How to use the yaml-ast-parser.Kind function in yaml-ast-parser

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few yaml-ast-parser examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github matt-deboer / kuill / pkg / ui / src / utils / yaml-utils.js View on Github external
indexPositionAndPath(path, parent, node, elementIndex) {
    path = path || '.'
    if (node) {
      if (node.endPosition < node.startPosition) {
        console.error(`unexpected node start/end combination: ${JSON.stringify(node)}`)
    } else if (parent.kind === YAML.Kind.SEQ) {
      let prevItem = null
      if (elementIndex > 0) {
        for (let i=elementIndex-1; i >= 0 && prevItem === null; --i) {
          prevItem = parent.items[i]
      let startPos = (prevItem ? prevItem.endPosition : parent.startPosition) + 1
      let endPos = elementIndex + 1 < parent.items.length ? parent.items[elementIndex+1].startPosition : parent.endPosition
      node = {startPosition: startPos, endPosition: endPos, parent: parent}
    } else if (parent.kind === YAML.Kind.MAPPING) {
      let map = parent.parent
      let startPos, endPos
      if (elementIndex > 0) {
        startPos = map.mappings[elementIndex-1].endPosition
      } else {
        startPos = parent.endPosition
github redhat-developer / yaml-language-server / out / server / src / languageService / services / validationService.js View on Github external
let currentNodeInSchema = this.searchSchema(rootNode, currentNode);
            let parentNodeSearch = null;
            let parentNodeType = null;
            //When a parent node exists we need to check if the child types are invalid
            if (currentNodePath.length >= 2) {
                parentNodeSearch = this.searchSchema(rootNode, currentNodePath[currentNodePath.length - 2]);
                //Error: Check if this is the right child type of parent
                if (this.isInvalidParentType(parentNodeSearch, currentNodePath[currentNodePath.length - 2].value, currentNode.key.value)) {
                    this.errorHandler.addErrorResult(currentNode, "Node \'" + currentNode.key.value + "\' has an invalid type. Valid type(s) of key node are: " + this.collectTypesForParent(parentNodeSearch, currentNode.key.value).toString(), main_1.DiagnosticSeverity.Error);
            if (!(currentNodeInSchema.length > 0)) {
                this.errorHandler.addErrorResult(currentNode.key, "Node \'" + currentNode.key.value + "\' is not found", main_1.DiagnosticSeverity.Error);
            //Error: If type is mapping then we need to check the scalar type
            if (currentNode.kind === yaml_ast_parser_1.Kind.MAPPING && currentNode.value !== null && this.isInvalidType(currentNode, currentNodeInSchema)) {
                this.errorHandler.addErrorResult(currentNode.value, "Node \'" + currentNode.key.value + "\' has an invalid type. Valid type(s) are: " + this.collectTypes(currentNodeInSchema).toString(), main_1.DiagnosticSeverity.Error);
            let childrenNodes = astServices_1.generateChildren(currentNode.value);
            childrenNodes.forEach(child => {
                //We are getting back a bunch of nodes which all have a key and we adding them
                let newNodePath = currentNodePath.concat(child);
                let searchThroughSchema = this.searchSchema(rootNode, child);
                let isValidInSchema = searchThroughSchema.length > 0;
                if (!isValidInSchema) {
                    if (this.hasAdditionalProperties(currentNodeInSchema)) {
                        this.errorHandler.addErrorResult(child, "\'" + child.key.value + "\' is an additional property of " + currentNode.key.value, main_1.DiagnosticSeverity.Warning);
                    else {
                        this.errorHandler.addErrorResult(child, "\'" + child.key.value + "\' is not a valid child node of " + currentNode.key.value, main_1.DiagnosticSeverity.Error);
github threadheap / serverless-ide-vscode / packages / language-server / src / language-service / parser / json / document.ts View on Github external
						result.value = node.value
						return result

			case Yaml.Kind.ANCHOR_REF: {
				const instance = (node as Yaml.YAMLAnchorReference).value

				return (
					this.recursivelyBuildAst(parent, instance) ||
						new NullASTNode(
			case Yaml.Kind.INCLUDE_REF: {
				const result = new StringASTNode(
github alibaba / serverless-vscode / src / parser / parser.ts View on Github external
export function buildAstRecursively(parent: ASTNode | undefined, node: Yaml.YAMLNode): ASTNode {
  if (!node) {
    return new NullASTNode(parent, 0, 0);

  switch (node.kind) {
    case Yaml.Kind.MAP: {
      const instance = node as Yaml.YamlMap;
      const result = new ObjectASTNode(
      for (const mapping of instance.mappings) {
          buildAstRecursively(result, mapping) as PropertyASTNode
      return result;
    case Yaml.Kind.MAPPING: {
      const instance = node as Yaml.YAMLMapping;
      const key = instance.key;
github redhat-developer / yaml-language-server / out / server / src / languageService / providers / hoverProvider.js View on Github external
return searchServiceTraverser.traverseKubernetesSchema(parentNodes, node, false, function (possibleChildren) {
                    let possibleChildrenNoDuplicates = arrUtils_1.removeDuplicates(possibleChildren, "description");
                    let hoverNode = possibleChildrenNoDuplicates[0];
                    if (hoverNode) {
                        let startPos = node.startPosition;
                        let endPos = node.endPosition;
                        //Use the keys start position when you are hovering over a scalar item
                        if (node.kind === yaml_ast_parser_1.Kind.SCALAR) {
                            startPos = node.parent.key.startPosition ? node.parent.key.startPosition : startPos;
                        let hoverRange = vscode_languageserver_types_1.Range.create(document.positionAt(startPos), document.positionAt(endPos));
                        let hoverItem = {
                            contents: hoverNode.description,
                            range: hoverRange
                        return hoverItem;
                    return null;
github Azure / autorest / src / autorest-core / lib / ref / yaml.ts View on Github external
import { IndexToPosition } from '../parsing/text-utility';
 *  Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
 *  Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.

import * as yamlAst from "yaml-ast-parser";
import { JsonPath } from "./jsonpath";
import { Message, SourceLocation, Channel } from '../message';
import { NewEmptyObject } from "../parsing/stable-object";

 * reexport required elements
export { newScalar } from "yaml-ast-parser";
export const Kind: { SCALAR: number, MAPPING: number, MAP: number, SEQ: number, ANCHOR_REF: number, INCLUDE_REF: number } = yamlAst.Kind;
export type YAMLNode = yamlAst.YAMLNode;
export type YAMLScalar = yamlAst.YAMLScalar;
export type YAMLMapping = yamlAst.YAMLMapping;
export type YAMLMap = yamlAst.YamlMap;
export type YAMLSequence = yamlAst.YAMLSequence;
export type YAMLAnchorReference = yamlAst.YAMLAnchorReference;

export const CreateYAMLMapping: (key: YAMLScalar, value: YAMLNode) => YAMLMapping = yamlAst.newMapping;
export const CreateYAMLScalar: (value: string) => YAMLScalar = yamlAst.newScalar;

export interface YAMLNodeWithPath {
  path: JsonPath;
  node: YAMLNode;

github redhat-developer / yaml-language-server / out / server / src / languageService / services / validationService.js View on Github external
testForParentType(parentNodeType, itemsList, currentNode, parentNode) {
        if (itemsList.indexOf(currentNode) !== -1) {
            if (parentNodeType === 'array') {
                return parentNode.kind !== yaml_ast_parser_1.Kind.SEQ;
            else if (parentNodeType === undefined) {
                return parentNode.kind !== yaml_ast_parser_1.Kind.MAP;
            else if (parentNodeType === "object") {
                return parentNode.kind !== yaml_ast_parser_1.Kind.MAP;
        return false;
    isInvalidType(node, searchSchema) {
github threadheap / serverless-ide-vscode / packages / language-server / src / language-service / parser / json / document.ts View on Github external
private recursivelyBuildAst(parent: ASTNode, node: Yaml.YAMLNode): ASTNode {
		if (!node) {

		switch (node.kind) {
			case Yaml.Kind.MAP: {
				const instance = node as Yaml.YamlMap

				const result = new ObjectASTNode(

				for (const mapping of instance.mappings) {
					) as PropertyASTNode)
github matt-deboer / kuill / pkg / ui / src / utils / yaml-utils.js View on Github external
function pathForNode(node) {
  let path = ''
  if (node && node.parent) {
    path = pathForNode(node.parent)
    if (node.parent.kind === YAML.Kind.SEQ) {
      let index = node.parent.items.indexOf(node)
      path += `[${index}]`
    } else if (node.parent.kind === YAML.Kind.MAPPING) {
      let key = node.parent.key.value
      path += `.${key}`
  return path
github replicatedhq / replicated-lint / dist / ast.js View on Github external
function isSeq(node) {
    return node.kind === yaml_ast_parser_1.Kind.SEQ;
function isMapping(node) {