How to use the urllib.make_base_auth_header function in urllib

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TBase.prototype.apply_auth = function (url, args, user) {
  user.authtype = user.authtype || 'oauth';
  args.headers = args.headers || {};
  if (user.authtype === 'baseauth') {
    if (user.username && user.password) {
      args.headers.Authorization = urllib.make_base_auth_header(user.username, user.password);
  } else if (user.authtype === 'oauth' || user.authtype === 'xauth') {
    var accessor = {
      consumerSecret: this.config.secret
    // 已通过oauth认证
    if (user.oauth_token_secret) {
      accessor.tokenSecret = user.oauth_token_secret;
    var parameters = {};

    for (var k in {
      parameters[k] =[k];
      if (k.substring(0, 6) === 'oauth_') { // 删除oauth_verifier相关参数


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