How to use the satosa.exception.SATOSAAuthenticationError function in SATOSA

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def test_handle_backend_error(self, context, frontend):
        redirect_uri = ""
        areq = AuthorizationRequest(client_id=CLIENT_ID, scope="openid", response_type="id_token",
        context.state[] = {"oidc_request": areq.to_urlencoded()}

        # fake an error
        message = "test error"
        error = SATOSAAuthenticationError(context.state, message)
        resp = frontend.handle_backend_error(error)

        assert resp.message.startswith(redirect_uri)
        error_response = AuthorizationErrorResponse().deserialize(urlparse(resp.message).fragment)
        error_response["error"] = "access_denied"
        error_response["error_description"] == message
github IdentityPython / SATOSA / tests / satosa / View on Github external
data_list = ["1", "2", "3"]
    service_list = []

    fail_service = MicroService()
    fail_service.process = create_process_fail_func("4")

    for d in data_list:
        service = MicroService()
        service.process = create_process_func(d)

    service_queue = build_micro_service_queue(service_list)
    test_data = "test_data"

    with pytest.raises(SATOSAAuthenticationError):
        service_queue.process_service_queue(context, test_data)
github IdentityPython / SATOSA / src / satosa / backends / View on Github external
ht_args = self.sp.apply_binding(binding, "%s" % req, destination, relay_state=relay_state)
            msg = "ht_args: {}".format(ht_args)
            logline = lu.LOG_FMT.format(id=lu.get_session_id(context.state), message=msg)
        except Exception as exc:
            msg = "Failed to construct the AuthnRequest for state"
            logline = lu.LOG_FMT.format(id=lu.get_session_id(context.state), message=msg)
            logger.debug(logline, exc_info=True)
            raise SATOSAAuthenticationError(context.state, "Failed to construct the AuthnRequest") from exc

        if self.sp.config.getattr('allow_unsolicited', 'sp') is False:
            if req_id in self.outstanding_queries:
                msg = "Request with duplicate id {}".format(req_id)
                logline = lu.LOG_FMT.format(id=lu.get_session_id(context.state), message=msg)
                raise SATOSAAuthenticationError(context.state, msg)
            self.outstanding_queries[req_id] = req

        context.state[] = {"relay_state": relay_state}
        return make_saml_response(binding, ht_args)
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:type context: satosa.context.Context
        :rtype: satosa.response.Response

        :param context: The current context
        :return: response
        info = context.request
        state = context.state

            entity_id = info["entityID"]
        except KeyError as err:
            msg = "No IDP chosen for state"
            logline = lu.LOG_FMT.format(id=lu.get_session_id(state), message=msg)
            logger.debug(logline, exc_info=True)
            raise SATOSAAuthenticationError(state, "No IDP chosen") from err

        return self.authn_request(context, entity_id)
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:type resp: AuthorizationResponse
        :type state_data: dict[str, str]
        :type state: satosa.state.State

        :param resp: The authorization response from the AS, created by pyoidc.
        :param state_data: The state data for this backend.
        :param state: The current state for the proxy and this backend.
        Only used for raising errors.
        is_known_state = "state" in resp and "state" in state_data and resp["state"] == state_data["state"]
        if not is_known_state:
            received_state = resp.get("state", "")
            msg = "Missing or invalid state [{}] in response!".format(received_state)
            logline = lu.LOG_FMT.format(id=lu.get_session_id(state), message=msg)
            raise SATOSAAuthenticationError(state,
                                            "Missing or invalid state [%s] in response!" %
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            acs_endp, response_binding = self.sp.config.getattr("endpoints", "sp")["assertion_consumer_service"][0]
            req_id, req = self.sp.create_authn_request(
                destination, binding=response_binding, **kwargs
            relay_state = util.rndstr()
            ht_args = self.sp.apply_binding(binding, "%s" % req, destination, relay_state=relay_state)
            msg = "ht_args: {}".format(ht_args)
            logline = lu.LOG_FMT.format(id=lu.get_session_id(context.state), message=msg)
        except Exception as exc:
            msg = "Failed to construct the AuthnRequest for state"
            logline = lu.LOG_FMT.format(id=lu.get_session_id(context.state), message=msg)
            logger.debug(logline, exc_info=True)
            raise SATOSAAuthenticationError(context.state, "Failed to construct the AuthnRequest") from exc

        if self.sp.config.getattr('allow_unsolicited', 'sp') is False:
            if req_id in self.outstanding_queries:
                msg = "Request with duplicate id {}".format(req_id)
                logline = lu.LOG_FMT.format(id=lu.get_session_id(context.state), message=msg)
                raise SATOSAAuthenticationError(context.state, msg)
            self.outstanding_queries[req_id] = req

        context.state[] = {"relay_state": relay_state}
        return make_saml_response(binding, ht_args)
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if self.sp.config.getattr('allow_unsolicited', 'sp') is False:
            req_id = authn_response.in_response_to
            if req_id not in self.outstanding_queries:
                msg = "No request with id: {}".format(req_id),
                logline = lu.LOG_FMT.format(id=lu.get_session_id(context.state), message=msg)
                raise SATOSAAuthenticationError(context.state, msg)
            del self.outstanding_queries[req_id]

        # check if the relay_state matches the cookie state
        if context.state[]["relay_state"] != context.request["RelayState"]:
            msg = "State did not match relay state for state"
            logline = lu.LOG_FMT.format(id=lu.get_session_id(context.state), message=msg)
            raise SATOSAAuthenticationError(context.state, "State did not match relay state")

        context.decorate(Context.KEY_METADATA_STORE, self.sp.metadata)
        if self.config.get(SAMLBackend.KEY_MEMORIZE_IDP):
            issuer = authn_response.response.issuer.text.strip()
            context.state[Context.KEY_MEMORIZED_IDP] = issuer
        context.state.pop(, None)
        context.state.pop(Context.KEY_FORCE_AUTHN, None)
        return self.auth_callback_func(context, self._translate_response(authn_response, context.state))
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:param context: The current context
        :param entity_id: Target IDP entity id
        :return: response to the user agent

        # If IDP blacklisting is enabled and the selected IDP is blacklisted,
        # stop here
        if self.idp_blacklist_file:
            with open(self.idp_blacklist_file) as blacklist_file:
                blacklist_array = json.load(blacklist_file)['blacklist']
                if entity_id in blacklist_array:
                    msg = "IdP with EntityID {} is blacklisted".format(entity_id)
                    logline = lu.LOG_FMT.format(id=lu.get_session_id(context.state), message=msg)
                    logger.debug(logline, exc_info=False)
                    raise SATOSAAuthenticationError(context.state, "Selected IdP is blacklisted for this backend")

        kwargs = {}
        authn_context = self.construct_requested_authn_context(entity_id)
        if authn_context:
            kwargs["requested_authn_context"] = authn_context
        if self.config.get(SAMLBackend.KEY_MIRROR_FORCE_AUTHN):
            kwargs["force_authn"] = get_force_authn(
                context, self.config, self.sp.config

            binding, destination = self.sp.pick_binding(
                "single_sign_on_service", None, "idpsso", entity_id=entity_id
            msg = "binding: {}, destination: {}".format(binding, destination)
            logline = lu.LOG_FMT.format(id=lu.get_session_id(context.state), message=msg)