How to use the bitcoinlib.transactions.TransactionError function in bitcoinlib

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raise TransactionError("Can not sign coinbase transactions")
            pub_key_list = [k.public_byte for k in self.inputs[tid].keys]
            n_total_sigs = len(self.inputs[tid].keys)
            sig_domain = [''] * n_total_sigs

            tx_hash = self.signature_hash(tid, witness_type=self.inputs[tid].witness_type)
            for key in tid_keys:
                # Check if signature signs known key and is not already in list
                if key.public_byte not in pub_key_list:
                    raise TransactionError("This key does not sign any known key: %s" % key.public_hex)
                if key in [x.public_key for x in self.inputs[tid].signatures]:
          "Key %s already signed" % key.public_hex)

                if not key.private_byte:
                    raise TransactionError("Please provide a valid private key to sign the transaction")
                sig = sign(tx_hash, key)
                newsig_pos = pub_key_list.index(key.public_byte)
                sig_domain[newsig_pos] = sig
                n_signs += 1

            if not n_signs:

            # Add already known signatures on correct position
            n_sigs_to_insert = len(self.inputs[tid].signatures)
            for sig in self.inputs[tid].signatures:
                if not sig.public_key:
                newsig_pos = pub_key_list.index(sig.public_key.public_byte)
                if sig_domain[newsig_pos] == '':
                    sig_domain[newsig_pos] = sig
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hash_outputs = double_sha256(outputs_serialized)
        elif (hash_type & 0x1f) != SIGHASH_SINGLE and sign_id < len(self.outputs):
            outputs_serialized += struct.pack('
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Contains the number of signatures, followed by the list of public keys and the OP-code for the number of signatures required.

    :param key_list: List of public keys
    :type key_list: Key, list
    :param n_required: Number of required signatures
    :type n_required: int
    :param compressed: Use compressed public keys?
    :type compressed: bool

    :return bytes: A multisig redeemscript

    if not key_list:
        return b''
    if not isinstance(key_list, list):
        raise TransactionError("Argument public_key_list must be of type list")
    if len(key_list) > 15:
        raise TransactionError("Redeemscripts with more then 15 keys are non-standard and could result in "
                               "locked up funds")
    public_key_list = []
    for k in key_list:
        if isinstance(k, Key):
            if compressed:
        elif len(k) == 65 and k[0:1] == b'\x04' or len(k) == 33 and k[0:1] in [b'\x02', b'\x03']:
        elif len(k) == 132 and k[0:2] == '04' or len(k) == 66 and k[0:2] in ['02', '03']:
            kobj = Key(k)
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def _serialize_multisig_redeemscript(public_key_list, n_required=None):
    # Serialize m-to-n multisig script. Needs a list of public keys
    for key in public_key_list:
        if not isinstance(key, (str, bytes)):
            raise TransactionError("Item %s in public_key_list is not of type string or bytes")
    if n_required is None:
        n_required = len(public_key_list)

    script = int_to_varbyteint(opcodes['OP_1'] + n_required - 1)
    for key in public_key_list:
        script += varstr(key)
    script += int_to_varbyteint(opcodes['OP_1'] + len(public_key_list) - 1)
    script += b'\xae'  # 'OP_CHECKMULTISIG'

    return script
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witness_type = 'legacy'
    cursor = 4
    if rawtx[4:5] == b'\0':
        flag = rawtx[5:6]
        if flag == b'\1':
            witness_type = 'segwit'
        cursor += 2
    n_inputs, size = varbyteint_to_int(rawtx[cursor:cursor+9])
    cursor += size
    inputs = []
    if not isinstance(network, Network):
        network = Network(network)
    for n in range(0, n_inputs):
        inp_hash = rawtx[cursor:cursor + 32][::-1]
        if not len(inp_hash):
            raise TransactionError("Input transaction hash not found. Probably malformed raw transaction")
        if inp_hash == 32 * b'\0':
            coinbase = True
        output_n = rawtx[cursor + 32:cursor + 36][::-1]
        cursor += 36
        unlocking_script_size, size = varbyteint_to_int(rawtx[cursor:cursor + 9])
        cursor += size
        unlocking_script = rawtx[cursor:cursor + unlocking_script_size]
        inp_type = 'legacy'
        if witness_type == 'segwit' and not unlocking_script_size:
            inp_type = 'segwit'
        cursor += unlocking_script_size
        sequence_number = rawtx[cursor:cursor + 4]
        cursor += 4
        inputs.append(Input(prev_hash=inp_hash, output_n=output_n, unlocking_script=unlocking_script,
                            witness_type=inp_type, sequence=sequence_number, index_n=n, network=network))
    if len(inputs) != n_inputs:
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def calculate_fee(self):
        Get fee for this transaction in smallest denominator (i.e. Satoshi) based on its size and the
        transaction.fee_per_kb value

        :return int: Estimated transaction fee

        if not self.fee_per_kb:
            raise TransactionError("Cannot calculate transaction fees: transaction.fee_per_kb is not set")
        return int(self.estimate_size()/1024.0 * self.fee_per_kb)
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outputs = []
    n_outputs, size = varbyteint_to_int(rawtx[cursor:cursor + 9])
    cursor += size
    output_total = 0
    for n in range(0, n_outputs):
        value = change_base(rawtx[cursor:cursor + 8][::-1], 256, 10)
        cursor += 8
        lock_script_size, size = varbyteint_to_int(rawtx[cursor:cursor + 9])
        cursor += size
        lock_script = rawtx[cursor:cursor + lock_script_size]
        cursor += lock_script_size
        outputs.append(Output(value=value, lock_script=lock_script, network=network, output_n=n))
        output_total += value
    if not outputs:
        raise TransactionError("Error no outputs found in this transaction")
    if witness_type == 'segwit':
        for n in range(0, len(inputs)):
            n_items, size = varbyteint_to_int(rawtx[cursor:cursor + 9])
            cursor += size
            witnesses = []
            for m in range(0, n_items):
                witness = b'\0'
                item_size, size = varbyteint_to_int(rawtx[cursor:cursor + 9])
                if item_size:
                    witness = rawtx[cursor:cursor + item_size + size]
                cursor += item_size + size
            if witnesses and not coinbase:
                script_type = inputs[n].script_type
                witness_script_type = 'sig_pubkey'
                signatures = []
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if not hash_type & SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY:
            hash_prevouts = double_sha256(prevouts_serialized)
            if (hash_type & 0x1f) != SIGHASH_SINGLE and (hash_type & 0x1f) != SIGHASH_NONE:
                hash_sequence = double_sha256(sequence_serialized)
        if (hash_type & 0x1f) != SIGHASH_SINGLE and (hash_type & 0x1f) != SIGHASH_NONE:
            for o in self.outputs:
                outputs_serialized += struct.pack('