How to use the altair.vegalite.v1.schema._interface.jstraitlets.JSONNumber function in altair

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layer = jst.JSONString(help='A string indicating if the axis (and any gridlines) should be [...]')
    offset = jst.JSONNumber(help='The offset, in pixels, by which to displace the axis from the [...]')
    orient = AxisOrient()
    properties = jst.JSONInstance(T.MetaHasTraits('Mapping', (jst.JSONHasTraits,), {'_additional_traits': True, '_required_traits': []}), help='Optional mark property definitions for custom axis styling.')
    shortTimeLabels = jst.JSONBoolean(help='Whether month and day names should be abbreviated.')
    subdivide = jst.JSONNumber(help='If provided, sets the number of minor ticks between major ticks [...]')
    tickColor = jst.JSONString(help="The color of the axis's tick.")
    tickLabelColor = jst.JSONString(help='The color of the tick label, can be in hex color code or regular [...]')
    tickLabelFont = jst.JSONString(help='The font of the tick label.')
    tickLabelFontSize = jst.JSONNumber(help='The font size of label, in pixels.')
    tickPadding = jst.JSONNumber(help='The padding, in pixels, between ticks and text labels.')
    tickSize = jst.JSONNumber(help='The size, in pixels, of major, minor and end ticks.', minimum=0)
    tickSizeEnd = jst.JSONNumber(help='The size, in pixels, of end ticks.', minimum=0)
    tickSizeMajor = jst.JSONNumber(help='The size, in pixels, of major ticks.', minimum=0)
    tickSizeMinor = jst.JSONNumber(help='The size, in pixels, of minor ticks.', minimum=0)
    tickWidth = jst.JSONNumber(help='The width, in pixels, of ticks.')
    ticks = jst.JSONNumber(help='A desired number of ticks, for axes visualizing quantitative [...]', minimum=0)
    title = jst.JSONString(help='A title for the axis. Shows field name and its function by default.')
    titleColor = jst.JSONString(help='Color of the title, can be in hex color code or regular color name.')
    titleFont = jst.JSONString(help='Font of the title.')
    titleFontSize = jst.JSONNumber(help='Size of the title.')
    titleFontWeight = jst.JSONString(help='Weight of the title.')
    titleMaxLength = jst.JSONNumber(help='Max length for axis title if the title is automatically [...]', minimum=0)
    titleOffset = jst.JSONNumber(help='A title offset value for the axis.')
    values = jst.JSONAnyOf([jst.JSONArray(jst.JSONNumber()), jst.JSONArray(jst.JSONInstance(_localname('DateTime')))])

    def __init__(self, axisColor=jst.undefined, axisWidth=jst.undefined, characterWidth=jst.undefined, format=jst.undefined, grid=jst.undefined, gridColor=jst.undefined, gridDash=jst.undefined, gridOpacity=jst.undefined, gridWidth=jst.undefined, labelAlign=jst.undefined, labelAngle=jst.undefined, labelBaseline=jst.undefined, labelMaxLength=jst.undefined, labels=jst.undefined, layer=jst.undefined, offset=jst.undefined, orient=jst.undefined, properties=jst.undefined, shortTimeLabels=jst.undefined, subdivide=jst.undefined, tickColor=jst.undefined, tickLabelColor=jst.undefined, tickLabelFont=jst.undefined, tickLabelFontSize=jst.undefined, tickPadding=jst.undefined, tickSize=jst.undefined, tickSizeEnd=jst.undefined, tickSizeMajor=jst.undefined, tickSizeMinor=jst.undefined, tickWidth=jst.undefined, ticks=jst.undefined, title=jst.undefined, titleColor=jst.undefined, titleFont=jst.undefined, titleFontSize=jst.undefined, titleFontWeight=jst.undefined, titleMaxLength=jst.undefined, titleOffset=jst.undefined, values=jst.undefined, **kwargs):
        kwds = dict(axisColor=axisColor, axisWidth=axisWidth, characterWidth=characterWidth, format=format, grid=grid, gridColor=gridColor, gridDash=gridDash, gridOpacity=gridOpacity, gridWidth=gridWidth, labelAlign=labelAlign, labelAngle=labelAngle, labelBaseline=labelBaseline, labelMaxLength=labelMaxLength, labels=labels, layer=layer, offset=offset, orient=orient, properties=properties, shortTimeLabels=shortTimeLabels, subdivide=subdivide, tickColor=tickColor, tickLabelColor=tickLabelColor, tickLabelFont=tickLabelFont, tickLabelFontSize=tickLabelFontSize, tickPadding=tickPadding, tickSize=tickSize, tickSizeEnd=tickSizeEnd, tickSizeMajor=tickSizeMajor, tickSizeMinor=tickSizeMinor, tickWidth=tickWidth, ticks=ticks, title=title, titleColor=titleColor, titleFont=titleFont, titleFontSize=titleFontSize, titleFontWeight=titleFontWeight, titleMaxLength=titleMaxLength, titleOffset=titleOffset, values=values)
        kwargs.update({k:v for k, v in kwds.items() if v is not jst.undefined})
        super(Axis, self).__init__(**kwargs)
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follow the same convention of arc mark startAngle and endAngle
        properties: angles are measured in radians, with 0 indicating
    tickSize : number
        The width of the ticks.
    tickThickness : number
        Thickness of the tick mark.
    _additional_traits = True
    _required_traits = []
    _trait_name_map = {}
    align = HorizontalAlign()
    angle = jst.JSONNumber(help='The rotation angle of the text, in degrees.')
    applyColorToBackground = jst.JSONBoolean(help='Apply color field to background color instead of the text.')
    barSize = jst.JSONNumber(help='The size of the bars. If unspecified, the default size is [...]')
    barThinSize = jst.JSONNumber(help='The size of the bars on continuous scales.')
    baseline = VerticalAlign()
    color = jst.JSONString(help='Default color.')
    dx = jst.JSONNumber(help='The horizontal offset, in pixels, between the text label and its [...]')
    dy = jst.JSONNumber(help='The vertical offset, in pixels, between the text label and its [...]')
    fill = jst.JSONString(help='Default Fill Color. This has higher precedence than config.color')
    fillOpacity = jst.JSONNumber(maximum=1, minimum=0)
    filled = jst.JSONBoolean(help="Whether the shape\\'s color should be used as fill color instead [...]")
    font = jst.JSONString(help='The typeface to set the text in (e.g., Helvetica Neue).')
    fontSize = jst.JSONNumber(help='The font size, in pixels.')
    fontStyle = FontStyle()
    fontWeight = FontWeight()
    format = jst.JSONString(help='The formatting pattern for text value. If not defined, this will [...]')
    interpolate = Interpolate()
    lineSize = jst.JSONNumber(help='Size of line mark.')
    opacity = jst.JSONNumber(maximum=1, minimum=0)
    orient = Orient()
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gradientWidth = jst.JSONNumber(help='The width of the gradient, in pixels.')
    labelAlign = jst.JSONString(help='The alignment of the legend label, can be left, middle or right.')
    labelBaseline = jst.JSONString(help='The position of the baseline of legend label, can be top, middle [...]')
    labelColor = jst.JSONString(help='The color of the legend label, can be in hex color code or [...]')
    labelFont = jst.JSONString(help='The font of the legend label.')
    labelFontSize = jst.JSONNumber(help='The font size of legend label.')
    labelOffset = jst.JSONNumber(help='The offset of the legend label.')
    margin = jst.JSONNumber(help='The margin around the legend, in pixels')
    offset = jst.JSONNumber(help='The offset, in pixels, by which to displace the legend from the [...]')
    orient = jst.JSONString(help='The orientation of the legend. One of "left" or "right". This [...]')
    padding = jst.JSONNumber(help='The padding, in pixels, between the legend and axis.')
    properties = jst.JSONInstance(T.MetaHasTraits('Mapping', (jst.JSONHasTraits,), {'_additional_traits': True, '_required_traits': []}), help='Optional mark property definitions for custom legend styling.')
    shortTimeLabels = jst.JSONBoolean(help='Whether month names and weekday names should be abbreviated.')
    symbolColor = jst.JSONString(help='The color of the legend symbol,')
    symbolShape = jst.JSONString(help="The shape of the legend symbol, can be the 'circle', 'square', [...]")
    symbolSize = jst.JSONNumber(help='The size of the legend symbol, in pixels.')
    symbolStrokeWidth = jst.JSONNumber(help="The width of the symbol's stroke.", minimum=0)
    title = jst.JSONString(help='A title for the legend. (Shows field name and its function by [...]')
    titleColor = jst.JSONString(help='Optional mark property definitions for custom legend styling. [...]')
    titleFont = jst.JSONString(help='The font of the legend title.')
    titleFontSize = jst.JSONNumber(help='The font size of the legend title.')
    titleFontWeight = jst.JSONString(help='The font weight of the legend title.')
    values = jst.JSONAnyOf([jst.JSONArray(jst.JSONNumber()), jst.JSONArray(jst.JSONString()), jst.JSONArray(jst.JSONInstance(_localname('DateTime')))], help='Explicitly set the visible legend values.')

    def __init__(self, format=jst.undefined, gradientHeight=jst.undefined, gradientStrokeColor=jst.undefined, gradientStrokeWidth=jst.undefined, gradientWidth=jst.undefined, labelAlign=jst.undefined, labelBaseline=jst.undefined, labelColor=jst.undefined, labelFont=jst.undefined, labelFontSize=jst.undefined, labelOffset=jst.undefined, margin=jst.undefined, offset=jst.undefined, orient=jst.undefined, padding=jst.undefined, properties=jst.undefined, shortTimeLabels=jst.undefined, symbolColor=jst.undefined, symbolShape=jst.undefined, symbolSize=jst.undefined, symbolStrokeWidth=jst.undefined, title=jst.undefined, titleColor=jst.undefined, titleFont=jst.undefined, titleFontSize=jst.undefined, titleFontWeight=jst.undefined, values=jst.undefined, **kwargs):
        kwds = dict(format=format, gradientHeight=gradientHeight, gradientStrokeColor=gradientStrokeColor, gradientStrokeWidth=gradientStrokeWidth, gradientWidth=gradientWidth, labelAlign=labelAlign, labelBaseline=labelBaseline, labelColor=labelColor, labelFont=labelFont, labelFontSize=labelFontSize, labelOffset=labelOffset, margin=margin, offset=offset, orient=orient, padding=padding, properties=properties, shortTimeLabels=shortTimeLabels, symbolColor=symbolColor, symbolShape=symbolShape, symbolSize=symbolSize, symbolStrokeWidth=symbolStrokeWidth, title=title, titleColor=titleColor, titleFont=titleFont, titleFontSize=titleFontSize, titleFontWeight=titleFontWeight, values=values)
        kwargs.update({k:v for k, v in kwds.items() if v is not jst.undefined})
        super(Legend, self).__init__(**kwargs)

class LegendConfig(jst.JSONHasTraits):
    """LegendConfig class
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Integer value representing second segment of a time from 0-59.
    year : number
        Integer value representing the year.
    _additional_traits = True
    _required_traits = []
    _trait_name_map = {}
    date = jst.JSONNumber(help='Integer value representing the date from 1-31.', maximum=31, minimum=1)
    day = jst.JSONUnion([jst.JSONNumber(), jst.JSONString()], help='Value representing the day of week. This can be one of: (1) [...]')
    hours = jst.JSONNumber(help='Integer value representing the hour of day from 0-23.', maximum=23, minimum=0)
    milliseconds = jst.JSONNumber(help='Integer value representing millisecond segment of a time.', maximum=999, minimum=0)
    minutes = jst.JSONNumber(help='Integer value representing minute segment of a time from 0-59.', maximum=59, minimum=0)
    month = jst.JSONUnion([jst.JSONNumber(), jst.JSONString()], help='One of: (1) integer value representing the month from `1`-`12`. [...]')
    quarter = jst.JSONNumber(help='Integer value representing the quarter of the year (from 1-4).', maximum=4, minimum=1)
    seconds = jst.JSONNumber(help='Integer value representing second segment of a time from 0-59.', maximum=59, minimum=0)
    year = jst.JSONNumber(help='Integer value representing the year.')

    def __init__(self, date=jst.undefined, day=jst.undefined, hours=jst.undefined, milliseconds=jst.undefined, minutes=jst.undefined, month=jst.undefined, quarter=jst.undefined, seconds=jst.undefined, year=jst.undefined, **kwargs):
        kwds = dict(date=date, day=day, hours=hours, milliseconds=milliseconds, minutes=minutes, month=month, quarter=quarter, seconds=seconds, year=year)
        kwargs.update({k:v for k, v in kwds.items() if v is not jst.undefined})
        super(DateTime, self).__init__(**kwargs)

class Encoding(jst.JSONHasTraits):
    """Encoding class


    color : ChannelDefWithLegend
        Color of the marks – either fill or stroke color based on mark
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minstep : number
        A minimum allowable step size (particularly useful for integer
    step : number
        An exact step size to use between bins. If provided, options
        such as maxbins will be ignored.
    steps : Array(number)
        An array of allowable step sizes to choose from.
    _additional_traits = True
    _required_traits = []
    _trait_name_map = {}
    base = jst.JSONNumber(help='The number base to use for automatic bin determination (default [...]')
    div = jst.JSONArray(jst.JSONNumber(), help='Scale factors indicating allowable subdivisions. The default [...]')
    max = jst.JSONNumber(help='The maximum bin value to consider. If unspecified, the maximum [...]')
    maxbins = jst.JSONNumber(help='Maximum number of bins.', minimum=2)
    min = jst.JSONNumber(help='The minimum bin value to consider. If unspecified, the minimum [...]')
    minstep = jst.JSONNumber(help='A minimum allowable step size (particularly useful for integer [...]')
    step = jst.JSONNumber(help='An exact step size to use between bins. If provided, options [...]')
    steps = jst.JSONArray(jst.JSONNumber(), help='An array of allowable step sizes to choose from.')

    def __init__(self, base=jst.undefined, div=jst.undefined, max=jst.undefined, maxbins=jst.undefined, min=jst.undefined, minstep=jst.undefined, step=jst.undefined, steps=jst.undefined, **kwargs):
        kwds = dict(base=base, div=div, max=max, maxbins=maxbins, min=min, minstep=minstep, step=step, steps=steps)
        kwargs.update({k:v for k, v in kwds.items() if v is not jst.undefined})
        super(Bin, self).__init__(**kwargs)

class CellConfig(jst.JSONHasTraits):
    """CellConfig class
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Weight of the title.
    titleMaxLength : number
        Max length for axis title if the title is automatically
        generated from the field's description. By default, this is
        automatically based on cell size and characterWidth property.
    titleOffset : number
        A title offset value for the axis.
    values : AnyOf([Array(number), Array(DateTime)])
    _additional_traits = True
    _required_traits = []
    _trait_name_map = {}
    axisColor = jst.JSONString(help='Color of axis line.')
    axisWidth = jst.JSONNumber(help='Width of the axis line')
    characterWidth = jst.JSONNumber(help='Character width for automatically determining title max length.')
    format = jst.JSONString(help='The formatting pattern for axis labels.')
    grid = jst.JSONBoolean(help='A flag indicate if gridlines should be created in addition to [...]')
    gridColor = jst.JSONString(help='Color of gridlines.')
    gridDash = jst.JSONArray(jst.JSONNumber(), help='The offset (in pixels) into which to begin drawing with the grid [...]')
    gridOpacity = jst.JSONNumber(help='The stroke opacity of grid (value between [0,1])')
    gridWidth = jst.JSONNumber(help='The grid width, in pixels.')
    labelAlign = jst.JSONString(help='Text alignment for the Label.')
    labelAngle = jst.JSONNumber(help='The rotation angle of the axis labels.')
    labelBaseline = jst.JSONString(help='Text baseline for the label.')
    labelMaxLength = jst.JSONNumber(help='Truncate labels that are too long.', minimum=1)
    labels = jst.JSONBoolean(help='Enable or disable labels.')
    layer = jst.JSONString(help='A string indicating if the axis (and any gridlines) should be [...]')
    offset = jst.JSONNumber(help='The offset, in pixels, by which to displace the axis from the [...]')
    orient = AxisOrient()
    properties = jst.JSONInstance(T.MetaHasTraits('Mapping', (jst.JSONHasTraits,), {'_additional_traits': True, '_required_traits': []}), help='Optional mark property definitions for custom axis styling.')
    shortTimeLabels = jst.JSONBoolean(help='Whether month and day names should be abbreviated.')
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orient = Orient()
    radius = jst.JSONNumber(help='Polar coordinate radial offset, in pixels, of the text label [...]')
    ruleSize = jst.JSONNumber(help='Size of rule mark.')
    shape = jst.JSONAnyOf([Shape(), jst.JSONString()], help='The symbol shape to use. One of circle (default), square, cross, [...]')
    shortTimeLabels = jst.JSONBoolean(help='Whether month names and weekday names should be abbreviated.')
    size = jst.JSONNumber(help='The pixel area each the point. For example: in the case of [...]')
    stacked = StackOffset()
    stroke = jst.JSONString(help='Default Stroke Color. This has higher precedence than config.color')
    strokeDash = jst.JSONArray(jst.JSONNumber(), help='An array of alternating stroke, space lengths for creating [...]')
    strokeDashOffset = jst.JSONNumber(help='The offset (in pixels) into which to begin drawing with the [...]')
    strokeOpacity = jst.JSONNumber(maximum=1, minimum=0)
    strokeWidth = jst.JSONNumber(minimum=0)
    tension = jst.JSONNumber(help='Depending on the interpolation type, sets the tension parameter.')
    text = jst.JSONString(help='Placeholder Text')
    theta = jst.JSONNumber(help='Polar coordinate angle, in radians, of the text label from the [...]')
    tickSize = jst.JSONNumber(help='The width of the ticks.')
    tickThickness = jst.JSONNumber(help='Thickness of the tick mark.')

    def __init__(self, align=jst.undefined, angle=jst.undefined, applyColorToBackground=jst.undefined, barSize=jst.undefined, barThinSize=jst.undefined, baseline=jst.undefined, color=jst.undefined, dx=jst.undefined, dy=jst.undefined, fill=jst.undefined, fillOpacity=jst.undefined, filled=jst.undefined, font=jst.undefined, fontSize=jst.undefined, fontStyle=jst.undefined, fontWeight=jst.undefined, format=jst.undefined, interpolate=jst.undefined, lineSize=jst.undefined, opacity=jst.undefined, orient=jst.undefined, radius=jst.undefined, ruleSize=jst.undefined, shape=jst.undefined, shortTimeLabels=jst.undefined, size=jst.undefined, stacked=jst.undefined, stroke=jst.undefined, strokeDash=jst.undefined, strokeDashOffset=jst.undefined, strokeOpacity=jst.undefined, strokeWidth=jst.undefined, tension=jst.undefined, text=jst.undefined, theta=jst.undefined, tickSize=jst.undefined, tickThickness=jst.undefined, **kwargs):
        kwds = dict(align=align, angle=angle, applyColorToBackground=applyColorToBackground, barSize=barSize, barThinSize=barThinSize, baseline=baseline, color=color, dx=dx, dy=dy, fill=fill, fillOpacity=fillOpacity, filled=filled, font=font, fontSize=fontSize, fontStyle=fontStyle, fontWeight=fontWeight, format=format, interpolate=interpolate, lineSize=lineSize, opacity=opacity, orient=orient, radius=radius, ruleSize=ruleSize, shape=shape, shortTimeLabels=shortTimeLabels, size=size, stacked=stacked, stroke=stroke, strokeDash=strokeDash, strokeDashOffset=strokeDashOffset, strokeOpacity=strokeOpacity, strokeWidth=strokeWidth, tension=tension, text=text, theta=theta, tickSize=tickSize, tickThickness=tickThickness)
        kwargs.update({k:v for k, v in kwds.items() if v is not jst.undefined})
        super(MarkConfig, self).__init__(**kwargs)

class OneOfFilter(jst.JSONHasTraits):
    """OneOfFilter class


    field : string
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_trait_name_map = {}
    format = jst.JSONString(help='An optional formatting pattern for legend labels. Vega uses [...]')
    gradientHeight = jst.JSONNumber(help='The height of the gradient, in pixels.')
    gradientStrokeColor = jst.JSONString(help='The color of the gradient stroke, can be in hex color code or [...]')
    gradientStrokeWidth = jst.JSONNumber(help='The width of the gradient stroke, in pixels.')
    gradientWidth = jst.JSONNumber(help='The width of the gradient, in pixels.')
    labelAlign = jst.JSONString(help='The alignment of the legend label, can be left, middle or right.')
    labelBaseline = jst.JSONString(help='The position of the baseline of legend label, can be top, middle [...]')
    labelColor = jst.JSONString(help='The color of the legend label, can be in hex color code or [...]')
    labelFont = jst.JSONString(help='The font of the legend label.')
    labelFontSize = jst.JSONNumber(help='The font size of legend label.')
    labelOffset = jst.JSONNumber(help='The offset of the legend label.')
    margin = jst.JSONNumber(help='The margin around the legend, in pixels')
    offset = jst.JSONNumber(help='The offset, in pixels, by which to displace the legend from the [...]')
    orient = jst.JSONString(help='The orientation of the legend. One of "left" or "right". This [...]')
    padding = jst.JSONNumber(help='The padding, in pixels, between the legend and axis.')
    properties = jst.JSONInstance(T.MetaHasTraits('Mapping', (jst.JSONHasTraits,), {'_additional_traits': True, '_required_traits': []}), help='Optional mark property definitions for custom legend styling.')
    shortTimeLabels = jst.JSONBoolean(help='Whether month names and weekday names should be abbreviated.')
    symbolColor = jst.JSONString(help='The color of the legend symbol,')
    symbolShape = jst.JSONString(help="The shape of the legend symbol, can be the 'circle', 'square', [...]")
    symbolSize = jst.JSONNumber(help='The size of the legend symbol, in pixels.')
    symbolStrokeWidth = jst.JSONNumber(help="The width of the symbol's stroke.", minimum=0)
    title = jst.JSONString(help='A title for the legend. (Shows field name and its function by [...]')
    titleColor = jst.JSONString(help='Optional mark property definitions for custom legend styling. [...]')
    titleFont = jst.JSONString(help='The font of the legend title.')
    titleFontSize = jst.JSONNumber(help='The font size of the legend title.')
    titleFontWeight = jst.JSONString(help='The font weight of the legend title.')
    values = jst.JSONAnyOf([jst.JSONArray(jst.JSONNumber()), jst.JSONArray(jst.JSONString()), jst.JSONArray(jst.JSONInstance(_localname('DateTime')))], help='Explicitly set the visible legend values.')

    def __init__(self, format=jst.undefined, gradientHeight=jst.undefined, gradientStrokeColor=jst.undefined, gradientStrokeWidth=jst.undefined, gradientWidth=jst.undefined, labelAlign=jst.undefined, labelBaseline=jst.undefined, labelColor=jst.undefined, labelFont=jst.undefined, labelFontSize=jst.undefined, labelOffset=jst.undefined, margin=jst.undefined, offset=jst.undefined, orient=jst.undefined, padding=jst.undefined, properties=jst.undefined, shortTimeLabels=jst.undefined, symbolColor=jst.undefined, symbolShape=jst.undefined, symbolSize=jst.undefined, symbolStrokeWidth=jst.undefined, title=jst.undefined, titleColor=jst.undefined, titleFont=jst.undefined, titleFontSize=jst.undefined, titleFontWeight=jst.undefined, values=jst.undefined, **kwargs):
        kwds = dict(format=format, gradientHeight=gradientHeight, gradientStrokeColor=gradientStrokeColor, gradientStrokeWidth=gradientStrokeWidth, gradientWidth=gradientWidth, labelAlign=labelAlign, labelBaseline=labelBaseline, labelColor=labelColor, labelFont=labelFont, labelFontSize=labelFontSize, labelOffset=labelOffset, margin=margin, offset=offset, orient=orient, padding=padding, properties=properties, shortTimeLabels=shortTimeLabels, symbolColor=symbolColor, symbolShape=symbolShape, symbolSize=symbolSize, symbolStrokeWidth=symbolStrokeWidth, title=title, titleColor=titleColor, titleFont=titleFont, titleFontSize=titleFontSize, titleFontWeight=titleFontWeight, values=values)
        kwargs.update({k:v for k, v in kwds.items() if v is not jst.undefined})
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_additional_traits = True
    _required_traits = []
    _trait_name_map = {}
    axisColor = jst.JSONString(help='Color of axis line.')
    axisWidth = jst.JSONNumber(help='Width of the axis line')
    characterWidth = jst.JSONNumber(help='Character width for automatically determining title max length.')
    format = jst.JSONString(help='The formatting pattern for axis labels.')
    grid = jst.JSONBoolean(help='A flag indicate if gridlines should be created in addition to [...]')
    gridColor = jst.JSONString(help='Color of gridlines.')
    gridDash = jst.JSONArray(jst.JSONNumber(), help='The offset (in pixels) into which to begin drawing with the grid [...]')
    gridOpacity = jst.JSONNumber(help='The stroke opacity of grid (value between [0,1])')
    gridWidth = jst.JSONNumber(help='The grid width, in pixels.')
    labelAlign = jst.JSONString(help='Text alignment for the Label.')
    labelAngle = jst.JSONNumber(help='The rotation angle of the axis labels.')
    labelBaseline = jst.JSONString(help='Text baseline for the label.')
    labelMaxLength = jst.JSONNumber(help='Truncate labels that are too long.', minimum=1)
    labels = jst.JSONBoolean(help='Enable or disable labels.')
    layer = jst.JSONString(help='A string indicating if the axis (and any gridlines) should be [...]')
    offset = jst.JSONNumber(help='The offset, in pixels, by which to displace the axis from the [...]')
    orient = AxisOrient()
    properties = jst.JSONInstance(T.MetaHasTraits('Mapping', (jst.JSONHasTraits,), {'_additional_traits': True, '_required_traits': []}), help='Optional mark property definitions for custom axis styling.')
    shortTimeLabels = jst.JSONBoolean(help='Whether month and day names should be abbreviated.')
    subdivide = jst.JSONNumber(help='If provided, sets the number of minor ticks between major ticks [...]')
    tickColor = jst.JSONString(help="The color of the axis's tick.")
    tickLabelColor = jst.JSONString(help='The color of the tick label, can be in hex color code or regular [...]')
    tickLabelFont = jst.JSONString(help='The font of the tick label.')
    tickLabelFontSize = jst.JSONNumber(help='The font size of label, in pixels.')
    tickPadding = jst.JSONNumber(help='The padding, in pixels, between ticks and text labels.')
    tickSize = jst.JSONNumber(help='The size, in pixels, of major, minor and end ticks.', minimum=0)
    tickSizeEnd = jst.JSONNumber(help='The size, in pixels, of end ticks.', minimum=0)
    tickSizeMajor = jst.JSONNumber(help='The size, in pixels, of major ticks.', minimum=0)
    tickSizeMinor = jst.JSONNumber(help='The size, in pixels, of minor ticks.', minimum=0)
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Thickness of the tick mark.
    _additional_traits = True
    _required_traits = []
    _trait_name_map = {}
    align = HorizontalAlign()
    angle = jst.JSONNumber(help='The rotation angle of the text, in degrees.')
    applyColorToBackground = jst.JSONBoolean(help='Apply color field to background color instead of the text.')
    barSize = jst.JSONNumber(help='The size of the bars. If unspecified, the default size is [...]')
    barThinSize = jst.JSONNumber(help='The size of the bars on continuous scales.')
    baseline = VerticalAlign()
    color = jst.JSONString(help='Default color.')
    dx = jst.JSONNumber(help='The horizontal offset, in pixels, between the text label and its [...]')
    dy = jst.JSONNumber(help='The vertical offset, in pixels, between the text label and its [...]')
    fill = jst.JSONString(help='Default Fill Color. This has higher precedence than config.color')
    fillOpacity = jst.JSONNumber(maximum=1, minimum=0)
    filled = jst.JSONBoolean(help="Whether the shape\\'s color should be used as fill color instead [...]")
    font = jst.JSONString(help='The typeface to set the text in (e.g., Helvetica Neue).')
    fontSize = jst.JSONNumber(help='The font size, in pixels.')
    fontStyle = FontStyle()
    fontWeight = FontWeight()
    format = jst.JSONString(help='The formatting pattern for text value. If not defined, this will [...]')
    interpolate = Interpolate()
    lineSize = jst.JSONNumber(help='Size of line mark.')
    opacity = jst.JSONNumber(maximum=1, minimum=0)
    orient = Orient()
    radius = jst.JSONNumber(help='Polar coordinate radial offset, in pixels, of the text label [...]')
    ruleSize = jst.JSONNumber(help='Size of rule mark.')
    shape = jst.JSONAnyOf([Shape(), jst.JSONString()], help='The symbol shape to use. One of circle (default), square, cross, [...]')
    shortTimeLabels = jst.JSONBoolean(help='Whether month names and weekday names should be abbreviated.')
    size = jst.JSONNumber(help='The pixel area each the point. For example: in the case of [...]')
    stacked = StackOffset()