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class AggregateOp(VegaLiteSchema):
"""AggregateOp schema wrapper
enum('values', 'count', 'valid', 'missing', 'distinct', 'sum', 'mean', 'average',
'variance', 'variancep', 'stdev', 'stdevp', 'median', 'q1', 'q3', 'modeskew', 'min', 'max',
'argmin', 'argmax')
_schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/AggregateOp'}
_rootschema = Root._schema
def __init__(self, *args):
super(AggregateOp, self).__init__(*args)
class Type(VegaLiteSchema):
"""Type schema wrapper
enum('quantitative', 'ordinal', 'temporal', 'nominal')
_schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/Type'}
_rootschema = Root._schema
def __init__(self, *args):
super(Type, self).__init__(*args)
class TimeUnit(VegaLiteSchema):
"""TimeUnit schema wrapper
enum('year', 'month', 'day', 'date', 'hours', 'minutes', 'seconds', 'milliseconds',
'yearmonth', 'yearmonthdate', 'yearmonthdatehours', 'yearmonthdatehoursminutes',
``"quantitative"``, ``"temporal"``, ``"ordinal"``, and ``"nominal"`` ) or an
initial character of the type name ( ``"Q"``, ``"T"``, ``"O"``, ``"N"`` ). This
property is case insensitive.
value : anyOf(string, float, boolean)
A constant value in visual domain.
_schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/FieldDef'}
_rootschema = Root._schema
def __init__(self, aggregate=Undefined, bin=Undefined, field=Undefined, timeUnit=Undefined,
title=Undefined, type=Undefined, value=Undefined, **kwds):
super(FieldDef, self).__init__(aggregate=aggregate, bin=bin, field=field, timeUnit=timeUnit,
title=title, type=type, value=value, **kwds)
class ChannelDefWithLegend(VegaLiteSchema):
"""ChannelDefWithLegend schema wrapper
aggregate : AggregateOp
Aggregation function for the field (e.g., ``mean``, ``sum``, ``median``, ``min``,
``max``, ``count`` ).
bin : anyOf(Bin, boolean)
Flag for binning a ``quantitative`` field, or a bin property object for binning
field : string
Name of the field from which to pull a data value.
legend : Legend
and ``tick`` (or to width and height for ``bar`` and ``area`` marks).
y2 : FieldDef
Y2 coordinates for ranged ``bar``, ``rule``, ``area``
_schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/UnitEncoding'}
_rootschema = Root._schema
def __init__(self, color=Undefined, detail=Undefined, label=Undefined, opacity=Undefined,
order=Undefined, path=Undefined, shape=Undefined, size=Undefined, text=Undefined,
x=Undefined, x2=Undefined, y=Undefined, y2=Undefined, **kwds):
super(UnitEncoding, self).__init__(color=color, detail=detail, label=label, opacity=opacity,
order=order, path=path, shape=shape, size=size, text=text,
x=x, x2=x2, y=y, y2=y2, **kwds)
class LayerSpec(VegaLiteSchema):
"""LayerSpec schema wrapper
layers : List(UnitSpec)
Unit specs that will be layered.
config : Config
Configuration object
data : Data
An object describing the data source
description : string
An optional description of this mark for commenting purpose. This property has no
effect on the output visualization.
height : float
return VegaLiteSchema.__subclasses__()
class Root(VegaLiteSchema):
"""Root schema wrapper
anyOf(ExtendedUnitSpec, FacetSpec, LayerSpec)
_schema = load_schema()
_rootschema = _schema
def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
super(Root, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
class ExtendedUnitSpec(VegaLiteSchema):
"""ExtendedUnitSpec schema wrapper
Schema for a unit Vega-Lite specification, with the syntactic sugar extensions:
``row`` and ``column`` are included in the encoding.
(Future) label, box plot
Note: the spec could contain facet.
The width and height of the on-screen viewport, in pixels. If necessary, clipping
and scrolling will be applied.
_schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/Config'}
_rootschema = Root._schema
def __init__(self, axis=Undefined, background=Undefined, cell=Undefined, countTitle=Undefined,
facet=Undefined, legend=Undefined, mark=Undefined, numberFormat=Undefined,
overlay=Undefined, scale=Undefined, timeFormat=Undefined, viewport=Undefined, **kwds):
super(Config, self).__init__(axis=axis, background=background, cell=cell, countTitle=countTitle,
facet=facet, legend=legend, mark=mark, numberFormat=numberFormat,
overlay=overlay, scale=scale, timeFormat=timeFormat,
viewport=viewport, **kwds)
class CellConfig(VegaLiteSchema):
"""CellConfig schema wrapper
clip : boolean
fill : string
The fill color.
fillOpacity : float
The fill opacity (value between [0,1]).
height : float
stroke : string
The stroke color.
line : boolean
Whether to overlay line with point.
lineStyle : MarkConfig
Default style for the overlayed point.
pointStyle : MarkConfig
Default style for the overlayed point.
_schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/OverlayConfig'}
_rootschema = Root._schema
def __init__(self, area=Undefined, line=Undefined, lineStyle=Undefined, pointStyle=Undefined, **kwds):
super(OverlayConfig, self).__init__(area=area, line=line, lineStyle=lineStyle,
pointStyle=pointStyle, **kwds)
class AreaOverlay(VegaLiteSchema):
"""AreaOverlay schema wrapper
enum('line', 'linepoint', 'none')
_schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/AreaOverlay'}
_rootschema = Root._schema
def __init__(self, *args):
super(AreaOverlay, self).__init__(*args)
class ScaleConfig(VegaLiteSchema):
"""ScaleConfig schema wrapper
pointStyle=pointStyle, **kwds)
class AreaOverlay(VegaLiteSchema):
"""AreaOverlay schema wrapper
enum('line', 'linepoint', 'none')
_schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/AreaOverlay'}
_rootschema = Root._schema
def __init__(self, *args):
super(AreaOverlay, self).__init__(*args)
class ScaleConfig(VegaLiteSchema):
"""ScaleConfig schema wrapper
bandSize : anyOf(BandSize, float)
Default band size for (1) ``y`` ordinal scale, and (2) ``x`` ordinal scale when the
mark is not ``text``.
barSizeRange : List(float)
Default range for bar size scale
fontSizeRange : List(float)
Default range for font size scale
nominalColorRange : anyOf(List(string), string)
Default range for nominal color scale
opacity : List(float)
If ``true``, ensures that a zero baseline value is included in the scale domain.
Default value: ``true`` for ``x`` and ``y`` channel if the quantitative field is not
binned and no custom ``domain`` is provided; ``false`` otherwise.
_schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/Scale'}
_rootschema = Root._schema
def __init__(self, bandSize=Undefined, clamp=Undefined, domain=Undefined, exponent=Undefined,
nice=Undefined, padding=Undefined, range=Undefined, round=Undefined, type=Undefined,
useRawDomain=Undefined, zero=Undefined, **kwds):
super(Scale, self).__init__(bandSize=bandSize, clamp=clamp, domain=domain, exponent=exponent,
nice=nice, padding=padding, range=range, round=round, type=type,
useRawDomain=useRawDomain, zero=zero, **kwds)
class ScaleType(VegaLiteSchema):
"""ScaleType schema wrapper
enum('linear', 'log', 'pow', 'sqrt', 'quantile', 'quantize', 'ordinal', 'time', 'utc')
_schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/ScaleType'}
_rootschema = Root._schema
def __init__(self, *args):
super(ScaleType, self).__init__(*args)
class BandSize(VegaLiteSchema):
"""BandSize schema wrapper
def __init__(self, bandSize=Undefined, barSizeRange=Undefined, fontSizeRange=Undefined,
nominalColorRange=Undefined, opacity=Undefined, padding=Undefined,
pointSizeRange=Undefined, round=Undefined, ruleSizeRange=Undefined,
sequentialColorRange=Undefined, shapeRange=Undefined, textBandWidth=Undefined,
tickSizeRange=Undefined, useRawDomain=Undefined, **kwds):
super(ScaleConfig, self).__init__(bandSize=bandSize, barSizeRange=barSizeRange,
nominalColorRange=nominalColorRange, opacity=opacity,
padding=padding, pointSizeRange=pointSizeRange, round=round,
shapeRange=shapeRange, textBandWidth=textBandWidth,
tickSizeRange=tickSizeRange, useRawDomain=useRawDomain, **kwds)
class AxisConfig(VegaLiteSchema):
"""AxisConfig schema wrapper
axisColor : string
Color of axis line.
axisWidth : float
Width of the axis line
characterWidth : float
Character width for automatically determining title max length.
grid : boolean
A flag indicate if gridlines should be created in addition to ticks. If ``grid`` is
unspecified, the default value is ``true`` for ROW and COL. For X and Y, the default
value is ``true`` for quantitative and time fields and ``false`` otherwise.
``json.values.features`` from the loaded JSON object.
type : DataFormatType
Type of input data: ``"json"``, ``"csv"``, ``"tsv"``. The default format type is
determined by the extension of the file url. If no extension is detected,
``"json"`` will be used by default.
_schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/DataFormat'}
_rootschema = Root._schema
def __init__(self, feature=Undefined, mesh=Undefined, parse=Undefined, property=Undefined,
type=Undefined, **kwds):
super(DataFormat, self).__init__(feature=feature, mesh=mesh, parse=parse, property=property,
type=type, **kwds)
class DataFormatType(VegaLiteSchema):
"""DataFormatType schema wrapper
enum('json', 'csv', 'tsv', 'topojson')
_schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/DataFormatType'}
_rootschema = Root._schema
def __init__(self, *args):
super(DataFormatType, self).__init__(*args)
class Transform(VegaLiteSchema):
"""Transform schema wrapper