Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
prototype.transform = function(input, reset) {
log.debug(input, ['folding']);
var fold = this,
on = this.param('fields'),
output = df.ChangeSet.create(input);
if (reset) this._reset(input, output);
this._fn(input.add, on, output.add);
this._fn(input.mod, on, reset ? output.add : output.mod);
input.rem.forEach(function(x) {
output.rem.push.apply(output.rem, fold._cache[x._id]);
fold._cache[x._id] = null;
// If we're only propagating values, don't mark key/value as updated.
if (input.add.length || input.rem.length ||
on.field.some(function(f) { return !!input.fields[f]; })) {
output.fields[this._output.key] = 1;
output.fields[this._output.value] = 1;
prototype.model = function(model) {
if (!arguments.length) return this._model;
if (this._model !== model) {
this._model = model;
this._streamer = new df.Node(model);
this._streamer._rank = -1; // HACK: To reduce re-ranking churn.
this._changeset = df.ChangeSet.create();
if (this._handler) this._handler.model(model);
return this;
prototype._on_keep = function(cell) {
// propagate sort, signals, fields, etc.
if (this._facet) df.ChangeSet.copy(this._input, cell.ds._input);
var dl = require('datalib'),
df = require('vega-dataflow'),
ChangeSet = df.ChangeSet,
Base = df.Graph.prototype,
Node = df.Node, // jshint ignore:line
GroupBuilder = require('../scene/GroupBuilder'),
visit = require('../scene/visit'),
config = require('./config');
function Model(cfg) {
this._defs = {};
this._predicates = {};
this._scene = null; // Root scenegraph node.
this._groups = null; // Index of group items.
this._node = null;
this._builder = null; // Top-level scenegraph builder.
var dl = require('datalib'),
log = require('vega-logging'),
Item = require('vega-scenegraph').Item,
df = require('vega-dataflow'),
Node = df.Node, // jshint ignore:line
Deps = df.Dependencies,
Tuple = df.Tuple,
ChangeSet = df.ChangeSet,
Sentinel = {},
Encoder = require('./Encoder'),
Bounder = require('./Bounder'),
parseData = require('../parse/data');
function Builder() {
return arguments.length ? this.init.apply(this, arguments) : this;
var Status = Builder.STATUS = {
ENTER: 'enter',
UPDATE: 'update',
EXIT: 'exit'
var dl = require('datalib'),
df = require('vega-dataflow'),
ChangeSet = df.ChangeSet,
Base = df.Graph.prototype,
Node = df.Node, // jshint ignore:line
GroupBuilder = require('../scene/GroupBuilder'),
visit = require('../scene/visit'),
compiler = require('../parse/expr'),
config = require('./config');
function Model(cfg) {
this._defs = {};
this._predicates = {};
this._scene = null; // Root scenegraph node.
this._groups = null; // Index of group items.
this._node = null;
this._builder = null; // Top-level scenegraph builder.
prototype.transform = function(input) {
log.debug(input, ['filtering']);
var output = df.ChangeSet.create(input),
graph = this._graph,
skip = this._skip,
test = this.param('test'),
signals = graph.values(SIGNALS, this.dependency(SIGNALS));
input.rem.forEach(function(x) {
if (skip[x._id] !== 1) output.rem.push(x);
else skip[x._id] = 0;
input.add.forEach(function(x) {
if (test(x, null, signals)) output.add.push(x);
else skip[x._id] = 1;
input.mod.forEach(function(x) {
function fire(registry, type, datum, evt) {
var handlers = registry.handlers[type],
node = registry.nodes[type],
cs = df.ChangeSet.create(null, true),
filtered = false,
val, i, n, h;
function invoke(f) {
return !f.fn(datum, evt);
for (i=0, n=handlers.length; i
var dl = require('datalib'),
df = require('vega-dataflow'),
log = require('vega-logging'),
ChangeSet = df.ChangeSet,
Tuple = df.Tuple,
Deps = df.Dependencies,
Transform = require('./Transform'),
Facetor = require('./Facetor');
function Aggregate(graph) {, graph);
Transform.addParameters(this, {
groupby: {type: 'array'},
summarize: {
type: 'custom',
set: function(summarize) {
var signalDeps = {},
tx = this._transform,
i, len, f, fields, name, ops;
prototype._changeset = function(input) {
var counts = this._counts,
tuples = this._tuples || (this._tuples = {}),
change = df.ChangeSet.create(input),
out = this._output, w, t, c;
for (w in counts) {
t = tuples[w];
c = counts[w] || 0;
if (!t && c) {
tuples[w] = (t = Tuple.ingest({}));
t[out.text] = w;
t[out.count] = c;
} else if (c === 0) {
if (t) change.rem.push(t);
delete counts[w];
delete tuples[w];
} else if (t[out.count] !== c) {
Tuple.set(t, out.count, c);