How to use urllib - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few urllib examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github qiniu / nodejs-sdk / qiniu / rpc.js View on Github external
data.agent = conf.RPC_HTTP_AGENT;

    if (conf.RPC_HTTPS_AGENT) {
        data.httpsAgent = conf.RPC_HTTPS_AGENT;

    if (Buffer.isBuffer(requestForm) || typeof requestForm === 'string') {
        data.content = requestForm;
    } else if (requestForm) { = requestForm;
    } else {
        data.headers['Content-Length'] = 0;

    var req = urllib.request(requestURI, data, function (respErr, respBody,
        respInfo) {
    // var end = parseInt( / 1000);
    // console.log((end - start) + " seconds");
    // console.log("queuing:\t" + respInfo.timing.queuing);
    // console.log("dnslookup:\t" + respInfo.timing.dnslookup);
    // console.log("connected:\t" + respInfo.timing.connected);
    // console.log("requestSent:\t" + respInfo.timing.requestSent);
    // console.log("waiting:\t" + respInfo.timing.waiting);
    // console.log("contentDownload:\t" + respInfo.timing.contentDownload);

        callbackFunc(respErr, respBody, respInfo);

    return req;
github cnpm / mirrors / sync / node.js View on Github external
proto.listdir = function* (fullname) {
  var url = this.disturl + fullname;

  // if is doc path
  var isDocPath = this.DOC_API_RE.test(fullname);
  if (isDocPath) {
    url += 'index.html';

    if (!this._syncDocument) {
      return [];

  var res = yield urllib.requestThunk(url, {
    timeout: 60 * 1000,
    dataType: 'text',
    followRedirect: true,
  debug('listdir %s got %s, %j', url, res.status, res.headers);

  return isDocPath
    ? this.parseDocHtml(res, fullname)
    : this.parseDistHtml(res, fullname);
github cnpm / mirrors / sync / PuppeteerChromeSyncer.js View on Github external
// const downloadURLs = {
  //   linux: '%s/chromium-browser-snapshots/Linux_x64/%d/',
  //   mac: '%s/chromium-browser-snapshots/Mac/%d/',
  //   win32: '%s/chromium-browser-snapshots/Win/%d/',
  //   win64: '%s/chromium-browser-snapshots/Win_x64/%d/',
  // };

  let existsCount = 0;
  const existDirResults = yield => this.listExists('/' + name + '/'));
  const existDirsMap = {};
  for (const rows of existDirResults) {
    for (const row of rows) {
      existDirsMap[row.parent +] = true;
  const result = yield urllib.request(this._npmPackageUrl, {
    timeout: 60000,
    dataType: 'json',
    gzip: true,
    followRedirect: true,
  const versions = || {};
  const chromium_revisions = {};
  for (var version in versions) {
    const pkg = versions[version];
    const puppeteerInfo = pkg.puppeteer || {};
    if (!puppeteerInfo.chromium_revision) continue;
    if (chromium_revisions[puppeteerInfo.chromium_revision]) continue;

    const publish_time =[pkg.version];
    chromium_revisions[puppeteerInfo.chromium_revision] = publish_time;
github micooz / wallpaper / lib / sources / bing.js View on Github external
'use strict';

var http = require('urllib').create();
var shell = require('shelljs');
var path = require('path');
var fs = require('fs');
var logger = require('../utils/logger');

var resource = {
  url: '',
  params: {
    format: 'js', // return json
    idx: 0, // 0 - today, 1 - yesterday, 2 - the day before yesterday ...
    n: 1 // how many images in the result

exports.first = function (cb) {
  // 1. get image url
github micooz / wallpaper / lib / sources / your.js View on Github external
'use strict';

var http = require('urllib').create();
var shell = require('shelljs');
var path = require('path');
var fs = require('fs');
var logger = require('../utils/logger.js');

exports.first = function (cb) {
  // implement your logic here, cb need a image path based on filesystem.
  // Then specify --source=your in command line, and have fun.
  // Also I would appreciate it if you could share your source at:
  // cb(file);
github node-modules / autod / index.js View on Github external
const debug = require('debug')('autod');
const assert = require('assert');
const glob = require('glob');
const path = require('path');
const fs = require('fs');
const readdir = require('fs-readdir-recursive');
const crequire = require('crequire');
const EventEmitter = require('events');
const co = require('co');
const urllib = require('urllib');
const semver = require('semver');

const DEFAULT_EXCLUDE = [ '.git', 'cov', 'coverage', '.vscode' ];
const DEFAULT_TEST = [ 'test', 'tests', 'test.js', 'benchmark', 'example', 'example.js' ];
const USER_AGENT = `autod@${require('./package').version} ${urllib.USER_AGENT}`;
const MODULE_REG = /^(@[0-9a-zA-Z\-\_][0-9a-zA-Z\.\-\_]*\/)?([0-9a-zA-Z\-\_][0-9a-zA-Z\.\-\_]*)/;

class Autod extends EventEmitter {
  constructor(options) {
    this.options = Object.assign({}, options);

  prepare() {
    const options = this.options;
    assert(options.root, 'options.root required');
    // default options
    options.semver = options.semver || {};
    options.registry = options.registry || '';
github cnpm / mirrors / sync / mirrors.js View on Github external
proto.listdir = function* (fullname, dirIndex) {
  var alwayNewDir = false;
  if (typeof this._alwayNewDirIndex === 'number' && this._alwayNewDirIndex === dirIndex) {
    alwayNewDir = true;
  } else if (Array.isArray(this._alwayNewDirIndex) && this._alwayNewDirIndex.indexOf(dirIndex) >= 0) {
    // node-inspector `alwayNewDirIndex = [0, 1]`
    alwayNewDir = true;
  var url = this.disturl + fullname;

  var res = yield urllib.requestThunk(url, {
    timeout: 60000,
    dataType: 'json',
    followRedirect: true,
  debug('listdir %s got %s, %j', url, res.status, res.headers);
  if (res.status !== 200) {
    var msg = util.format('request %s error, got %s', url, res.status);
    throw new Error(msg);

  return (file) {
    var item = {
      isNew: null,
      size: file.size || '-',
github node-modules / weibo / lib / tbase.js View on Github external
TBase.prototype.apply_auth = function (url, args, user) {
  user.authtype = user.authtype || 'oauth';
  args.headers = args.headers || {};
  if (user.authtype === 'baseauth') {
    if (user.username && user.password) {
      args.headers.Authorization = urllib.make_base_auth_header(user.username, user.password);
  } else if (user.authtype === 'oauth' || user.authtype === 'xauth') {
    var accessor = {
      consumerSecret: this.config.secret
    // 已通过oauth认证
    if (user.oauth_token_secret) {
      accessor.tokenSecret = user.oauth_token_secret;
    var parameters = {};

    for (var k in {
      parameters[k] =[k];
      if (k.substring(0, 6) === 'oauth_') { // 删除oauth_verifier相关参数
github aappddeevv / dynamics-client-ui / packages / dynamics-client-ui / src / Data / HTTPS.ts View on Github external
export function fetch(config: Config, request: Request,
    callback: (error: boolean, ctx: any) => void) {
    var parsed_url = urllib.parse(request.url)
    var options = {
        hostname: parsed_url.hostname,
        port: 443,
        path: parsed_url.path,
        method: request.method,
        headers: {
            "Accept": "application/json",
            "OData-MaxVersion": "4.0",
            "OData-Version": "4.0",
    if (['POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH'].indexOf(request.method) >= 0) {
        // GL browser should set this itself
        //options.headers['Content-Length'] =;
        options.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
github eggjs / egg-core / test / fixtures / configmeta / config / config.js View on Github external
'use strict';

const HttpClient2 = require('urllib').HttpClient2;
const urllib = new HttpClient2();

exports.urllib = {
  keepAlive: false,
  foo: null,
  bar: undefined,
  n: 1,
  dd: new Date(),
  httpclient: urllib,

exports.buffer = new Buffer('1234');
exports.array = [];

exports.console = console; = 0;


Help in opening URLs (mostly HTTP) in a complex world — basic and digest authentication, redirections, timeout and more. Base undici API.

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