Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
if (isJavaSERequiredPortConfigured(appSettings)) {
return undefined;
// tslint:disable-next-line:strict-boolean-expressions = || {};
const port: string = await ext.ui.showInputBox({
prompt: 'Configure the PORT (Application Settings) which your Java SE Web App exposes',
placeHolder: 'PORT',
validateInput: (input: string): string | undefined => {
return /^[0-9]+$/.test(input) ? undefined : 'please specify a valid port number';
if (!port) {
throw new UserCancelledError();
}[PORT_KEY] = port;
return siteClient.updateApplicationSettings(appSettings);
data: undefined
let plans: AppServicePlan[] = await AppServicePlanListStep.getPlans(wizardContext);
const famFilter: RegExp | undefined = wizardContext.planSkuFamilyFilter;
if (famFilter) {
plans = plans.filter(plan => !plan.sku || ! || famFilter.test(;
for (const plan of plans) {
const isNewSiteLinux: boolean = wizardContext.newSiteOS === WebsiteOS.linux;
let isPlanLinux: boolean = nonNullProp(plan, 'kind').toLowerCase().includes(WebsiteOS.linux);
if (plan.sku && === 'EP') {
// elastic premium plans do not have the os in the kind, so we have to check the "reserved" property
const client: WebSiteManagementClient = createAzureClient(wizardContext, WebSiteManagementClient);
const epPlan: AppServicePlan = await client.appServicePlans.get(nonNullProp(plan, 'resourceGroup'), nonNullProp(plan, 'name'));
isPlanLinux = !!epPlan.reserved;
// plan.kind will contain "linux" for Linux plans, but will _not_ contain "windows" for Windows plans. Thus we check "isLinux" for both cases
if (isNewSiteLinux === isPlanLinux) {
label: nonNullProp(plan, 'name'),
description: `${nonNullProp(plan, 'sku').name} (${plan.geoRegion})`,
detail: plan.resourceGroup,
data: plan
export async function findTreeItem(query: TreeItemQuery): Promise {
return await callWithTelemetryAndErrorHandling('api.findTreeItem', async (context: IActionContext) => {
context.errorHandling.suppressDisplay = true;
context.errorHandling.rethrow = true;
const connectionString = query.connectionString;
let parsedCS: ParsedConnectionString;
if (/^mongodb[^:]*:\/\//i.test(connectionString)) {
parsedCS = await parseMongoConnectionString(connectionString);
} else {
parsedCS = parseDocDBConnectionString(connectionString);
const maxTime = + 10 * 1000; // Give up searching subscriptions after 10 seconds and just attach the account
// 1. Get result from cache if possible
let result: DatabaseAccountTreeItem | DatabaseTreeItem | undefined = tryGetTreeItemFromCache(parsedCS);
locations: [{ locationName: }],
kind: apiPick.kind,
tags: { defaultExperience: apiPick.defaultExperience }
// createOrUpdate always returns an empty object - so we have to get the DatabaseAccount separately
return await docDBClient.databaseAccounts.get(, accountName);
throw new UserCancelledError();
if (baseName !== mongoExecutableFileName) {
const useAnyway: vscode.MessageItem = { title: 'Use anyway' };
const tryAgain: vscode.MessageItem = { title: 'Try again' };
let response2 = await ext.ui.showWarningMessage(
`Expected a file named "${mongoExecutableFileName}, but the selected filename is "${baseName}"`,
if (response2 === tryAgain) {
await vscode.workspace.getConfiguration().update(ext.settingsKeys.mongoShellPath, fsPath, vscode.ConfigurationTarget.Global);
return fsPath;
} else {
throw new UserCancelledError();
} else if (response === browse) {
vscode.commands.executeCommand('', vscode.Uri.parse(''));
// default down to cancel error because MongoShell.create errors out if undefined is passed as the shellPath
throw new UserCancelledError();
} else {
// User has specified the path or command. Sometimes they set the folder instead of a path to the file, let's check that and auto fix
if (await fse.pathExists(shellPathSetting)) {
let stat = await fse.stat(shellPathSetting);
if (stat.isDirectory()) {
return path.join(shellPathSetting, mongoExecutableFileName);
export async function deleteCosmosDBAccount(node: AzureTreeItem): Promise {
const message: string = `Are you sure you want to delete account '${node.label}' and its contents?`;
const result = await ext.ui.showWarningMessage(message, { modal: true }, DialogResponses.deleteResponse, DialogResponses.cancel);
if (result === DialogResponses.deleteResponse) {
const client: CosmosDBManagementClient = createAzureClient(node.root, CosmosDBManagementClient);
const resourceGroup: string = azureUtils.getResourceGroupFromId(node.fullId);
const accountName: string = azureUtils.getAccountNameFromId(node.fullId);
const deletingMessage: string = `Deleting account "${accountName}"...`;
await vscode.window.withProgress({ location: vscode.ProgressLocation.Notification, title: deletingMessage }, async () => {
await client.databaseAccounts.deleteMethod(resourceGroup, accountName);
// don't wait
vscode.window.showInformationMessage(`Successfully deleted account "${accountName}".`);
} else {
throw new UserCancelledError();
export async function deleteSite(client: SiteClient): Promise {
const confirmMessage: string = localize('deleteConfirmation', 'Are you sure you want to delete "{0}"?', client.fullName);
await ext.ui.showWarningMessage(confirmMessage, { modal: true }, DialogResponses.deleteResponse, DialogResponses.cancel);
let plan: AppServicePlan | undefined;
let deletePlan: boolean = false;
if (!client.isSlot) {
// API calls not necessary for deployment slots
plan = await client.getAppServicePlan();
if (!client.isSlot && plan && !isNullOrUndefined(plan.numberOfSites) && plan.numberOfSites < 2) {
const message: string = localize('deleteLastServicePlan', 'This is the last app in the App Service plan "{0}". Do you want to delete this App Service plan to prevent unexpected charges?',;
const input: vscode.MessageItem = await ext.ui.showWarningMessage(message, { modal: true }, DialogResponses.yes,, DialogResponses.cancel);
deletePlan = input === DialogResponses.yes;
const deleting: string = localize('Deleting', 'Deleting "{0}"...', client.fullName);
const newSiteConfig: SiteConfig = {};
let storageConnectionString: string | undefined;
let fileShareName: string | undefined;
if (wizardContext.newSiteKind === {
newSiteConfig.linuxFxVersion = wizardContext.newSiteRuntime;
} else {
if (wizardContext.newSiteOS === 'linux') {
if (wizardContext.useConsumptionPlan) {
newSiteConfig.use32BitWorkerProcess = false; // Needs to be explicitly set to false per the platform team
} else {
newSiteConfig.linuxFxVersion = getFunctionAppLinuxFxVersion(nonNullProp(wizardContext, 'newSiteRuntime'));
const storageClient: StorageManagementClient = createAzureClient(wizardContext, StorageManagementClient);
const storageAccount: StorageAccount = nonNullProp(wizardContext, 'storageAccount');
const [, storageResourceGroup] = nonNullValue(nonNullProp(storageAccount, 'id').match(/\/resourceGroups\/([^/]+)\//), 'Invalid storage account id');
const keysResult: StorageAccountListKeysResult = await storageClient.storageAccounts.listKeys(storageResourceGroup, nonNullProp(storageAccount, 'name'));
fileShareName = getNewFileShareName(nonNullProp(wizardContext, 'newSiteName'));
const endpointSuffix: string = wizardContext.environment.storageEndpointSuffix.replace(/^\./, '');
storageConnectionString = '';
if (keysResult.keys && keysResult.keys[0].value) {
storageConnectionString = `DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=${};AccountKey=${keysResult.keys[0].value};EndpointSuffix=${endpointSuffix}`;
public async execute(wizardContext: IAppServiceWizardContext, progress: Progress<{ message?: string; increment?: number }>): Promise {
const creatingNewApp: string = wizardContext.newSiteKind === AppKind.functionapp ?
localize('creatingNewFunctionApp', 'Creating new function app "{0}"...', wizardContext.newSiteName) :
localize('creatingNewWebApp', 'Creating new web app "{0}"...', wizardContext.newSiteName);
ext.outputChannel.appendLog(creatingNewApp);{ message: creatingNewApp });
const client: WebSiteManagementClient = createAzureClient(wizardContext, WebSiteManagementClient); = await client.webApps.createOrUpdate(nonNullValueAndProp(wizardContext.resourceGroup, 'name'), nonNullProp(wizardContext, 'newSiteName'), {
name: wizardContext.newSiteName,
kind: wizardContext.newSiteKind,
location: nonNullValueAndProp(wizardContext.location, 'name'),
serverFarmId: wizardContext.plan ? : undefined,
clientAffinityEnabled: wizardContext.newSiteKind ===,
siteConfig: await this.getNewSiteConfig(wizardContext),
reserved: wizardContext.newSiteOS === WebsiteOS.linux // The secret property - must be set to true to make it a Linux plan. Confirmed by the team who owns this API.
export async function createSlot(root: ISiteTreeRoot, existingSlots: AzureTreeItem[], context: ICreateChildImplContext): Promise {
const client: WebSiteManagementClient = createAzureClient(root, WebSiteManagementClient);
const slotName: string = (await ext.ui.showInputBox({
prompt: localize('enterSlotName', 'Enter a unique name for the new deployment slot'),
validateInput: async (value: string | undefined): Promise => validateSlotName(value, client, root)
const newDeploymentSlot: Site = {
name: slotName,
kind: root.client.kind,
location: root.client.location,
serverFarmId: root.client.serverFarmId,
siteConfig: {
appSettings: [] // neccesary to have clean appSettings; by default it copies the production's slot
const configurationSource: SiteClient | undefined = await chooseConfigurationSource(root, existingSlots);