How to use the airsim.client.ImageRequest function in airsim

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github nesl / UnrealAirSimDRL / Deep_Reinforcement_Learning / Library / ClientAirSimEnvironments / View on Github external
vel[0] - self.initial_velocity[vn][0],
                                                    vel[1] - self.initial_velocity[vn][1],
                                                    vel[2] - self.initial_velocity[vn][2],
                                                    acc[0], acc[1], acc[2],
                                                    angVel[0], angVel[1], angVel[2],
                                                    angAcc[0], angAcc[1], angAcc[2]])
        # Posx, Posy, PosZ, Vx, Vy, Vz, Ax, Ay, Az, AngVelx, AngVely, AngVelz, AngAccx, AngAccy, AngAccz 
        # Construct the Images State Vector
        # Order is Front Center, Front Right, Front Left
        for vn in self.vehicle_names:
            if (self.image_mask_FC_FR_FL[0] and  self.image_mask_FC_FR_FL[1] and  self.image_mask_FC_FR_FL[2]): 
                images = self.client.simGetImages([client.ImageRequest("0", client.ImageType.Scene, False, False), # Front Center
                client.ImageRequest("1", client.ImageType.Scene, False, False), # Front Right
                client.ImageRequest("2", client.ImageType.Scene, False, False)], vehicle_name = vn) # Front Left
                img1d_FC = np.fromstring(images[0].image_data_uint8, dtype=np.uint8) 
                img_rgba_FC = np.array(img1d_FC.reshape(images[0].height, images[0].width, 4), dtype = np.uint8)
                img_rgb_FC = img_rgba_FC[:,:,0:3]
                img1d_FR = np.fromstring(images[1].image_data_uint8, dtype=np.uint8) 
                img_rgba_FR = np.array(img1d_FR.reshape(images[1].height, images[1].width, 4), dtype = np.uint8)
                img_rgb_FR = img_rgba_FR[:,:,0:3]
                img1d_FL = np.fromstring(images[2].image_data_uint8, dtype=np.uint8) 
                img_rgba_FL = np.array(img1d_FL.reshape(images[2].height, images[2].width, 4), dtype = np.uint8)
                img_rgb_FL = img_rgba_FL[:,:,0:3]
github nesl / UnrealAirSimDRL / Deep_Reinforcement_Learning / Library / ClientAirSimEnvironments / View on Github external
def get_new_images(self):
        # Wait to grad images
        tic = time.time()
        if (self.image_mask_FC_FR_FL[0] and  self.image_mask_FC_FR_FL[1] and  self.image_mask_FC_FR_FL[2]): 

            images = self.client.simGetImages([
            client.ImageRequest("0", client.ImageType.Scene, False, False), # Front Center
            client.ImageRequest("1", client.ImageType.Scene, False, False), # Front Right
            client.ImageRequest("2", client.ImageType.Scene, False, False)]) # Front Left
            img1d_FC = np.fromstring(images[0].image_data_uint8, dtype=np.uint8) 
            img_rgba_FC = np.array(img1d_FC.reshape(images[0].height, images[0].width, 4), dtype = np.uint8)
            img_rgb_FC = img_rgba_FC[:,:,0:3]
            img1d_FR = np.fromstring(images[1].image_data_uint8, dtype=np.uint8) 
            img_rgba_FR = np.array(img1d_FR.reshape(images[1].height, images[1].width, 4), dtype = np.uint8)
            img_rgb_FR = img_rgba_FR[:,:,0:3]
            img1d_FL = np.fromstring(images[2].image_data_uint8, dtype=np.uint8) 
            img_rgba_FL = np.array(img1d_FL.reshape(images[2].height, images[2].width, 4), dtype = np.uint8)
            img_rgb_FL = img_rgba_FL[:,:,0:3]
            # Can either use the RGBA images or the RGB Images
            self.images_rgba = np.dstack((img_rgba_FC,img_rgba_FR,img_rgba_FL))
github nesl / UnrealAirSimDRL / Deep_Reinforcement_Learning / Library / ClientAirSimEnvironments / View on Github external
img1d_FR = np.fromstring(images[1].image_data_uint8, dtype=np.uint8) 
            img_rgba_FR = np.array(img1d_FR.reshape(images[1].height, images[1].width, 4), dtype = np.uint8)
            img_rgb_FR = img_rgba_FR[:,:,0:3]
            img1d_FL = np.fromstring(images[2].image_data_uint8, dtype=np.uint8) 
            img_rgba_FL = np.array(img1d_FL.reshape(images[2].height, images[2].width, 4), dtype = np.uint8)
            img_rgb_FL = img_rgba_FL[:,:,0:3]
            # Can either use the RGBA images or the RGB Images
            self.images_rgba = np.dstack((img_rgba_FC,img_rgba_FR,img_rgba_FL))
            self.images_rgb = np.dstack((img_rgb_FC,img_rgb_FR,img_rgb_FL))
            self.time_to_grab_images = time.time() - tic
        # We Just want front view      
        elif (self.image_mask_FC_FR_FL[0] and not self.image_mask_FC_FR_FL[1] and not self.image_mask_FC_FR_FL[2]): 
            images = self.client.simGetImages([client.ImageRequest("0", client.ImageType.Scene, False, False)]) # Front Center
            img1d_FC = np.fromstring(images[0].image_data_uint8, dtype=np.uint8) 
            img_rgba_FC = np.array(img1d_FC.reshape(images[0].height, images[0].width, 4), dtype = np.uint8)
            img_rgb_FC = img_rgba_FC[:,:,0:3]
            self.images_rgba = img_rgba_FC
            self.images_rgb = img_rgb_FC
            self.time_to_grab_images = time.time() - tic