How to use the bitcoinlib.transactions.Transaction function in bitcoinlib

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def gettransaction(self, tx_id):
        res = self.compose_request('dashboards/transaction/', data=tx_id)

        tx = res['data'][tx_id]['transaction']
        confirmations = res['context']['state'] - tx['block_id']
        status = 'unconfirmed'
        if confirmations:
            status = 'confirmed'
        witness_type = 'legacy'
        if tx['has_witness']:
            witness_type = 'segwit'
        input_total = tx['input_total']
        if tx['is_coinbase']:
            input_total = tx['output_total']
        t = Transaction(locktime=tx['lock_time'], version=tx['version'],,
                        fee=tx['fee'], size=tx['size'], hash=tx['hash'],
                        date=datetime.strptime(tx['time'], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
                        confirmations=confirmations, block_height=tx['block_id'], status=status,
                        input_total=input_total, coinbase=tx['is_coinbase'],
                        output_total=tx['output_total'], witness_type=witness_type)
        index_n = 0
        if not res['data'][tx_id]['inputs']:
            # This is a coinbase transaction, add input
            t.add_input(prev_hash=b'\00' * 32, output_n=0, value=input_total)
        for ti in res['data'][tx_id]['inputs']:
            if ti['spending_witness']:
                witnesses = b"".join([varstr(to_bytes(x)) for x in ti['spending_witness'].split(",")])
                t.add_input(prev_hash=ti['transaction_hash'], output_n=ti['index'],
                            unlocking_script=witnesses, index_n=index_n, value=ti['value'],
                            address=ti['recipient'], witness_type='segwit')
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def transaction_import(self, t):
        Import a Transaction into this wallet. Link inputs to wallet keys if possible and return HDWalletTransaction
        object. Only imports Transaction objects or dictionaries, use transaction_import_raw method to import a
        raw transaction.

        :param t: A Transaction object or dictionary
        :type t: Transaction, dict

        :return HDWalletTransaction:

        if isinstance(t, Transaction):
            rt = self.transaction_create(t.outputs, t.inputs, transaction_fee=t.fee,
        elif isinstance(t, dict):
            output_arr = []
            for o in t['outputs']:
                output_arr.append((o['address'], int(o['value'])))
            input_arr = []

            for i in t['inputs']:
                signatures = [to_bytes(sig) for sig in i['signatures']]
                script = b'' if 'script' not in i else i['script']
                address = '' if 'address' not in i else i['address']
                input_arr.append((i['prev_hash'], i['output_n'], None, int(i['value']), signatures, script,
            rt = self.transaction_create(output_arr, input_arr, transaction_fee=t['fee'], network=t['network'])
            raise WalletError("Import transaction must be of type Transaction or dict")
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def gettransaction(self, tx_id):
        tx = self.compose_request('transaction', tx_id)

        rawtx = tx['raw']
        t = Transaction.import_raw(rawtx,
        if tx['confirmations']:
            t.status = 'confirmed'
            t.status = 'unconfirmed'

        if t.coinbase:
            t.input_total = t.output_total
            t.input_total = tx['total_input_value']
        t.output_total = tx['total_output_value']
        t.fee = tx['total_fee']
        t.hash = tx['hash']
        t.block_hash = tx['block_hash']
        t.block_height = tx['block_height']
        t.confirmations = tx['confirmations'] = datetime.strptime(tx['block_time'], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S+%f")
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def __init__(self, hdwallet, *args, **kwargs):
        Initialize HDWalletTransaction object with reference to a HDWallet object

        :param hdwallet: HDWallet object, wallet name or ID
        :type hdWallet: HDwallet, str, int
        :param args: Arguments for HDWallet parent class
        :type args: args
        :param kwargs: Keyword arguments for HDWallet parent class
        :type kwargs: kwargs
        assert isinstance(hdwallet, HDWallet)
        self.hdwallet = hdwallet
        self.pushed = False
        self.error = None
        Transaction.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
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def _parse_transaction(self, tx):
        status = 'unconfirmed'
        if tx['confirmations']:
            status = 'confirmed'
        witness_type = 'legacy'
        if 'inputs' in tx and [ti['witness'] for ti in tx['inputs'] if ti['witness'] and ti['witness'] != ['NULL']]:
            witness_type = 'segwit'
        input_total = tx['input_amount_int']
        t_time = None
        if tx['time']:
            t_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(tx['time'])
        if tx['coinbase']:
            input_total = tx['output_amount_int']
        t = Transaction(locktime=tx['locktime'], version=int(tx['version']),, fee=tx['fee_int'],
                        size=tx['size'], hash=tx['txid'], date=t_time,
                        confirmations=tx['confirmations'], block_height=tx['block'], status=status,
                        input_total=input_total, coinbase=tx['coinbase'],
                        output_total=tx['output_amount_int'], witness_type=witness_type)
        index_n = 0
        if tx['coinbase']:
            t.add_input(prev_hash=b'\00' * 32, output_n=0, value=input_total)
            for ti in tx['inputs']:
                unlocking_script = ti['script_sig']['hex']
                witness_type = 'legacy'
                if ti['witness'] and ti['witness'] != ['NULL']:
                    witness_type = 'segwit'
                    unlocking_script = b"".join([varstr(to_bytes(x)) for x in ti['witness']])
                # if tx['inputs']['witness']
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def _convert_to_transaction(self, tx):
        if tx['confirmations']:
            status = 'confirmed'
            status = 'unconfirmed'
        fees = None if 'fees' not in tx else int(round(float(tx['fees']) * self.units, 0))
        value_in = 0 if 'valueIn' not in tx else tx['valueIn']
        isCoinbase = False
        if 'isCoinBase' in tx and tx['isCoinBase']:
            value_in = tx['valueOut']
            isCoinbase = True
        t = Transaction(locktime=tx['locktime'], version=tx['version'],,
                        fee=fees, size=tx['size'], hash=tx['txid'],
                        date=datetime.fromtimestamp(tx['blocktime']), confirmations=tx['confirmations'],
                        block_height=tx['blockheight'], block_hash=tx['blockhash'], status=status,
                        input_total=int(round(float(value_in) * self.units, 0)), coinbase=isCoinbase,
                        output_total=int(round(float(tx['valueOut']) * self.units, 0)))
        for ti in tx['vin']:
            if isCoinbase:
                t.add_input(prev_hash=32 * b'\0', output_n=4*b'\xff', unlocking_script=ti['coinbase'], index_n=ti['n'],
                            script_type='coinbase', sequence=ti['sequence'])
                value = int(round(float(ti['value']) * self.units, 0))
                t.add_input(prev_hash=ti['txid'], output_n=ti['vout'], unlocking_script=ti['scriptSig']['hex'],
                            index_n=ti['n'], value=value, sequence=ti['sequence'],
                            double_spend=False if ti['doubleSpentTxID'] is None else ti['doubleSpentTxID'])
        for to in tx['vout']:
            value = int(round(float(to['value']) * self.units, 0))
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script_type = 'p2sh_p2wpkh'
                elif usd['script_type'] == "p2wsh" and witness_script_type == 'p2sh':
                    inp_witness_type = 'p2sh-segwit'
                    script_type = 'p2sh_p2wsh'
                inputs[n] = Input(prev_hash=inputs[n].prev_hash, output_n=inputs[n].output_n, keys=keys,
                                  unlocking_script=inputs[n].unlocking_script, sigs_required=sigs_required,
                                  signatures=signatures, witness_type=inp_witness_type, script_type=script_type,
                                  sequence=inputs[n].sequence, index_n=inputs[n].index_n, public_hash=public_hash,
    if len(rawtx[cursor:]) != 4:
        raise TransactionError("Error when deserializing raw transaction, bytes left for locktime must be 4 not %d" %
    locktime = change_base(rawtx[cursor:cursor + 4][::-1], 256, 10)

    return Transaction(inputs, outputs, locktime, version, network, size=len(rawtx), output_total=output_total,
                       coinbase=coinbase, flag=flag, witness_type=witness_type, rawtx=to_hexstring(rawtx))
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def _parse_transaction(self, tx, blockcount=None):
        if not blockcount:
            blockcount = self.blockcount()
        confirmations = 0
        block_height = None
        if 'block_height' in tx['status']:
            block_height = tx['status']['block_height']
            confirmations = blockcount - block_height
        status = 'unconfirmed'
        if tx['status']['confirmed']:
            status = 'confirmed'
        fee = None if 'fee' not in tx else tx['fee']
        t = Transaction(locktime=tx['locktime'], version=tx['version'],,
                        fee=fee, size=tx['size'], hash=tx['txid'],
                        date=None if 'block_time' not in tx['status'] else datetime.fromtimestamp(tx['status']['block_time']),
                        confirmations=confirmations, block_height=block_height, status=status,
        index_n = 0
        for ti in tx['vin']:
            if tx['vin'][0]['is_coinbase']:
                t.add_input(prev_hash=ti['txid'], output_n=ti['vout'], index_n=index_n,
                            unlocking_script=ti['scriptsig'], value=sum([o['value'] for o in tx['vout']]))
                t.add_input(prev_hash=ti['txid'], output_n=ti['vout'],
                            unlocking_script_unsigned=ti['prevout']['scriptpubkey'], index_n=index_n,
                            value=ti['prevout']['value'], address=ti['prevout']['scriptpubkey_address'],
            index_n += 1
        index_n = 0
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def gettransaction(self, tx_id):
        tx = self.compose_request('txs', tx_id, variables={'includeHex': 'true'})
        t = Transaction.import_raw(tx['hex'],
        t.hash = tx_id
        if tx['confirmations']:
            t.status = 'confirmed'
   = datetime.strptime(tx['confirmed'][:19], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
            t.status = 'unconfirmed'
        t.confirmations = tx['confirmations']
        t.block_height = tx['block_height']
        t.block_hash = tx.get('block_hash')
        t.fee = tx['fees']
        t.rawtx = tx['hex']
        t.size = int(len(tx['hex']) / 2) =
        t.input_total = 0
        if t.coinbase:
            t.input_total = t.output_total