Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
'use strict'
// @todo: Refactor / clean up code.
// @todo: Combine the two debugs into one.
const debug = require('debug')('YjsWS')
const Y = require('yjs')
// @todo: Verify what these two lines are doing.
debug('Y.debug:', Y.debug)
const minimist = require('minimist')
try {
} catch (err) {}
try {
require('./y-websockets-server.js')(Y) // Doesn't exist...
} catch (err) {
require('y-websockets-server')(Y) // <-- ...this one is called.
global.yInstances = {}
module.exports = (io, socket) => {
this.y = y
if (opts == null) {
opts = {}
// Prefer to receive untransformed operations. This does only work if
// this client receives operations from only one other client.
// In particular, this does not work with y-webrtc.
// It will work with y-websockets-client
if (opts.role == null || opts.role === 'master') {
this.role = 'master'
} else if (opts.role === 'slave') {
this.role = 'slave'
} else {
throw new Error("Role must be either 'master' or 'slave'!")
this.log = Y.debug('y:connector')
this.logMessage = Y.debug('y:connector-message')
this.y.db.forwardAppliedOperations = opts.forwardAppliedOperations || false
this.role = opts.role
this.connections = {}
this.isSynced = false
this.userEventListeners = []
this.whenSyncedListeners = []
this.currentSyncTarget = null
this.syncingClients = []
this.forwardToSyncingClients = opts.forwardToSyncingClients !== false
this.debug = opts.debug === true
this.syncStep2 = Promise.resolve()
this.broadcastOpBuffer = []
this.protocolVersion = 11
this.authInfo = opts.auth || null
this.checkAuth = opts.checkAuth || function () { return Promise.resolve('write') } // default is everyone has write access
if (opts == null) {
opts = {}
// Prefer to receive untransformed operations. This does only work if
// this client receives operations from only one other client.
// In particular, this does not work with y-webrtc.
// It will work with y-websockets-client
if (opts.role == null || opts.role === 'master') {
this.role = 'master'
} else if (opts.role === 'slave') {
this.role = 'slave'
} else {
throw new Error("Role must be either 'master' or 'slave'!")
this.log = Y.debug('y:connector')
this.logMessage = Y.debug('y:connector-message')
this.y.db.forwardAppliedOperations = opts.forwardAppliedOperations || false
this.role = opts.role
this.connections = {}
this.isSynced = false
this.userEventListeners = []
this.whenSyncedListeners = []
this.currentSyncTarget = null
this.syncingClients = []
this.forwardToSyncingClients = opts.forwardToSyncingClients !== false
this.debug = opts.debug === true
this.syncStep2 = Promise.resolve()
this.broadcastOpBuffer = []
this.protocolVersion = 11
this.authInfo = opts.auth || null
this.checkAuth = opts.checkAuth || function () { return Promise.resolve('write') } // default is everyone has write access
if (opts.generateUserId === true) {