How to use the thingpedia.HttpClient function in thingpedia

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few thingpedia examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github stanford-oval / almond-dialog-agent / test / test_entities.js View on Github external
// See COPYING for details
"use strict";

const Tp = require('thingpedia');

const { getBestEntityMatch } = require('../lib/dialogs/entity_lookup');

const THINGPEDIA_URL = '';

const _mockPlatform = {
    locale: 'en-US',
    getDeveloperKey() {
        return null;
const _thingpediaClient = new Tp.HttpClient(_mockPlatform, THINGPEDIA_URL);

const TEST_CASES = [
    ['tt:cryptocurrency_code', 'bitcoin', 'btc', 'Bitcoin'],
    ['tt:cryptocurrency_code', 'bitcoin cash', 'bch', 'Bitcoin Cash'],
    ['tt:cryptocurrency_code', 'ethereum', 'eth', 'Ethereum'],

    ['sportradar:eu_soccer_team', 'juventus', 'juv', 'Juventus Turin'],
    ['sportradar:eu_soccer_team', 'inter', 'int', 'Inter Milan'],
    ['sportradar:eu_soccer_team', 'arsenal', 'ars', 'Arsenal FC'],
    ['sportradar:eu_soccer_team', 'barcelona', 'bar', 'FC Barcelona'],

    ['sportradar:us_soccer_team', 'san jose earthquakes', 'sje', "San Jose Earthquakes"],
    ['sportradar:us_soccer_team', 'sj earthquakes', 'sje', "San Jose Earthquakes"],

    ['sportradar:ncaafb_team', 'stanford cardinals', 'sta', 'Stanford Cardinal'],
github stanford-oval / almond-cloud / nlp / nlp_model.js View on Github external
this.tag = spec.tag;
        this.locale = spec.language;
        this.trained = spec.trained;

        if (spec.use_exact)
            this.exact = service.getExact(spec.language);
            this.exact = new DummyExactMatcher(); // non default models don't get any exact match

        this._modeldir = AbstractFS.resolve(Config.NL_MODEL_DIR, `./${spec.tag}:${spec.language}`);

        if (Config.WITH_THINGPEDIA === 'embedded') {
            const org = (spec.owner === null || spec.owner === 1) ? { is_admin: true, id: 1 } : { is_admin: false, id: spec.owner };
            this.tpClient = new OrgThingpediaClient(spec.language, org);
        } else {
            this.tpClient = new Tp.HttpClient({
                getDeveloperKey() {
                    return Config.NL_THINGPEDIA_DEVELOPER_KEY;
                locale: spec.language,
            }, Config.THINGPEDIA_URL);
github stanford-oval / almond-cloud / tests / nlp / index.js View on Github external
const ThingTalk = require('thingtalk');
const Gettext = require('node-gettext');
const Tp = require('thingpedia');

const Almond = require('almond-dialog-agent');
const Intent = Almond.Intent;
const ParserClient = require('./parserclient');

const db = require('../../util/db');
const Config = require('../../config');
assert.strictEqual(Config.WITH_THINGPEDIA, 'external');

const gettext = new Gettext();

const schemas = new ThingTalk.SchemaRetriever(new Tp.HttpClient({
    getDeveloperKey() {
        return null;
    locale: 'en-US',
}, Config.THINGPEDIA_URL), null, true);

function candidateToString(cand) {
    if (cand.isProgram)
        return `Program(${cand.program.prettyprint(true)})`;
    else if (cand.isSetup)
        return `Setup(${cand.program.prettyprint(true)})`;
    else if (cand.isPermissionRule)
        return `PermissionRule(${cand.rule.prettyprint(true)})`;
        return String(cand);
github stanford-oval / almond-dialog-agent / test / mock.js View on Github external
module.exports.createMockEngine = function(thingpediaUrl) {
    var thingpedia;
    if (thingpediaUrl === 'mock')
        thingpedia = _mockThingpediaClient;
        thingpedia = new Tp.HttpClient(_mockPlatform, thingpediaUrl || THINGPEDIA_URL);
    var schemas = new ThingTalk.SchemaRetriever(thingpedia, null, true);

    return {
        platform: _mockPlatform,
        thingpedia: thingpedia,
        schemas: schemas,
        devices: new MockDeviceDatabase(),
        apps: new MockAppDatabase(schemas),
        discovery: new MockDiscoveryClient(),
        messaging: new MockMessagingManager(),
        remote: new MockRemote(schemas),
        permissions: new MockPermissionManager(schemas)