How to use the bloom.logging.error function in bloom

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few bloom examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github ros-infrastructure / bloom / bloom / generators / debian / View on Github external
        if not maybe_continue('n', 'Continue anyways'):
            sys.exit("User quit.")
    data['changelogs'] = changelogs
    # Use debhelper version 7 for oneric, otherwise 9
    data['debhelper_version'] = 7 if os_version in ['oneiric'] else 9
    # Summarize dependencies
    summarize_dependency_mapping(data, depends, build_depends, resolved_deps)
    # Copyright
    licenses = []
    separator = '\n' + '=' * 80 + '\n\n'
    for l in package.licenses:
        if hasattr(l, 'file') and l.file is not None:
            license_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(package.filename), l.file)
            if not os.path.exists(license_file):
                error("License file '{}' is not found.".
                      format(license_file), exit=True)
            license_text = open(license_file, 'r').read()
            if not license_text.endswith('\n'):
                license_text += '\n'
    data['Copyright'] = separator.join(licenses)

    def convertToUnicode(obj):
        if sys.version_info.major == 2:
            if isinstance(obj, str):
                return unicode(obj.decode('utf8'))
            elif isinstance(obj, unicode):
                return obj
            if isinstance(obj, bytes):
                return str(obj.decode('utf8'))
github ros-infrastructure / bloom / bloom / generators / debian / View on Github external
# Determine the current package being generated
            distro = destination.split('/')[-2]
            # Create debians for each distro
            with inbranch(destination):
                data = self.generate_debian(package, distro)
                # Create the tag name for later
                self.tag_names[destination] = self.generate_tag_name(data)
        # Update the patch configs
        patches_branch = 'patches/' + destination
        config = get_patch_config(patches_branch)
        # Store it
        self.store_original_config(config, patches_branch)
        # Modify the base so import/export patch works
        current_branch = get_current_branch()
        if current_branch is None:
            error("Could not determine current branch.", exit=True)
        config['base'] = get_commit_hash(current_branch)
        # Set it
        set_patch_config(patches_branch, config)
github ros-infrastructure / bloom / bloom / generators / debian / View on Github external
if package.version != changelogs[0][0]:
        error("The version of the first changelog entry '{0}' is not the "
              "same as the version being currently released '{1}'."
              .format(package.version, changelogs[0][0]))
        bad_changelog = True
    # Make sure that the current version is the latest in the changelog
    for changelog in changelogs:
        if parse_version(package.version) < parse_version(changelog[0]):
            error("There is at least one changelog entry, '{0}', which has a "
                  "newer version than the version of package '{1}' being released, '{2}'."
                  .format(changelog[0],, package.version))
            bad_changelog = True
    if bad_changelog:
        error("This is almost certainly by mistake, you should really take a "
              "look at the changelogs for the package you are releasing.")
        if not maybe_continue('n', 'Continue anyways'):
            sys.exit("User quit.")
    data['changelogs'] = changelogs
    # Use debhelper version 7 for oneric, otherwise 9
    data['debhelper_version'] = 7 if os_version in ['oneiric'] else 9
    # Summarize dependencies
    summarize_dependency_mapping(data, depends, build_depends, resolved_deps)
    # Copyright
    licenses = []
    separator = '\n' + '=' * 80 + '\n\n'
    for l in package.licenses:
        if hasattr(l, 'file') and l.file is not None:
            license_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(package.filename), l.file)
            if not os.path.exists(license_file):
github ros-infrastructure / bloom / bloom / generators / rpm / View on Github external
if self.distros in [None, []]:
            index = rosdistro.get_index(rosdistro.get_index_url())
            distribution_file = rosdistro.get_distribution_file(index, self.rosdistro)
            if self.os_name not in distribution_file.release_platforms:
                warning("No platforms defined for os '{0}' in release file for the '{1}' distro."
                        "\nNot performing RPM generation."
                        .format(self.os_name, self.rosdistro))
            self.distros = distribution_file.release_platforms[self.os_name]
        self.install_prefix = args.install_prefix
        if args.install_prefix is None:
            self.install_prefix = self.default_install_prefix
        self.prefix = args.prefix
        self.branches = match_branches_with_prefix(self.prefix, get_branches, prune=not args.match_all)
        if len(self.branches) == 0:
                "No packages found, check your --prefix or --src arguments.",
        self.packages = {}
        self.tag_names = {}
        self.names = []
        self.branch_args = []
        self.rpm_branches = []
        for branch in self.branches:
            package = get_package_from_branch(branch)
            if package is None:
                # This is an ignored package
            self.packages[] = package
            args = self.generate_branching_arguments(package, branch)
github ros-infrastructure / bloom / bloom / generators / View on Github external
        return resolve_more_for_os(key, view, installer, os_name, os_version)
    except (KeyError, ResolutionError) as exc:
        if key in ignored:
            return None, None, None
        if isinstance(exc, KeyError):
            error("Could not resolve rosdep key '{0}'".format(key))
            returncode = code.GENERATOR_NO_SUCH_ROSDEP_KEY
            error("Could not resolve rosdep key '{0}' for distro '{1}':"
                  .format(key, os_version))
            info(str(exc), use_prefix=False)
            returncode = code.GENERATOR_NO_ROSDEP_KEY_FOR_DISTRO
        if retry:
            error("Try to resolve the problem with rosdep and then continue.")
            if maybe_continue():
                return resolve_rosdep_key(key, os_name, os_version, ros_distro,
                                          ignored, retry=True)
        BloomGenerator.exit("Failed to resolve rosdep key '{0}', aborting."
                            .format(key), returncode=returncode)
github ros-infrastructure / bloom / bloom / View on Github external
def import_orig(tarball, interactive=False, merge=False, directory=None):
    cmd = 'git import-orig {0}'.format(tarball)
    if not interactive and has_interactive():
        cmd += ' --no-interactive'
    if not merge:
        cmd += ' --no-merge'
    ret = execute_command(cmd, silent=False, autofail=False, cwd=directory)
    if ret != 0:
        error("git-import-orig failed '{0}'".format(cmd))
        return True
    return False
github ros-infrastructure / bloom / bloom / commands / git / patch / View on Github external
def remove_patches(directory=None):
    # Get the current branch
    current_branch = get_current_branch(directory)
    if current_branch is None:
        error("Could not determine current branch.", exit=True)
    # Ensure the current branch is valid
    if current_branch is None:
        error("Could not determine current branch, are you in a git repo?",
    # Construct the patches branch
    patches_branch = 'patches/' + current_branch
        # See if the patches branch exists
        if branch_exists(patches_branch, False, directory=directory):
            if not branch_exists(patches_branch, True, directory=directory):
                track_branches(patches_branch, directory)
            error("No patches branch (" + patches_branch + ") found, cannot "
                  "remove patches.", exit=True)
        # Get the parent branch from the patches branch
        config = get_patch_config(patches_branch, directory=directory)
github ros-infrastructure / bloom / bloom / View on Github external
def get_distribution_file(distro):
    global _rosdistro_distribution_files
    if distro not in _rosdistro_distribution_files:
        # REP 143, get list of distribution files and take the last one
        files = rosdistro.get_distribution_files(get_index(), distro)
        if not files:
            error("No distribution files listed for distribution '{0}'."
                  .format(distro), exit=True)
        _rosdistro_distribution_files[distro] = files[-1]
    return _rosdistro_distribution_files[distro]
github ros-infrastructure / bloom / bloom / View on Github external
def check_for_multiple_remotes():
    if get_root() is None:
    remotes = get_remotes()
    if len(remotes) < 0:
        error("Current git repository has no remotes. "
              "If you are running bloom-release, please change directories.",
    if len(remotes) > 1:
        error("Current git repository has multiple remotes. "
              "If you are running bloom-release, please change directories.",
github ros-infrastructure / bloom / bloom / View on Github external
from urlparse import urlparse

from bloom.github import Github
from bloom.github import GithubException
from bloom.github import get_gh_info
from bloom.github import get_github_interface

from bloom.logging import debug
from bloom.logging import error
from bloom.logging import info

    import rosdistro
    if parse_version(rosdistro.__version__) < parse_version('0.7.0'):
        error("rosdistro version 0.7.0 or greater is required, found '{0}' from '{1}'."
              .format(rosdistro.__version__, os.path.dirname(rosdistro.__file__)),
except ImportError:
    error("rosdistro was not detected, please install it.", file=sys.stderr,

_rosdistro_index = None
_rosdistro_distribution_files = {}
_rosdistro_index_commit = None
_rosdistro_index_original_branch = None

def get_index_url():
    global _rosdistro_index_commit, _rosdistro_index_original_branch
    index_url = rosdistro.get_index_url()