How to use the bloom.logging.debug function in bloom

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few bloom examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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from bloom.packages import get_package_data

from bloom.util import execute_command

from bloom.commands.git.patch.trim_cmd import trim

    import catkin_pkg
    from pkg_resources import parse_version
    if parse_version(catkin_pkg.__version__) < parse_version('0.3.8'):
        warning("This version of bloom requires catkin_pkg version >= '0.3.8',"
                " the used version of catkin_pkg is '{0}'".format(catkin_pkg.__version__))
    from catkin_pkg import metapackage
except ImportError as err:
    error("catkin_pkg was not detected, please install it.", exit=True)

class ReleaseGenerator(BloomGenerator):
    title = 'release'
    description = """\
Generates a release branch for each of the packages in the source branch.
The common use case for this generator is to produce release/* branches for
each package in the upstream repository, so the source branch should be set to
'upstream' and the prefix set to 'release'.

    def prepare_arguments(self, parser):
        # Add command line arguments for this generator
        add = parser.add_argument
        add('-s', '--src', '--source-branch', default=None, dest='src',
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def get_index_url():
    global _rosdistro_index_commit, _rosdistro_index_original_branch
    index_url = rosdistro.get_index_url()
    pr = urlparse(index_url)
    if pr.netloc in ['', '']:
        # Try to determine what the commit hash was
        tokens = [x for x in pr.path.split('/') if x]
        if len(tokens) <= 3:
            debug("Failed to get commit for rosdistro index file: index url")
            return index_url
        owner = tokens[0]
        repo = tokens[1]
        branch = tokens[2]
        gh = get_github_interface(quiet=True)
        if gh is None:
            # Failed to get it with auth, try without auth (may fail)
            gh = Github(username=None, auth=None)
            data = gh.get_branch(owner, repo, branch)
        except GithubException:
            debug("Failed to get commit for rosdistro index file: api")
            return index_url
        _rosdistro_index_commit = data.get('commit', {}).get('sha', None)
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def get_index_url():
    global _rosdistro_index_commit, _rosdistro_index_original_branch
    index_url = rosdistro.get_index_url()
    pr = urlparse(index_url)
    if pr.netloc in ['', '']:
        # Try to determine what the commit hash was
        tokens = [x for x in pr.path.split('/') if x]
        if len(tokens) <= 3:
            debug("Failed to get commit for rosdistro index file: index url")
            return index_url
        owner = tokens[0]
        repo = tokens[1]
        branch = tokens[2]
        gh = get_github_interface(quiet=True)
        if gh is None:
            # Failed to get it with auth, try without auth (may fail)
            gh = Github(username=None, auth=None)
            data = gh.get_branch(owner, repo, branch)
        except GithubException:
            debug("Failed to get commit for rosdistro index file: api")
            return index_url
        _rosdistro_index_commit = data.get('commit', {}).get('sha', None)
        if _rosdistro_index_commit is not None:
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tokens = [x for x in pr.path.split('/') if x]
        if len(tokens) <= 3:
            debug("Failed to get commit for rosdistro index file: index url")
            return index_url
        owner = tokens[0]
        repo = tokens[1]
        branch = tokens[2]
        gh = get_github_interface(quiet=True)
        if gh is None:
            # Failed to get it with auth, try without auth (may fail)
            gh = Github(username=None, auth=None)
            data = gh.get_branch(owner, repo, branch)
        except GithubException:
            debug("Failed to get commit for rosdistro index file: api")
            return index_url
        _rosdistro_index_commit = data.get('commit', {}).get('sha', None)
        if _rosdistro_index_commit is not None:
            info("ROS Distro index file associate with commit '{0}'"
            # Also mutate the index_url to use the commit (rather than the moving branch name)
            base_info = get_gh_info(index_url)
            base_branch = base_info['branch']
            rosdistro_index_commit = _rosdistro_index_commit  # Copy global into local for substitution
            middle = "{org}/{repo}".format(**base_info)
            index_url = index_url.replace("{pr.netloc}/{middle}/{base_branch}/".format(**locals()),
            info("New ROS Distro index url: '{0}'".format(index_url))
            _rosdistro_index_original_branch = base_branch
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def set_releaser_history(self, history):
        # Assumes that this is called in the target branch
        patches_branch = 'patches/' + get_current_branch()
        debug("Writing release history to '{0}' branch".format(patches_branch))
        with inbranch(patches_branch):
            with open('releaser_history.json', 'w') as f:
            execute_command('git add releaser_history.json')
            if has_changes():
                execute_command('git commit -m "Store releaser history"')
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except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
        upstream_branch = ''
    for key in template_entry_order:
        if key == 'vcs_uri':
            track_dict[key] = upstream_repo
        if key == 'vcs_type':
            track_dict[key] = upstream_type
        if key == 'vcs_uri':
            track_dict[key] = upstream_branch or None
        track_dict[key] = track_dict[key].default
    debug('Converted bloom.conf:')
    with open('bloom.conf', 'r') as f:
    debug('To this track:')
    debug(str({track: track_dict}))
    tracks_dict['tracks'][track] = track_dict
    execute_command('git rm bloom.conf', shell=True)
    execute_command('git commit -m "Removed bloom.conf"', shell=True)
    # Now move the old bloom branch into master
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"time you did:"
                "    'git-bloom-patch rebase' or 'git-bloom-patch remove'"
                "Make sure you export any commits you want to save first:"
            warning("    'git-bloom-patch export'")
            error("Patches not exported", exit=True)
        # Checkout to the patches branch
        checkout(patches_branch, directory=directory)
        # Copy the patches to a temp location
        patches = list_patches(directory)
        if len(patches) == 0:
            debug("No patches in the patches branch, nothing to do")
            return -1  # Indicates that nothing was done
        tmp_dir_patches = []
        for patch in patches:
            tmp_dir_patches.append(os.path.join(tmp_dir, patch))
            if directory is not None:
                patch = os.path.join(directory, patch)
            shutil.copy(patch, tmp_dir)
        # Now checkout back to the original branch and import them
        checkout(current_branch, directory=directory)
            cmd = 'git am {0}*.patch'.format(tmp_dir + os.sep)
            execute_command(cmd, cwd=directory)
        except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
            warning("Failed to apply one or more patches for the "
                    "'{0}' branch.".format(str(e)))
            info('', use_prefix=False)
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def set_releaser_history(self, history):
        # Assumes that this is called in the target branch
        patches_branch = 'patches/' + get_current_branch()
        debug("Writing release history to '{0}' branch".format(patches_branch))
        with inbranch(patches_branch):
            with open('releaser_history.json', 'w') as f:
            execute_command('git add releaser_history.json')
            if has_changes():
                execute_command('git commit -m "Store releaser history"')
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def try_execute(msg, err_msg, func, *args, **kwargs):
    retcode = 0
        retcode = func(*args, **kwargs)
        retcode = retcode if retcode is not None else 0
    except CalledProcessError as err:
        error("Error calling {0}: {1}".format(msg, str(err)))
        retcode = err.returncode
    ret_msg = msg + " returned exit code ({0})".format(str(retcode))
    if retcode > 0:
        raise CommandFailed(retcode)
    elif retcode < 0:
    return retcode
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for key in template_entry_order:
        if key == 'vcs_uri':
            track_dict[key] = upstream_repo
        if key == 'vcs_type':
            track_dict[key] = upstream_type
        if key == 'vcs_uri':
            track_dict[key] = upstream_branch or None
        track_dict[key] = track_dict[key].default
    debug('Converted bloom.conf:')
    with open('bloom.conf', 'r') as f:
    debug('To this track:')
    debug(str({track: track_dict}))
    tracks_dict['tracks'][track] = track_dict
    execute_command('git rm bloom.conf', shell=True)
    execute_command('git commit -m "Removed bloom.conf"', shell=True)
    # Now move the old bloom branch into master