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def guessClass(self, t):
t = t.upper()
if t.find('INT') >= 0:
return col.IntCol, {}
elif t.find('TEXT') >= 0 or t.find('CHAR') >= 0 or t.find('CLOB') >= 0:
return col.StringCol, {'length': 2**32-1}
elif t.find('BLOB') >= 0:
return col.BLOBCol, {"length": 2**32-1}
elif t.find('REAL') >= 0 or t.find('FLOAT') >= 0:
return col.FloatCol, {}
elif t.find('DECIMAL') >= 0:
return col.DecimalCol, {'size': None, 'precision': None}
elif t.find('BOOL') >= 0:
return col.BoolCol, {}
return col.Col, {}
return col.IntCol, {}
elif t == 'integer': # -2,147,483,648 to +2,147,483,647, 32 bits
return col.IntCol, {}
elif t == 'bigint': # -2^63 to 2^63-1 or -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807, 64 bits
return col.IntCol, {}
elif t == 'float': # 32 bits, 3.4x10^-38 to 3.4x10^38, 7 digit precision (7 significant decimals)
return col.FloatCol, {}
elif t == 'double': # 64 bits, 1.7x10^-308 to 1.7x10^308, 15 digit precision (15 significant decimals)
return col.FloatCol, {}
elif t == 'numeric': # Numeric and Decimal are internally stored as smallint, integer or bigint depending on the size. They can handle up to 18 digits.
if (not flength or not fscale): # If neither PRECISION nor SCALE are specified, Firebird/InterBase defines the column as INTEGER instead of NUMERIC and stores only the integer portion of the value
return col.IntCol, {}
return col.DecimalCol, {'size': flength, 'precision': fscale} # check if negative values are allowed for fscale
elif t == 'decimal': # Numeric and Decimal are internally stored as smallint, integer or bigint depending on the size. They can handle up to 18 digits.
return col.DecimalCol, {'size': flength, 'precision': fscale} # check if negative values are allowed for fscale
elif t == 'date': # 32 bits, 1 Jan 100. to 29 Feb 32768.
return col.DateCol, {}
elif t == 'time': # 32 bits, 00:00 to 23:59.9999
return col.TimeCol, {}
elif t == 'timestamp': # 64 bits, 1 Jan 100 to 28 Feb 32768.
return col.DateTimeCol, {}
elif t == 'char': # 32767 bytes
if fCharset and (fCharset != "NONE"):
return col.UnicodeCol, {'length': flength, 'varchar': False, 'dbEncoding': fCharset}
elif self.dbEncoding:
return col.UnicodeCol, {'length': flength, 'varchar': False, 'dbEncoding': self.dbEncoding}
return col.StringCol, {'length': flength, 'varchar': False}
elif t == 'varchar': # 32767 bytes
if fCharset and (fCharset != "NONE"):
return col.UnicodeCol, {'length': flength, 'varchar': True, 'dbEncoding': fCharset}
def guessClass(self, t, size, precision, scale):
Here we take raw values coming out of syscolumns
and map to SQLObject class types.
if t.startswith('int'):
return col.IntCol, {}
elif t.startswith('varchar'):
if self.usingUnicodeStrings:
return col.UnicodeCol, {'length': size}
return col.StringCol, {'length': size}
elif t.startswith('char'):
if self.usingUnicodeStrings:
return col.UnicodeCol, {'length': size,
'varchar': False}
return col.StringCol, {'length': size,
'varchar': False}
elif t.startswith('datetime'):
return col.DateTimeCol, {}
elif t.startswith('decimal'):
# be careful for awkward naming
return col.DecimalCol, {'size': precision,
'precision': scale}
def guessClass(self, t, flength, fscale=None):
An internal method that tries to figure out what Col subclass
is appropriate given whatever introspective information is
available -- both very database-specific.
if t in self._numericTypes:
return col.IntCol, {}
# The type returned by the sapdb library for LONG is
# SapDB_LongReader To get the data call the read member with
# desired size (default =-1 means get all)
elif t.find('LONG') != -1:
return col.StringCol, {'length': flength,
'varchar': False}
elif t in self._dateTypes:
return col.DateTimeCol, {}
elif t == 'FIXED':
return CurrencyCol,{'size':flength,
return col.Col, {}
elif t.startswith('tinytext'):
return col.StringCol, {"length": 2**8-1, "varchar": True}
elif t.startswith('blob'):
return col.BLOBCol, {"length": 2**16-1}
elif t.startswith('text'):
return col.StringCol, {"length": 2**16-1, "varchar": True}
elif t.startswith('mediumblob'):
return col.BLOBCol, {"length": 2**24-1}
elif t.startswith('mediumtext'):
return col.StringCol, {"length": 2**24-1, "varchar": True}
elif t.startswith('longblob'):
return col.BLOBCol, {"length": 2**32}
elif t.startswith('longtext'):
return col.StringCol, {"length": 2**32, "varchar": True}
return col.Col, {}
def guessClass(self, t, size, precision, scale):
Here we take raw values coming out of syscolumns and map to SQLObject class types.
if t.startswith('int'):
return col.IntCol, {}
elif t.startswith('varchar'):
if self.usingUnicodeStrings:
return col.UnicodeCol, {'length': size}
return col.StringCol, {'length': size}
elif t.startswith('char'):
if self.usingUnicodeStrings:
return col.UnicodeCol, {'length': size,
'varchar': False}
return col.StringCol, {'length': size,
'varchar': False}
elif t.startswith('datetime'):
return col.DateTimeCol, {}
elif t.startswith('decimal'):
return col.DecimalCol, {'size': precision, # be careful for awkward naming
'precision': scale}
return col.Col, {}
if kw.get("ncli"):
conn_str = "Provider=SQLNCLI;"
conn_str = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;"
conn_str += "Data Source=%s;Initial Catalog=%s;"
# MSDE does not allow SQL server login
if kw.get("sspi"):
conn_str += "Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False"
self.make_conn_str = lambda keys: [conn_str % (, keys.db)]
conn_str += "User Id=%s;Password=%s"
self.make_conn_str = lambda keys: [conn_str % (, keys.db, keys.user, keys.password)]
col.popKey(kw, "sspi")
col.popKey(kw, "ncli")
except ImportError: # raise the exceptions other than ImportError for adodbapi absence
import pymssql as sqlmodule
self.dbconnection = sqlmodule.connect
sqlmodule.Binary = lambda st: str(st)
# don't know whether pymssql uses unicode
self.usingUnicodeStrings = False
self.make_conn_str = lambda keys: \
["", keys.user, keys.password,, keys.db]
self.autoCommit=int(autoCommit) = host
self.db = db
self.user = user
self.password = password
self.limit_re = re.compile('^\s*(select )(.*)', re.IGNORECASE)
def guessClass(self, t, size, precision, scale):
Here we take raw values coming out of syscolumns and map to SQLObject class types.
if t.startswith('int'):
return col.IntCol, {}
elif t.startswith('varchar'):
if self.usingUnicodeStrings:
return col.UnicodeCol, {'length': size}
return col.StringCol, {'length': size}
elif t.startswith('char'):
if self.usingUnicodeStrings:
return col.UnicodeCol, {'length': size,
'varchar': False}
return col.StringCol, {'length': size,
'varchar': False}
elif t.startswith('datetime'):
return col.DateTimeCol, {}
elif t.startswith('decimal'):
return col.DecimalCol, {'size': precision, # be careful for awkward naming
'precision': scale}