How to use the pypika.terms.Term function in PyPika

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few PyPika examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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class Values(Term):
    def __init__(
        self, field,
        self.field = Field(field) if not isinstance(field, Field) else field

    def get_sql(self, quote_char=None, **kwargs):
        return "VALUES({value})".format(
            value=self.field.get_sql(quote_char=quote_char, **kwargs)

class NullValue(Term):
    def fields(self):
        return []

    def get_sql(self, **kwargs):
        sql = "NULL"
        return format_alias_sql(sql, self.alias, **kwargs)

class Criterion(Term):
    def __and__(self, other):
        return ComplexCriterion(Boolean.and_, self, other)

    def __or__(self, other):
        return ComplexCriterion(Boolean.or_, self, other)

    def __xor__(self, other):
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skip_to_python_if_native = False

            def function_cast(self, term: Term) -> Term:
                return functions.Cast(term, SqlTypes.NUMERIC)

    Tortoise will then use the overridden attributes/functions for that dialect.
    If you need a dynamic attribute, you can use a property.

    # Field_type is a readonly property for the instance, it is set by _FieldMeta
    field_type: Type[Any] = None  # type: ignore
    indexable: bool = True
    has_db_field: bool = True
    skip_to_python_if_native: bool = False
    allows_generated: bool = False
    function_cast: Optional[Callable[[Term], Term]] = None
    SQL_TYPE: str = None  # type: ignore
    GENERATED_SQL: str = None  # type: ignore

    # This method is just to make IDE/Linters happy
    def __new__(cls, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> "Field":
        return super().__new__(cls)

    def __init__(
        source_field: Optional[str] = None,
        generated: bool = False,
        pk: bool = False,
        null: bool = False,
        default: Any = None,
        unique: bool = False,
        index: bool = False,
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                    self.table.alias or self.table._table_name, quote_char

        field_alias = getattr(self, "alias", None)
        if with_alias:
            return format_alias_sql(
                field_sql, field_alias, quote_char=quote_char, **kwargs

        return field_sql

class Index(Term):
    def __init__(self, name, alias=None):
        super(Index, self).__init__(alias) = name

    def get_sql(self, quote_char=None, **kwargs):
        return format_quotes(, quote_char)

class Star(Field):
    def __init__(self, table=None):
        super(Star, self).__init__("*", table=table)

    def tables_(self):
        if self.table is None:
            return {}
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def inner(inner_self, *args, **kwargs):
            result = item_func(inner_self, *args, **kwargs)
            if isinstance(result, (Term,)):
                return Not(result)
            return result
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return BasicCriterion(JSONOperators.HAS_KEY, self, self.wrap_json(other))

    def contains(self, other):
        return BasicCriterion(JSONOperators.CONTAINS, self, self.wrap_json(other))

    def contained_by(self, other):
        return BasicCriterion(JSONOperators.CONTAINED_BY, self, self.wrap_json(other))

    def has_keys(self, other: Iterable):
        return BasicCriterion(JSONOperators.HAS_KEYS, self, Array(*other))

    def has_any_keys(self, other: Iterable):
        return BasicCriterion(JSONOperators.HAS_ANY_KEYS, self, Array(*other))

class Values(Term):
    def __init__(
        self, field,
        self.field = Field(field) if not isinstance(field, Field) else field

    def get_sql(self, quote_char=None, **kwargs):
        return "VALUES({value})".format(
            value=self.field.get_sql(quote_char=quote_char, **kwargs)

class NullValue(Term):
    def fields(self):
        return []
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value = self.value.replace(quote_char, quote_char * 2)
            return format_quotes(value, quote_char)
        if isinstance(self.value, bool):
            return str.lower(str(self.value))
        if self.value is None:
            return "null"
        return str(self.value)

    def get_sql(self, quote_char=None, secondary_quote_char="'", **kwargs):
        sql = self.get_value_sql(
            quote_char=quote_char, secondary_quote_char=secondary_quote_char, **kwargs
        return format_alias_sql(sql, self.alias, quote_char=quote_char, **kwargs)

class JSON(Term):
    table = None

    def __init__(self, value, alias=None):
        self.value = value

    def _recursive_get_sql(self, value, **kwargs):
        if isinstance(value, dict):
            return self._get_dict_sql(value, **kwargs)
        if isinstance(value, list):
            return self._get_list_sql(value, **kwargs)
        if isinstance(value, str):
            return self._get_str_sql(value, **kwargs)
        return str(value)

    def _get_dict_sql(self, value, **kwargs):
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def __getitem__(self, item):
        if not isinstance(item, slice):
            raise TypeError("Field' object is not subscriptable")
        return self.between(item.start, item.stop)

    def __str__(self):
        return self.get_sql(quote_char='"', secondary_quote_char="'")

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash(self.get_sql(with_alias=True))

    def get_sql(self, **kwargs):
        raise NotImplementedError()

class Parameter(Term):
    is_aggregate = None

    def __init__(self, placeholder):
        super(Parameter, self).__init__()
        self.placeholder = placeholder

    def fields(self):
        return []

    def get_sql(self, **kwargs):
        return str(self.placeholder)

class Negative(Term):
    def __init__(self, term):
        super(Negative, self).__init__()
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if not field_object:
                raise FieldError(f"Unknown keyword argument {key} for model {self.model}")
                raise IntegrityError(f"Field {key} is PK and can not be updated")
            if isinstance(field_object, (ForeignKeyFieldInstance, OneToOneFieldInstance)):
                fk_field: str = field_object.source_field  # type: ignore
                db_field = self.model._meta.fields_map[fk_field].source_field
                value = executor.column_map[fk_field](
                    getattr(value, field_object.to_field_instance.model_field_name), None
                    db_field = self.model._meta.fields_db_projection[key]
                except KeyError:
                    raise FieldError(f"Field {key} is virtual and can not be updated")
                if isinstance(value, Term):
                    value = F.resolver_arithmetic_expression(self.model, value)[0]
                elif isinstance(value, Function):
                    value = value.resolve(self.model, table)["field"]
                    value = executor.column_map[key](value, None)

            self.query = self.query.set(db_field, value)
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param = model._meta.get_filter(f"{key}__isnull")
        value = True
        param = model._meta.get_filter(key)

    pk_db_field = model._meta.db_pk_column
    if param.get("table"):
        join = (
            table[pk_db_field] == param["table"][param["backward_key"]],
        if param.get("value_encoder"):
            value = param["value_encoder"](value, model)
        criterion = param["operator"](param["table"][param["field"]], value)
        if isinstance(value, Term):
            encoded_value = value
            field_object = model._meta.fields_map[param["field"]]
            encoded_value = (
                param["value_encoder"](value, model, field_object)
                if param.get("value_encoder")
                else model._meta.db.executor_class._field_to_db(field_object, value, model)
        criterion = param["operator"](table[param["source_field"]], encoded_value)
    return criterion, join
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                "{term} {orient}".format(term=term, orient=directionality.value)
                if directionality is not None
                else term

        return " ORDER BY {orderby}".format(orderby=",".join(clauses))

    def _offset_sql(self):
        return " OFFSET {offset}".format(offset=self._offset)

    def _limit_sql(self):
        return " LIMIT {limit}".format(limit=self._limit)

class QueryBuilder(Selectable, Term):
    Query Builder is the main class in pypika which stores the state of a query and offers functions which allow the
    state to be branched immutably.

    QUOTE_CHAR = '"'

    def __init__(self, dialect=None, wrap_union_queries=True, wrapper_cls=ValueWrapper):
        super(QueryBuilder, self).__init__(None)

        self._from = []
        self._insert_table = None
        self._update_table = None
        self._delete_from = False