How to use the claripy.BVS function in claripy

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few claripy examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github angr / angr-targets / tests / View on Github external
def solv_concrete_engine_linux_x86(p, entry_state):
    new_concrete_state = execute_concretly(p, entry_state, BINARY_DECISION_ADDRESS, [], [])

    arg0 = claripy.BVS('arg0', 8*32)

    symbolic_buffer_address = new_concrete_state.regs.ebp-0xa0, arg0)

    # symbolic exploration
    simgr = p.factory.simgr(new_concrete_state)
    exploration = simgr.explore(find=DROP_STAGE2_V1, avoid=[DROP_STAGE2_V2, VENV_DETECTED, FAKE_CC])
    if not exploration.stashes['found'] and exploration.errored and type(exploration.errored[0].error) is angr.errors.SimIRSBNoDecodeError:
        raise nose.SkipTest()
    new_symbolic_state = exploration.stashes['found'][0]

    binary_configuration = new_symbolic_state.solver.eval(arg0, cast_to=int)
    execute_concretly(p, new_symbolic_state, BINARY_EXECUTION_END, [(symbolic_buffer_address, arg0)], [])
    correct_solution = 0xa000000f9ffffff000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 == correct_solution)
github angr / angr / tests / View on Github external
def test_ppc32():
    arger_ppc32 = angr.Project(os.path.join(test_location, 'ppc', 'argc_symbol'))
    r_addr = [0x1000043C, 0x10000474, 0x100004B0]

    sargc = claripy.BVS('argc', 32)
    s = arger_ppc32.factory.entry_state(args = [claripy.BVS('arg_0', 40*8), claripy.BVS('arg_1', 40*8), claripy.BVS('arg_2', 40*8)], env ={"HOME": "/home/angr"}, argc=sargc)
    pg = arger_ppc32.factory.simulation_manager(s).explore(find=r_addr, num_find=100)
    _verify_results(pg, sargc)
github angr / angr / tests / View on Github external
def solv_concrete_engine_linux_arm(p, entry_state):
    new_concrete_state = execute_concretly(p, entry_state, BINARY_DECISION_ADDRESS, [])

    arg0 = claripy.BVS('arg0', 5 * 32)
    symbolic_buffer_address = new_concrete_state.regs.r3, arg0)
    simgr = p.factory.simgr(new_concrete_state)

    print("Symbolically executing BINARY to find dropping of second stage [ address:  " + hex(DROP_STAGE2_V1) + " ]")
    exploration = simgr.explore(find=DROP_STAGE2_V2, avoid=[DROP_STAGE2_V1, VENV_DETECTED, FAKE_CC])

    if not exploration.stashes['found'] and exploration.errored and type(exploration.errored[0].error) is angr.errors.SimIRSBNoDecodeError:
        raise nose.SkipTest()

    new_symbolic_state = exploration.stashes['found'][0]

    binary_configuration = new_symbolic_state.solver.eval(arg0, cast_to=int)

    print("Executing BINARY concretely with solution found until the end " + hex(BINARY_EXECUTION_END))
    execute_concretly(p, new_symbolic_state, BINARY_EXECUTION_END, [(symbolic_buffer_address, arg0)])
github angr / rex / rex / exploit / cgc / View on Github external
any(v in chall_resp_info.vars_we_added for v in c.variables):
            elif any(v.startswith("output_var") for v in c.variables):
                # an output like a leak
                # uncontrollable constraints will show up as zen constraints etc

        if len(controllable_constraints) > 0:
            l.debug("Challenge response detected!")
            file_1 = state.posix.stdout
            stdout = file_1.load(0, file_1.size)

            stdout_len = state.solver.eval(file_1.size)
            stdout_bvs = [claripy.BVS("file_stdout_%#x" % i, 8, explicit_name=True) for i in range(stdout_len)]
            stdout_bv = claripy.Concat(*stdout_bvs)

            state.add_constraints(stdout == stdout_bv)
            # we call simplify to separate the contraints/dependencies

            merged_solver = state.solver._solver._merged_solver_for(lst=[self._mem] + controllable_constraints)
            # todo here we can verify that there are actually stdout bytes here, otherwise we have little hope

            # add the important stdout vars to mem
            needed_vars = []
            for bv in stdout_bvs:
                if len(bv.variables & merged_solver.variables) != 0:

            # add the str_to_int vars and int_to_str vars
github angr / angr-doc / examples / google2016_unbreakable_0 / View on Github external
def main():
    proj = angr.Project('./unbreakable-enterprise-product-activation', load_options={"auto_load_libs": False}) # Disabling the automatic library loading saves a few milliseconds.

    input_size = 0x43; # Max length from strncpy, see 0x4005ae.

    argv1 = claripy.BVS("argv1", input_size * 8)

    initial_state = proj.factory.entry_state(args=["./unbreakable-enterprise-product-activation", argv1], add_options={angr.options.LAZY_SOLVES})
    initial_state.libc.buf_symbolic_bytes=input_size + 1 # Thanks to Christopher Salls (@salls) for pointing this out. By default there's only 60 symbolic bytes, which is too small.

    # For some reason if you constrain too few bytes, the solution isn't found. To be safe, I'm constraining them all.
    for byte in argv1.chop(8):
        initial_state.add_constraints(byte != '\x00') # null
        initial_state.add_constraints(byte >= ' ') # '\x20'
        initial_state.add_constraints(byte <= '~') # '\x7e'
        # Source:
        # Thanks to Tom Ravenscroft (@tomravenscroft) for showing me how to restrict to printable characters.

    # We're told that every flag is formatted as "CTF{...}", so we might as well use that information to save processing time. 
    initial_state.add_constraints(argv1.chop(8)[0] == 'C')
    initial_state.add_constraints(argv1.chop(8)[1] == 'T')
    initial_state.add_constraints(argv1.chop(8)[2] == 'F')
github angr / angr / angr / procedures / java / View on Github external
def run(self, thing, *args):
        # mMark object as symbolic
        if isinstance(thing, SimSootValue_ThisRef):
            this_ref = thing

        if args:
            method_descriptor = args[-1]
            # if args is empty, method is static and has no params
            method_descriptor = thing

        # return the appropriate value based on the return type of the method
        if method_descriptor is None or method_descriptor.ret is None or method_descriptor.ret == 'void':
        elif method_descriptor.ret in ['byte', 'char', 'short', 'int', 'boolean']:
            return claripy.BVS('unc_{}_{}'.format(method_descriptor.ret,, 32)
        elif method_descriptor.ret == 'long':
            return claripy.BVS('unc_long_{}'.format(, 64)
        elif method_descriptor.ret == 'float':
            return claripy.FPS('unc_float_{}'.format(, claripy.FSORT_FLOAT)
        elif method_descriptor.ret == 'double':
            return claripy.FPS('unc_double_{}'.format(, claripy.FSORT_DOUBLE)
        elif method_descriptor.ret == 'java.lang.String':
            str_ref = SimSootValue_StringRef.new_string(
                self.state, claripy.StringS("unc_string_{}".format(, 1000))
            return str_ref
        elif method_descriptor.ret.endswith('[][]'):
            raise NotImplementedError
        elif method_descriptor.ret.endswith('[]'):
            # TODO here array size should be symbolic
            return SimSootExpr_NewArray.new_array(self.state, method_descriptor.ret[:-2], claripy.BVV(2, 32))
github angr / angr-doc / examples / secuinside2016mbrainfuzz / View on Github external
def generate_input(p, to_find, to_avoid, byte_addresses):
    print('[*] Generating input ....')

    byte_map = {}

    for i in range(0,len(to_find)-1):
        f = to_find[i]
        t = to_find[i+1]

        #Set up the state for the function we want to solve
        e = p.factory.blank_state(addr=f)
        rdi = claripy.BVV(0, 56).concat(claripy.BVS('rdi', 8))
        rsi = claripy.BVV(0, 56).concat(claripy.BVS('rsi', 8))
        rdx = claripy.BVV(0, 56).concat(claripy.BVS('rdx', 8))
        rcx = claripy.BVV(0, 56).concat(claripy.BVS('rcx', 8))
        e.regs.rdi = rdi
        e.regs.rsi = rsi
        e.regs.rdx = rdx
        e.regs.rcx = rcx

        #Generate a SimulationManager out of this state and explore
        sm = p.factory.simulation_manager(e)

        #Save the solutions
        found = sm.found[0]
        address_local = byte_addresses[i]
        byte_map[address_local[3]] = found.solver.eval(rdi)
        byte_map[address_local[2]] = found.solver.eval(rsi)
        byte_map[address_local[1]] = found.solver.eval(rdx)
github angr / angr-doc / examples / sym-write / View on Github external
def main():
	p = angr.Project('./issue', load_options={"auto_load_libs": False})

	# By default, all symbolic write indices are concretized.
	state = p.factory.entry_state(add_options={angr.options.SYMBOLIC_WRITE_ADDRESSES})

	u = claripy.BVS("u", 8), u)

	sm = p.factory.simulation_manager(state)

	def correct(state):
			return b'win' in state.posix.dumps(1)
			return False
	def wrong(state):
			return b'lose' in state.posix.dumps(1)
			return False

	sm.explore(find=correct, avoid=wrong)
github angr / angr / angr / procedures / libc / View on Github external
# try doubling the search len and searching again
            s_new = s
            while all(con.is_false() for con in c):
                s_new += search_len
                search_len *= 2
                r, c, i = self.state.memory.find(s_new, null_seq, search_len, max_symbolic_bytes=max_symbolic_bytes, step=step, chunk_size=chunk_size)
                # stop searching after some reasonable limit
                if search_len > 0x10000:
                    raise angr.SimMemoryLimitError("strlen hit limit of 0x10000")

            self.max_null_index = max(i)
            result = r - s
            if result.depth > 3:
                rresult = claripy.BVS('strlen', len(result))
                self.state.solver.add(result == rresult)
                result = rresult
            return result
github angr / angr / angr / View on Github external
state = SimState(self.project, **kwargs)

        stack_end = state.arch.initial_sp
        if o.ABSTRACT_MEMORY not in state.options:
            state.memory.mem._preapproved_stack = IRange(stack_end - stack_size, stack_end)

        if o.INITIALIZE_ZERO_REGISTERS in state.options:
            highest_reg_offset, reg_size = max(state.arch.registers.values())
            for i in range(0, highest_reg_offset + reg_size, state.arch.bytes):
      ,, state.arch.bits))
        if state.arch.sp_offset is not None:
            state.regs.sp = stack_end

        if initial_prefix is not None:
            for reg in state.arch.default_symbolic_registers:
      , claripy.BVS(initial_prefix + "_" + reg,

        for reg, val, is_addr, mem_region in state.arch.default_register_values:

            region_base = None # so pycharm does not complain

            if is_addr:
                if isinstance(mem_region, tuple):
                    # unpack it
                    mem_region, region_base = mem_region
                elif mem_region == 'global':
                    # Backward compatibility
                    region_base = 0
                    raise AngrSimOSError('You must specify the base address for memory region "%s". ' % mem_region)