How to use the yaml-ast-parser.Kind.INCLUDE_REF function in yaml-ast-parser

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few yaml-ast-parser examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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        case Kind.SCALAR:
            const scalarNode = node as YAMLScalar;
            if (scalarNode.parent && scalarNode.parent.kind == Kind.SEQ) {
                return [{ path: curPath, node: scalarNode }];
            } else {
                return [{ path: curPath, node: scalarNode.parent }];
        case Kind.SEQ:
            const seqNode = node as YAMLSequence;
            const mergedSequence = ([] as { path: ReadonlyArray<(string | number)>, node: YAMLNode }[]).concat(...(
                (childNode, index) => extractAllPaths(childNode, [...curPath, index]))));
            return [...mergedSequence];
        case Kind.INCLUDE_REF:
        case Kind.ANCHOR_REF:
            const refNode = node as YAMLAnchorReference;
            return extractAllPaths(refNode.value, [...curPath]);
    return [{ path: curPath, node: node }];