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public closed(): CloseAction {
// Use our shared error handling code to notification telemetry and user of the error
// in a standard way
callWithTelemetryAndErrorHandlingSync(languageServerErrorTelemId, (context: IActionContext) => {
context.telemetry.measurements.secondsSinceStart = ( - this._serverStartTime) / 1000;
throw new Error(`The connection to the ${languageServerName} got closed.`);
return this._handler.closed();
public error(error: Error, message: Message, count: number): ErrorAction {
// Use our shared error handling code to notification telemetry and user of the error
// in a standard way
callWithTelemetryAndErrorHandlingSync(languageServerErrorTelemId, (context: IActionContext) => {
// tslint:disable-next-line: strict-boolean-expressions = message ? message.jsonrpc : "";
context.telemetry.measurements.secondsSinceStart = ( - this._serverStartTime) / 1000;
throw new Error(`An error occurred in the ${languageServerName}.${os.EOL}${os.EOL}${parseError(error).message}`);
return this._handler.error(error, message, count);
function findLanguageServer(context: ExtensionContext): string {
let serverDllPath: string;
return callWithTelemetryAndErrorHandlingSync('findLanguageServer', (actionContext: IActionContext) => {
actionContext.errorHandling.rethrow = true;
let serverDllPathSetting: string | undefined = workspace.getConfiguration('armTools').get('languageServer.path');
if (typeof serverDllPathSetting !== 'string' || serverDllPathSetting === '') { = 'false';
// Default behavior: armTools.languageServer.path is not set - look for the files in their normal installed location under languageServerFolderName
let serverFolderPath = context.asAbsolutePath(languageServerFolderName);
serverDllPath = path.join(serverFolderPath, languageServerDllName);
if (!fse.existsSync(serverFolderPath) || !fse.existsSync(serverDllPath)) {
throw new Error(`Couldn't find the ARM language server at ${serverDllPath}, you may need to reinstall the extension.`);
serverDllPath = path.join(serverFolderPath, languageServerDllName);
} else { = 'true';
function startLanguageClient(serverDllPath: string, dotnetExePath: string): void {
callWithTelemetryAndErrorHandlingSync('startArmLanguageClient', (actionContext: IActionContext) => {
actionContext.errorHandling.rethrow = true;
// These trace levels are available in the server:
// Trace
// Debug
// Information
// Warning
// Error
// Critical
// None
let trace: string = workspace.getConfiguration('armTools').get("languageServer.traceLevel") || defaultTraceLevel;
let commonArgs = [