How to use SATOSA - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few SATOSA examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github IdentityPython / SATOSA / tests / flows / View on Github external
def run_test(self, satosa_config_dict, sp_conf, oidc_backend_config, frontend_config):
        subject_id = "testuser1"
        # proxy config
        satosa_config_dict["FRONTEND_MODULES"] = [frontend_config]
        satosa_config_dict["BACKEND_MODULES"] = [oidc_backend_config]
        satosa_config_dict["INTERNAL_ATTRIBUTES"]["attributes"] = {attr_name: {"openid": [attr_name],
                                                                               "saml": [attr_name]}
                                                                   for attr_name in USERS[subject_id]}
        frontend_metadata, backend_metadata = create_entity_descriptors(SATOSAConfig(satosa_config_dict))

        # application
        test_client = Client(make_app(SATOSAConfig(satosa_config_dict)), BaseResponse)

        # config test SP
        frontend_metadata_str = str(frontend_metadata[frontend_config["name"]][0])
        fakesp = FakeSP(SPConfig().load(sp_conf, metadata_construction=False))

        # create auth req
        destination, req_args = fakesp.make_auth_req(frontend_metadata[frontend_config["name"]][0].entity_id)
        auth_req = urlparse(destination).path + "?" + urlencode(req_args)

        # make auth req to proxy
        proxied_auth_req = test_client.get(auth_req)
        assert proxied_auth_req.status == "302 Found"
        parsed_auth_req = dict(parse_qsl(urlparse("utf-8")).query))

        # create auth resp
github IdentityPython / SATOSA / tests / flows / View on Github external
def run_test(self, satosa_config_dict, sp_conf, oidc_backend_config, frontend_config):
        subject_id = "testuser1"
        # proxy config
        satosa_config_dict["FRONTEND_MODULES"] = [frontend_config]
        satosa_config_dict["BACKEND_MODULES"] = [oidc_backend_config]
        satosa_config_dict["INTERNAL_ATTRIBUTES"]["attributes"] = {attr_name: {"openid": [attr_name],
                                                                               "saml": [attr_name]}
                                                                   for attr_name in USERS[subject_id]}
        frontend_metadata, backend_metadata = create_entity_descriptors(SATOSAConfig(satosa_config_dict))

        # application
        test_client = Client(make_app(SATOSAConfig(satosa_config_dict)), BaseResponse)

        # config test SP
        frontend_metadata_str = str(frontend_metadata[frontend_config["name"]][0])
        fakesp = FakeSP(SPConfig().load(sp_conf, metadata_construction=False))

        # create auth req
        destination, req_args = fakesp.make_auth_req(frontend_metadata[frontend_config["name"]][0].entity_id)
        auth_req = urlparse(destination).path + "?" + urlencode(req_args)

        # make auth req to proxy
        proxied_auth_req = test_client.get(auth_req)
        assert proxied_auth_req.status == "302 Found"
github IdentityPython / SATOSA / tests / flows / View on Github external
def run_test(self, satosa_config_dict, sp_conf, idp_conf, saml_backend_config, frontend_config):
        subject_id = "testuser1"
        # proxy config
        satosa_config_dict["FRONTEND_MODULES"] = [frontend_config]
        satosa_config_dict["BACKEND_MODULES"] = [saml_backend_config]
        satosa_config_dict["INTERNAL_ATTRIBUTES"]["attributes"] = {attr_name: {"saml": [attr_name]} for attr_name in
        frontend_metadata, backend_metadata = create_entity_descriptors(SATOSAConfig(satosa_config_dict))

        # application
        test_client = Client(make_app(SATOSAConfig(satosa_config_dict)), BaseResponse)

        # config test SP
        frontend_metadata_str = str(frontend_metadata[frontend_config["name"]][0])
        fakesp = FakeSP(SPConfig().load(sp_conf, metadata_construction=False))

        # create auth req
        destination, req_args = fakesp.make_auth_req(frontend_metadata[frontend_config["name"]][0].entity_id)
        auth_req = urlparse(destination).path + "?" + urlencode(req_args)

        # make auth req to proxy
        proxied_auth_req = test_client.get(auth_req)
        assert proxied_auth_req.status == "303 See Other"

        # config test IdP
        backend_metadata_str = str(backend_metadata[saml_backend_config["name"]][0])
github IdentityPython / SATOSA / tests / satosa / micro_services / View on Github external
def test_filter_one_attribute_for_one_target_provider(self):
        target_provider = "test_provider"
        attribute_filters = {
            target_provider: {
                    {"a1": "foo:bar"}
        filter_service = self.create_filter_service(attribute_filters)

        resp = InternalData(auth_info=AuthenticationInformation(issuer=target_provider))
        resp.attributes = {
            "a1": ["abc:xyz", "1:foo:bar:2"],
        filtered = filter_service.process(None, resp)
        assert filtered.attributes == {"a1": ["1:foo:bar:2"]}
github IdentityPython / SATOSA / tests / satosa / micro_services / View on Github external
def test_authz_allow_second(self):
        attribute_allow = {
           "": { "default": {"a0": ['foo1','foo2']} }
        attribute_deny = {}
        authz_service = self.create_authz_service(attribute_allow, attribute_deny)
        resp = InternalData(auth_info=AuthenticationInformation())
        resp.attributes = {
            "a0": ["foo2","kaka"],
           ctx = Context()
           ctx.state = dict()
           authz_service.process(ctx, resp)
        except SATOSAAuthenticationError as ex:
           assert False
github IdentityPython / SATOSA / tests / satosa / micro_services / View on Github external
def test_authz_allow_fail(self):
        attribute_allow = {
           "": { "default": {"a0": ['foo1','foo2']} }
        attribute_deny = {}
        authz_service = self.create_authz_service(attribute_allow, attribute_deny)
        resp = InternalData(auth_info=AuthenticationInformation())
        resp.attributes = {
            "a0": ["bar"],
           ctx = Context()
           ctx.state = dict()
           authz_service.process(ctx, resp)
           assert False
        except SATOSAAuthenticationError as ex:
           assert True
github IdentityPython / SATOSA / tests / satosa / micro_services / View on Github external
def test_attributes_general(self, ldap_attribute_store):
        ldap_to_internal_map = (self.ldap_attribute_store_config['default']

        for dn, attributes in self.ldap_person_records:
            # Mock up the internal response the LDAP attribute store is
            # expecting to receive.
            response = InternalData(auth_info=AuthenticationInformation())

            # The LDAP attribute store configuration and the mock records
            # expect to use a LDAP search filter for the uid attribute.
            uid = attributes['uid']
            response.attributes = {'uid': uid}

            context = Context()
            context.state = dict()

            ldap_attribute_store.process(context, response)

            # Verify that the LDAP attribute store has retrieved the mock
            # records from the mock LDAP server and has added the appropriate
            # internal attributes.
            for ldap_attr, ldap_value in attributes.items():
                if ldap_attr in ldap_to_internal_map:
github IdentityPython / SATOSA / tests / satosa / micro_services / View on Github external
def test_authz_deny_success(self):
        attribute_deny = {
           "": { "default": {"a0": ['foo1','foo2']} }
        attribute_allow = {}
        authz_service = self.create_authz_service(attribute_allow, attribute_deny)
        resp = InternalData(auth_info=AuthenticationInformation())
        resp.attributes = {
            "a0": ["foo2"],
           ctx = Context()
           ctx.state = dict()
           authz_service.process(ctx, resp)
           assert False
        except SATOSAAuthenticationError as ex:
           assert True
github IdentityPython / SATOSA / tests / satosa / micro_services / View on Github external
def test_filter_one_attribute_from_all_target_providers_for_one_requester(self):
        requester = "test_requester"
        attribute_filters = {
            "": {
                    {"a1": "foo:bar"}
        filter_service = self.create_filter_service(attribute_filters)

        resp = InternalData(auth_info=AuthenticationInformation())
        resp.requester = requester
        resp.attributes = {
            "a1": ["abc:xyz", "1:foo:bar:2"],
        filtered = filter_service.process(None, resp)
        assert filtered.attributes == {"a1": ["1:foo:bar:2"]}
github IdentityPython / SATOSA / tests / satosa / View on Github external
def test_auth_resp_callback_func_user_id_from_attrs_is_used_to_override_user_id(self, context, satosa_config):
        satosa_config["INTERNAL_ATTRIBUTES"]["user_id_from_attrs"] = ["user_id", "domain"]
        base = SATOSABase(satosa_config)

        internal_resp = InternalData(auth_info=AuthenticationInformation("", "", ""))
        internal_resp.attributes = {"user_id": ["user"], "domain": [""]}
        internal_resp.requester = "test_requester"
        context.state[satosa.base.STATE_KEY] = {"requester": "test_requester"}
        context.state[satosa.routing.STATE_KEY] = satosa_config["FRONTEND_MODULES"][0]["name"]

        base._auth_resp_callback_func(context, internal_resp)

        expected_user_id = ""
        assert internal_resp.subject_id == expected_user_id