How to use the sqlobject.StringCol function in SQLObject

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few SQLObject examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github stoq / stoq / stoq / domain / View on Github external
class FancySellable:
    """A fancy class used by some kiwi entries."""
    # XXX Probably we could avoid this class with some kiwi improvements
    # waiting for bug 2365.

    def __init__(self, price=0.0, quantity=1.0, unit=None):
        self.price = price
        self.quantity = quantity
        self.unit = unit

    def get_unit_description(self):
        return self.unit and self.unit.description or ""

class AbstractSellableCategory(Domain):
    description = StringCol()
    suggested_markup = FloatCol(default=0.0)

    # A percentage commission suggested for all the sales which products
    # belongs to this category or base category
    salesperson_commission = FloatCol(default=0.0)

    def get_commission(self):
        return self.salesperson_commission

class BaseSellableCategory(Domain):
    category_data = ForeignKey('AbstractSellableCategory')


    def get_commission(self):
github stoq / stoq / stoq / domain / payment / View on Github external
STATUS_REVIEWING:   _('Reviewing'),
                STATUS_CONFIRMED:   _('Confirmed'),
                STATUS_CANCELLED:   _('Cancelled')}

    # XXX The payment_id attribute will be an alternateID after 
    # fixing bug 2214
    payment_id = IntCol(default=None)
    status = IntCol(default=STATUS_PREVIEW)
    due_date = DateTimeCol()
    paid_date = DateTimeCol(default=None)
    paid_value = FloatCol(default=0.0)
    base_value = FloatCol()
    value = FloatCol()
    interest = FloatCol(default=0.0)
    discount = FloatCol(default=0.0)
    description = StringCol(default=None)
    payment_number = StringCol(default=None)

    method = ForeignKey('AbstractPaymentMethodAdapter')
    method_details = ForeignKey('PaymentMethodDetails', default=None)
    group = ForeignKey('AbstractPaymentGroup')
    destination = ForeignKey('PaymentDestination')

    # SQLObject hooks

    def _create(self, id, **kw):
        if not 'value' in kw:
            raise TypeError('You must provide a value argument')
        if not 'base_value' in kw or not kw['base_value']:
github stoq / kiwi / examples / View on Github external
import datetime

import gtk
from sqlobject import connectionForURI, SQLObject, StringCol, DateCol, ForeignKey, AND

from kiwi.enums import SearchFilterPosition
from kiwi.db.sqlobj import SQLObjectQueryExecuter
from kiwi.ui.objectlist import Column
from import (SearchContainer, DateSearchFilter,

__connection__ = connectionForURI('sqlite:///:memory:')

class Category(SQLObject):
    name = StringCol()

class Task(SQLObject):
    title = StringCol()
    category = ForeignKey('Category')
    date = DateCol()

for category in ['Work',

work = Category.selectBy(name='Work')[0]
home = Category.selectBy(name='Home')[0]
github stoq / stoq / stoq / domain / View on Github external
    name = StringCol()
    short_name = StringCol()
    compensation_code = StringCol()

class BankAccount(Domain):
    """A bank account definition.

    B{Important atributes}:
        - I{bank_id}: the bank identifier.
        - I{branch}: the bank branch where this account lives.
        - I{account}: an identifier of this account in the branch.
    bank_id = IntCol(default=0)
    branch = StringCol(default=None)
    account = StringCol(default=None)
github stoq / kiwi / examples / View on Github external
from kiwi.enums import SearchFilterPosition
from kiwi.db.sqlobj import SQLObjectQueryExecuter
from kiwi.ui.objectlist import Column
from import (SearchContainer, DateSearchFilter,

__connection__ = connectionForURI('sqlite:///:memory:')

class Category(SQLObject):
    name = StringCol()

class Task(SQLObject):
    title = StringCol()
    category = ForeignKey('Category')
    date = DateCol()

for category in ['Work',

work = Category.selectBy(name='Work')[0]
home = Category.selectBy(name='Home')[0]
school = Category.selectBy(name='School')[0]

today =
for title, category, date in [
    ('Upgrade web server', work, today - datetime.timedelta(1)),
github saghul / TunnelIt / tunnelit / View on Github external
from application import log
from application.python import Null
from application.python.types import Singleton
from sqlobject import connectionForURI, sqlhub, IntCol, SQLObject, StringCol
from twisted.internet.threads import deferToThread

def defer_to_thread(func):
    """Decorator to run DB queries in Twisted's thread pool"""
    def wrapper(*args, **kw):
        return deferToThread(func, *args, **kw)
    return wrapper

class Users(SQLObject):
    username = StringCol()

class UserKeys(SQLObject):
    user_id = IntCol()
    key = StringCol(sqlType='LONGTEXT')

class DatabaseError(Exception): pass

class Database(object):
    __metaclass__ = Singleton

    def __init__(self, dburi):
        if ':memory:' in dburi:
            log.warn('SQLite in-memory DB is not supported')
            dburi = None
github stoq / stoq / stoq / domain / payment / View on Github external

class PaymentDestination(InheritableModel):
    """PaymentDestination is the location where all the paid payments live.

    B{Important attributes}:
        - I{description}: an easy identification for this payment
        - I{account}: if this payment destination represents a bank account,
                      use it here.

    description = StringCol()
    account = ForeignKey('BankAccount', default=None)
    notes = StringCol(default='')

    def get_balance(self, start_date=None, end_date=None):
        raise NotImplementedError

    # IDescribable implementation

    def get_description(self):
        return self.description

class StoreDestination(PaymentDestination):
    """A StoreDestination is a payment destination which lives in a Store.
    Most of times this will represent the total value of operations in this
github jplusplus / rentswatch-scraper / rentswatch_scraper / View on Github external
# URL of the page
    description = StringCol(default=None)
    # An ad must be unique on the website
    adIndex = DatabaseIndex('siteId', 'site', unique=True)

class Rent(SQLObject):
    # Total cost
    totalRent = FloatCol(default=None)
    # Surface in square meters
    livingSpace = FloatCol(default=None)
    # Currency, 3 letter code
    currency = StringCol(length=3, default='EUR')
    # Date of arrival
    moveIn = DateCol(default=None)
    # IP of the user hashed
    ipHash = StringCol(length=512,default=None)
    # Date of creating
    createdAt = DateTimeCol(

class Report(SQLObject):
    createdAt = DateTimeCol(                            # Date the ad was first scraped
    country = StringCol(length=2, default=None)                                 # Country, 2 letter code
    site = StringCol(length=30, default=None)                                   # Name of the website
    siteId = StringCol(length=100, default=None)                                # The unique ID from the site where it's scrapped from
    name = StringCol(length=100, default=None)                                  # Name of the report: duplicate, bogus, rent-missing, space-missing, timeout
github AGProjects / mediaproxy / mediaproxy / interfaces / accounting / View on Github external
if not DatabaseConfig.dburi:
    raise RuntimeError('Database accounting is enabled, but the database URI is not specified in config.ini')

connection = connectionForURI(DatabaseConfig.dburi)
sqlhub.processConnection = connection

class MediaSessions(SQLObject):
    class sqlmeta:
        table = DatabaseConfig.sessions_table
        createSQL = {'mysql': 'ALTER TABLE %s ENGINE MyISAM' % DatabaseConfig.sessions_table}
        cacheValues = False
    call_id = StringCol(length=255, dbName=DatabaseConfig.callid_column, notNone=True)
    from_tag = StringCol(length=64, dbName=DatabaseConfig.fromtag_column, notNone=True)
    to_tag = StringCol(length=64, dbName=DatabaseConfig.totag_column)
    info = BLOBCol(length=2**24-1, dbName=DatabaseConfig.info_column)  # 2**24-1 makes it a mediumblob in mysql, that can hold 16 million bytes
    # Indexes
    callid_idx = DatabaseIndex('call_id', 'from_tag', 'to_tag', unique=True)

except OperationalError as e:
    log.error("cannot create the `%s' table: %s" % (DatabaseConfig.sessions_table, e))"please make sure that the `%s' user has the CREATE and ALTER rights on the `%s' database" % (connection.user, connection.db))'then restart the dispatcher, or you can create the table yourself using the following definition:')'----------------- >8 -----------------')
    sql, constraints = MediaSessions.createTableSQL()
    statements = ';\n'.join([sql] + constraints) + ';'