How to use the chess.popcount function in chess

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few chess examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def status(self) -> chess.Status:
        status = super().status()

        if chess.popcount(self.pawns) + self.pockets[chess.WHITE].count(chess.PAWN) + self.pockets[chess.BLACK].count(chess.PAWN) <= 16:
            status &= ~chess.STATUS_TOO_MANY_BLACK_PAWNS
            status &= ~chess.STATUS_TOO_MANY_WHITE_PAWNS

        if chess.popcount(self.occupied) + len(self.pockets[chess.WHITE]) + len(self.pockets[chess.BLACK]) <= 32:
            status &= ~chess.STATUS_TOO_MANY_BLACK_PIECES
            status &= ~chess.STATUS_TOO_MANY_WHITE_PIECES

        return status
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def calc_key(board: chess.BaseBoard, *, mirror: bool = False) -> str:
    w = board.occupied_co[chess.WHITE ^ mirror]
    b = board.occupied_co[chess.BLACK ^ mirror]

    return "".join([
        "K" * chess.popcount(board.kings & w),
        "Q" * chess.popcount(board.queens & w),
        "R" * chess.popcount(board.rooks & w),
        "B" * chess.popcount(board.bishops & w),
        "N" * chess.popcount(board.knights & w),
        "P" * chess.popcount(board.pawns & w),
        "K" * chess.popcount(board.kings & b),
        "Q" * chess.popcount(board.queens & b),
        "R" * chess.popcount(board.rooks & b),
        "B" * chess.popcount(board.bishops & b),
        "N" * chess.popcount(board.knights & b),
        "P" * chess.popcount(board.pawns & b),
github niklasf / python-chess / chess / View on Github external
def legal_drop_squares_mask(self) -> chess.Bitboard:
        king = self.king(self.turn)
        if king is None:
            return ~self.occupied

        king_attackers = self.attackers_mask(not self.turn, king)

        if not king_attackers:
            return ~self.occupied
        elif chess.popcount(king_attackers) == 1:
            return chess.BB_BETWEEN[king][chess.msb(king_attackers)] & ~self.occupied
            return chess.BB_EMPTY
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        :raises: :exc:`KeyError` (or specifically
            :exc:`chess.syzygy.MissingTableError`) if the position could not
            be found in the tablebase. Use
            :func:`~chess.syzygy.Tablebase.get_wdl()` if you prefer to get
            ``None`` instead of an exception.

            Note that probing corrupted table files is undefined behavior.
        # Positions with castling rights are not in the tablebase.
        if board.castling_rights:
            raise KeyError("syzygy tables do not contain positions with castling rights: {}".format(board.fen()))

        # Validate piece count.
        if chess.popcount(board.occupied) > 7:
            raise KeyError("syzygy tables support up to 6 (and experimentally 7) pieces, not {}: {}".format(chess.popcount(board.occupied), board.fen()))

        # Probe.
        v, _ = self.probe_ab(board, -2, 2)

        # If en passant is not possible, we are done.
        if not board.ep_square or self.variant.captures_compulsory:
            return v

        # Now handle en passant.
        v1 = -3

        # Look at all legal en passant captures.
        for move in board.generate_legal_ep():
github niklasf / python-chess / chess / View on Github external
def sprobe_ab(self, board: chess.Board, alpha: int, beta: int, threats: bool = False) -> Tuple[int, int]:
        if chess.popcount(board.occupied_co[not board.turn]) > 1:
            v, captures_found = self.sprobe_capts(board, alpha, beta)
            if captures_found:
                return v, 2
            if any(board.generate_legal_captures()):
                return -2, 2

        threats_found = False

        if threats or chess.popcount(board.occupied) >= 6:
            for threat in board.generate_legal_moves(~board.pawns):
                    v_plus, captures_found = self.sprobe_capts(board, -beta, -alpha)
                    v = -v_plus

                if captures_found and v > alpha:
                    threats_found = True
                    alpha = v
                    if alpha >= beta:
                        return v, 3

        v = self.probe_wdl_table(board)
        if v > alpha:
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def _material_balance(self) -> int:
        return (chess.popcount(self.occupied_co[self.turn]) -
                chess.popcount(self.occupied_co[not self.turn]))
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:raises: :exc:`KeyError` (or specifically
            :exc:`chess.syzygy.MissingTableError`) if the position could not
            be found in the tablebase. Use
            :func:`~chess.syzygy.Tablebase.get_wdl()` if you prefer to get
            ``None`` instead of an exception.

            Note that probing corrupted table files is undefined behavior.
        # Positions with castling rights are not in the tablebase.
        if board.castling_rights:
            raise KeyError("syzygy tables do not contain positions with castling rights: {}".format(board.fen()))

        # Validate piece count.
        if chess.popcount(board.occupied) > 7:
            raise KeyError("syzygy tables support up to 6 (and experimentally 7) pieces, not {}: {}".format(chess.popcount(board.occupied), board.fen()))

        # Probe.
        v, _ = self.probe_ab(board, -2, 2)

        # If en passant is not possible, we are done.
        if not board.ep_square or self.variant.captures_compulsory:
            return v

        # Now handle en passant.
        v1 = -3

        # Look at all legal en passant captures.
        for move in board.generate_legal_ep():
                v0_plus, _ = self.probe_ab(board, -2, 2)
github niklasf / python-chess / chess / View on Github external
def calc_key(board: chess.BaseBoard, *, mirror: bool = False) -> str:
    w = board.occupied_co[chess.WHITE ^ mirror]
    b = board.occupied_co[chess.BLACK ^ mirror]

    return "".join([
        "K" * chess.popcount(board.kings & w),
        "Q" * chess.popcount(board.queens & w),
        "R" * chess.popcount(board.rooks & w),
        "B" * chess.popcount(board.bishops & w),
        "N" * chess.popcount(board.knights & w),
        "P" * chess.popcount(board.pawns & w),
        "K" * chess.popcount(board.kings & b),
        "Q" * chess.popcount(board.queens & b),
        "R" * chess.popcount(board.rooks & b),
        "B" * chess.popcount(board.bishops & b),
        "N" * chess.popcount(board.knights & b),
        "P" * chess.popcount(board.pawns & b),
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def _probe_hard(self, board: chess.Board, wdl_only: bool = False) -> int:
        if board.is_insufficient_material():
            return 0

        if board.castling_rights:
            raise KeyError("gaviota tables do not contain positions with castling rights: {}".format(board.fen()))

        if chess.popcount(board.occupied) > 5:
            raise KeyError("gaviota tables support up to 5 pieces, not {}: {}".format(chess.popcount(board.occupied), board.fen()))

        stm = ctypes.c_uint(0 if board.turn == chess.WHITE else 1)
        ep_square = ctypes.c_uint(board.ep_square if board.ep_square else 64)
        castling = ctypes.c_uint(0)

        c_ws = (ctypes.c_uint * 17)()
        c_wp = (ctypes.c_ubyte * 17)()

        i = -1
        for i, square in enumerate(chess.SquareSet(board.occupied_co[chess.WHITE])):
            c_ws[i] = square
            c_wp[i] = typing.cast(chess.PieceType, board.piece_type_at(square))

        c_ws[i + 1] = 64
        c_wp[i + 1] = 0


A chess library with move generation and validation, Polyglot opening book probing, PGN reading and writing, Gaviota tablebase probing, Syzygy tablebase probing, and XBoard/UCI engine communication.

Latest version published 2 months ago

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