How to use the thingpedia.DeviceClass function in thingpedia

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few thingpedia examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github stanford-oval / thingengine-core / common-devices / sportradar / device.js View on Github external
// -*- mode: js; indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-basic-offset: 4 -*-
// This file is part of ThingEngine
// Copyright 2015 Giovanni Campagna 
// See COPYING for details

const Tp = require('thingpedia');

module.exports = new Tp.DeviceClass({
    Name: 'SportRadarDevice',

    _init: function(engine, state) {
        this.parent(engine, state);

        this.uniqueId = 'sportradar';
        this.isTransient = true; = "SportRadar";
        this.description = "SportRadar is a quick source of Sport Results and info and stuff.";

    get ownerTier() {
        return Tp.Tier.GLOBAL;
github stanford-oval / thingpedia-common-devices / com.instagram / device.js View on Github external
// -*- mode: js; indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-basic-offset: 4 -*-
// Copyright 2016 Sunkyu Lim 
// See LICENSE for details
"use strict";

const Tp = require('thingpedia');

module.exports = new Tp.DeviceClass({
    Name: 'InstagramAccountDevice',
    UseOAuth2: Tp.Helpers.OAuth2({
        kind: 'com.instagram',
        client_id: 'fbd0f2d229ff4db38e58c2c3a193a710',
        client_secret: '4q41qr80n1544q2po63q91461p7r2226',
        scope: ['basic'],
        authorize: '',
        get_access_token: '',
        callback: function(engine, accessToken, refreshToken) {
            return Tp.Helpers.Http.get('' + accessToken, {
                    accept: 'application/json'
                .then(function(response) {
                    var parsed = JSON.parse(response);
                    return engine.devices.loadOneDevice({
                        kind: 'com.instagram',
github stanford-oval / thingpedia-common-devices / com.9gag / device.js View on Github external
// -*- mode: js; indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-basic-offset: 4 -*-
// Copyright 2015 Giovanni Campagna 
// See LICENSE for details

const Tp = require('thingpedia');

module.exports = new Tp.DeviceClass({
    Name: 'NineGagDevice',

    _init: function(engine, state) {
        this.parent(engine, state);
        this.uniqueId = 'com.9gag'; = "9Gag";
        this.description = "Gets you the latest fun on 9gag";
github stanford-oval / thingengine-core / lib / devices / thingpedia / builtins / graphdb / device.js View on Github external
// -*- mode: js; indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-basic-offset: 4 -*-
// This file is part of ThingEngine
// Copyright 2016 Giovanni Campagna 
// See COPYING for details
"use strict";

const Tp = require('thingpedia');

module.exports = new Tp.DeviceClass({
    Name: 'GraphdbDevice',

    _init: function(engine, state) {
        this.parent(engine, state);

        this.uniqueId = 'thingengine-own-graphdb';
        this.isTransient = true;
github stanford-oval / thingengine-core / lib / device-classes / group / device.js View on Github external

        devices.forEach(function(d) {
            try {
            } catch(e) {
                return null;
        }, this);

        // FIXME: mutation

module.exports = new Tp.DeviceClass({
    Name: 'GroupDevice',

    _init: function(engine, state) {
        this.parent(engine, state);

        // let the device db pick a uniqueId for this group
        // this.uniqueId = undefined; = "Group %s".format(;
        this.description = "This is a group of devices. You can share it on a chat room to give people access to it.";

    get devices() {
        return this.state.devices;
github stanford-oval / thingpedia-common-devices / org.thingpedia.rss / device.js View on Github external
// -*- mode: js; indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-basic-offset: 4 -*-
// Copyright 2016 Shloka Desai 
//                Giovanni Campagna 
// See LICENSE for details

const Tp = require('thingpedia');

module.exports = new Tp.DeviceClass({
    Name: "RSSDevice",

    _init: function(engine, state) {
         this.parent(engine, state);

         this.uniqueId = 'org.thingpedia.rss-' + this.url; = "RSS Feed at " + this.url;
         this.description = "This is a RSS Feed";

    get url() {
        return this.state.url;
github stanford-oval / thingengine-core / common-devices / bluetooth-generic / device.js View on Github external
// -*- mode: js; indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-basic-offset: 4 -*-
// This file is part of ThingEngine
// Copyright 2015 Giovanni Campagna 
// See COPYING for details

const Tp = require('thingpedia');

module.exports = new Tp.DeviceClass({
    Name: 'BluetoothGenericDevice',

    UseDiscovery: function(engine, publicData, privateData) {
        if (privateData.paired) {
            engine.devices.loadOneDevice({ kind: 'bluetooth-generic',
                                           uuids: publicData.uuids,
                                           class: publicData.class,
                                           hwAddress: privateData.address,
                                           alias: privateData.alias }, true);
        } else {
            // FINISHME: ask the user to pair the device then add it

    _init: function(engine, state) {
        this.parent(engine, state);
github stanford-oval / thingengine-core / common-devices / twitter-account / device.js View on Github external
function runOAuth2(engine, req) {
    return Q.try(function() {
        if (req === null) {
            return runOAuthStep1(engine);
        } else {
            return runOAuthStep2(engine, req);
    }).catch(function(e) {
        throw e;

module.exports = new Tp.DeviceClass({
    Name: 'TwitterAccountDevice',
    Extends: Tp.OnlineAccount,
    UseOAuth2: runOAuth2,
    Kinds: ['twitter'],

    _init: function(engine, state) {
        this.parent(engine, state);

        this.uniqueId = 'twitter-account-' + this.userId; = "Twitter Account %s".format(this.screenName);
        this.description = "This is your Twitter Account. You can use it to be updated on the status of your friends, and update them with your thoughts.";

    get screenName() {
        return this.state.screenName;
github stanford-oval / thingengine-core / lib / device-classes / omlet / device.js View on Github external
return Q.Promise(function(callback, errback) {

        client.onSignedUp = callback;
        client.auth.confirmAuth(code, key);
    }).then(function() {
        return engine.devices.loadOneDevice({ kind: 'omlet',
                                              omletId: findPrimaryIdentity(client),
                                              instance: instance,
                                              storage: storage.serialize() }, true);
    }).finally(function() {

module.exports = new Tp.DeviceClass({
    Name: 'OmletDevice',
    UseOAuth2: function(engine, req) {
        if (req === null)
            return runOAuth2Phase1(engine);
            return runOAuth2Phase2(engine, req);

    _init: function(engine, state) {
        this.parent(engine, state);

        this.globalName = 'omlet';
        this.uniqueId = 'omlet-' + this.omletInstance;

        this._omletStorage = null;
github stanford-oval / thingpedia-common-devices / com.jawbone.up / device.js View on Github external
const crypto = require('crypto');
const Tp = require('thingpedia');

function rot13(x) {
    return, function(ch) {
        var code = ch.charCodeAt(0);
        if (code >= 0x41 && code <= 0x5a)
            code = (((code - 0x41) + 13) % 26) + 0x41;
        else if (code >= 0x61 && code <= 0x7a)
            code = (((code - 0x61) + 13) % 26) + 0x61;

        return String.fromCharCode(code);

module.exports = new Tp.DeviceClass({
    Name: 'JawboneUpDevice',
    Kinds: ['activity-tracker','fitness-tracker','sleep-tracker',
    UseOAuth2: Tp.Helpers.OAuth2({
        kind: 'com.jawbone.up',
        client_id: 'v3sYocgyPaE',
        client_secret: '2pp9o8sr34n733no1o3s603s4sn4so2p81os095o',
        scope: ['basic_read', 'extended_read', 'location_read',
                'mood_read', 'mood_write', 'move_read', 'move_write',
                'sleep_read', 'sleep_write', 'meal_read', 'meal_write',
                'weight_read', 'weight_write', 'heartrate_read'],
        authorize: '',
        get_access_token: '',
        callback: function(engine, accessToken, refreshToken) {
            var auth = 'Bearer ' + accessToken;
            return Tp.Helpers.Http.get('',