_noc = claripy.If(claripy.ULT(arg_l, arg_r), claripy.BVV(1, 1), claripy.BVV(0, 1))
    cf = claripy.If(old_c == 1, cf_c, cf_noc)
    pf = calc_paritybit(res)
    af = (res ^ arg_l ^ arg_r)[data[platform]['CondBitOffsets']['G_CC_SHIFT_A']]
    zf = calc_zerobit(res)
    sf = res[nbits-1]
    of = ((arg_l ^ arg_r) & (arg_l ^ res))[nbits-1]
    return pc_make_rdata(data[platform]['size'], cf, pf, af, zf, sf, of, platform=platform)
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def pc_actions_ADC(state, nbits, cc_dep1, cc_dep2, cc_ndep, platform=None):
    old_c = cc_ndep & data[platform]['CondBitMasks']['G_CC_MASK_C']
    arg_l = cc_dep1
    arg_r = cc_dep2 ^ old_c
    res = (arg_l + arg_r) + old_c

    cf = claripy.If(
            old_c != 0,
            claripy.If(res <= arg_l, claripy.BVV(1, 1), claripy.BVV(0, 1)),
            claripy.If(res < arg_l, claripy.BVV(1, 1), claripy.BVV(0, 1))
    pf = calc_paritybit(res)
    af = (res ^ arg_l ^ arg_r)[data[platform]['CondBitOffsets']['G_CC_SHIFT_A']]
    zf = calc_zerobit(res)
    sf = res[nbits - 1]
    of = ((arg_l ^ arg_r ^ -1) & (arg_l ^ res))[nbits-1]

    return pc_make_rdata(data[platform]['size'], cf, pf, af, zf, sf, of, platform=platform)
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r_Z = claripy.If(r_AL == 0, one, zero)
        r_P = calc_paritybit(r_AL).zero_extend(31)

    elif opcode == 0x37: # AAA
        nudge = r_AL > 0xF9
        condition = claripy.Or((r_AL & 0xF) > 9, r_A == 1)
        r_AL = claripy.If(condition, (r_AL + 6) & 0xF, r_AL & 0xF)
        r_AH = claripy.If(condition, claripy.If(nudge, r_AH + 2, r_AH + 1), r_AH)
        r_A  = claripy.If(condition, one, zero)
        r_C = claripy.If(condition, one, zero)
        r_O = r_S = r_Z = r_P = 0
    elif opcode == 0x3F: # AAS
        nudge = r_AL < 0x06
        condition = claripy.Or((r_AL & 0xF) > 9, r_A == 1)
        r_AL = claripy.If(condition, (r_AL - 6) & 0xF, r_AL & 0xF)
        r_AH = claripy.If(condition, claripy.If(nudge, r_AH - 2, r_AH - 1), r_AH)
        r_A  = claripy.If(condition, one, zero)
        r_C = claripy.If(condition, one, zero)
        r_O = r_S = r_Z = r_P = 0

    result =   ( (r_O & 1) << (16 + data['X86']['CondBitOffsets']['G_CC_SHIFT_O']) ) \
             | ( (r_S & 1) << (16 + data['X86']['CondBitOffsets']['G_CC_SHIFT_S']) ) \
             | ( (r_Z & 1) << (16 + data['X86']['CondBitOffsets']['G_CC_SHIFT_Z']) ) \
             | ( (r_A & 1) << (16 + data['X86']['CondBitOffsets']['G_CC_SHIFT_A']) ) \
             | ( (r_C & 1) << (16 + data['X86']['CondBitOffsets']['G_CC_SHIFT_C']) ) \
             | ( (r_P & 1) << (16 + data['X86']['CondBitOffsets']['G_CC_SHIFT_P']) ) \
             | ( (r_AH & 0xFF) << 8 ) \
             | ( (r_AL & 0xFF) << 0 )
    return result
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def pc_actions_SHR(state, nbits, remaining, shifted, cc_ndep, platform=None):
    cf = claripy.If(shifted & 1 != 0, claripy.BVV(1, 1), claripy.BVV(0, 1))
    pf = calc_paritybit(remaining[7:0])
    af = claripy.BVV(0, 1)
    zf = calc_zerobit(remaining)
    sf = remaining[nbits-1]
    of = (remaining[0] ^ shifted[0])[0]
    return pc_make_rdata(data[platform]['size'], cf, pf, af, zf, sf, of, platform=platform)
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def pc_actions_SBB(state, nbits, cc_dep1, cc_dep2, cc_ndep, platform=None):
    old_c = cc_ndep[data[platform]['CondBitOffsets']['G_CC_SHIFT_C']].zero_extend(nbits-1)
    arg_l = cc_dep1
    arg_r = cc_dep2 ^ old_c
    res = (arg_l - arg_r) - old_c

    cf_c = claripy.If(claripy.ULE(arg_l, arg_r), claripy.BVV(1, 1), claripy.BVV(0, 1))
    cf_noc = claripy.If(claripy.ULT(arg_l, arg_r), claripy.BVV(1, 1), claripy.BVV(0, 1))
    cf = claripy.If(old_c == 1, cf_c, cf_noc)
    pf = calc_paritybit(res)
    af = (res ^ arg_l ^ arg_r)[data[platform]['CondBitOffsets']['G_CC_SHIFT_A']]
    zf = calc_zerobit(res)
    sf = res[nbits-1]
    of = ((arg_l ^ arg_r) & (arg_l ^ res))[nbits-1]
    return pc_make_rdata(data[platform]['size'], cf, pf, af, zf, sf, of, platform=platform)
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def _op_generic_StoU_saturation(self, value, min_value, max_value): #pylint:disable=no-self-use
        Return unsigned saturated BV from signed BV.
        Min and max value should be unsigned.
        return claripy.If(
            claripy.SGT(value, max_value),
            claripy.If(claripy.SLT(value, min_value), min_value, value))
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def x86g_dirtyhelper_storeF80le(state, addr, qword):
    sign = qword[63]
    exponent = qword[62:52]
    mantissa = qword[51:0]

    normalized_exponent = exponent.zero_extend(4) - 1023 + 16383
    zero_exponent = state.solver.BVV(0, 15)
    inf_exponent = state.solver.BVV(-1, 15)
    final_exponent = claripy.If(exponent == 0, zero_exponent, claripy.If(exponent == -1, inf_exponent, normalized_exponent))

    normalized_mantissa = claripy.Concat(claripy.BVV(1, 1), mantissa, claripy.BVV(0, 11))
    zero_mantissa = claripy.BVV(0, 64)
    inf_mantissa = claripy.BVV(-1, 64)
    final_mantissa = claripy.If(exponent == 0, zero_mantissa, claripy.If(exponent == -1, claripy.If(mantissa == 0, zero_mantissa, inf_mantissa), normalized_mantissa))

    tbyte = claripy.Concat(sign, final_exponent, final_mantissa)
    assert len(tbyte) == 80, tbyte, endness='Iend_LE')
    return None, []
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def generic_compare(self, args, comparison):
        if self._vector_size is not None:
            res_comps = []
            for i in reversed(range(self._vector_count)):
                a_comp = claripy.Extract((i+1) * self._vector_size - 1,
                                          i * self._vector_size,
                b_comp = claripy.Extract((i+1) * self._vector_size - 1,
                                          i * self._vector_size,
                res_comps.append(claripy.If(comparison(a_comp, b_comp),
                                         claripy.BVV(-1, self._vector_size),
                                         claripy.BVV(0, self._vector_size)))
            return claripy.Concat(*res_comps)
            return claripy.If(comparison(args[0], args[1]), claripy.BVV(1, 1), claripy.BVV(0, 1))