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const ipfsConfig = {
repo: 'thicket',
pubsub: true,
config: {
Addresses: {
Swarm: [
Y.extend(yIpfsConnector, yIndexeddb)
const persistence = new Y.IndexedDB()
const yConfig = (ipfs, id) => ({
connector: {
name: 'ipfs',
room: `thicket:${id}`,
syncMethod: 'syncAll',
const toBase64 = src =>
`data:image/gif;base64,${btoa(new Uint8Array(src).reduce((data, byte) => data + String.fromCharCode(byte), ''))}`
// IPFS team has not yet implemented a timeout/cancel feature on fetching files
// if we try to fetch a file that is not in the reach of this node/peer this call will never finish/complete
// read more here
export default (
terminalId: string,
networkName: string,
user: string,
dispatch: (action: any) => void,
getState: () => ApplicationState,
cb: (protocol: any) => void) => {
const persistence = new Y.IndexedDB();
let y = new Y(
networkName, {
connector: {
name: 'websockets-client',
url: ''
let chatprotocol = y.define('chat', Y.Array);
let commitProtocol = y.define('commits', Y.Array);
let configProtocol = y.define('config', Y.Map);
dispatchCommitProtocol(dispatch, commitProtocol);
dispatchConfigProtocol(dispatch, configProtocol);