How to use theming - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few theming examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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function customWithTheme<p>(
  // tslint:disable-next-line: no-unnecessary-generics
  Component: React.ComponentType</p><p>
) {
  return class CustomWithTheme extends React.Component {
    static contextTypes = themeListener.contextTypes;

    setTheme = (theme: object) =&gt; this.setState({ theme });
    subscription: number | undefined;

    constructor(props: P, context: ContextWithTheme) {
      super(props, context);
      this.state = { theme: themeListener.initial(context) };
    componentDidMount() {
      this.subscription = themeListener.subscribe(this.context, this.setTheme);
    componentWillUnmount() {
      const { subscription } = this;
      if (subscription != null) {
        themeListener.unsubscribe(this.context, subscription);
github skbkontur / retail-ui / packages / retail-ui / components / internal / JssStyled.js View on Github external
  return defaultTheme;

type Props = {
  styles: Styles,
  // eslint-disable-next-line flowtype/no-weak-types
  children: (classes: any) =&gt; React.Node

const createStylesCreator = (styles: Styles) =&gt;
  typeof styles === 'function' ? styles : (theme: mixed) =&gt; styles;

class JssStyled extends React.Component {
  static contextTypes = {
    []: PropTypes.object

  static _sheetsManager = new Map();
  _unsubscribe = null;
  _theme = null;
  _broadcast = brcast();

  get _inThemeContext() {
    return !!this.context[];

  constructor(props: Props, context: mixed) {
    super(props, context);
    this._theme = this._getThemeFromContext() || getDefaultTheme();
github cssinjs / jss / packages / react-jss / src / withStyles.js View on Github external
const withStyles = (styles: Styles, options?: HOCOptions = {}) =&gt; {
  const {index = getSheetIndex(), theming, injectTheme, ...sheetOptions} = options
  const isThemingEnabled = typeof styles === 'function'
  const ThemeConsumer = (theming &amp;&amp; theming.context.Consumer) || ThemeContext.Consumer

  return (
    InnerComponent: ComponentType = NoRenderer
  ): ComponentType =&gt; {
    const displayName = getDisplayName(InnerComponent)

    const getTheme = (props): Theme =&gt; (isThemingEnabled ? props.theme : ((noTheme: any): Theme))

    class WithStyles extends Component, State&gt; {
      static displayName = `WithStyles(${displayName})`

      // $FlowFixMe
      static defaultProps = {...InnerComponent.defaultProps}

      static createState(props) {
        const sheet = createStyleSheet({
github cssinjs / jss / packages / react-jss / src / createHoc.js View on Github external
// $FlowFixMe: Flow complains for no reason...
      const {innerRef, theme, ...props} = this.props
      const sheet = dynamicSheet || staticSheet

      if (injectMap.sheet &amp;&amp; !props.sheet &amp;&amp; sheet) props.sheet = sheet
      if (injectMap.theme) props.theme = theme

      // We have merged classes already.
      if (injectMap.classes) props.classes = classes


  if (isThemingEnabled || injectMap.theme) {
    const ThemeConsumer = (theming &amp;&amp; theming.context.Consumer) || ThemeContext.Consumer

    // eslint-disable-next-line no-inner-declarations
    function ContextSubscribers(props) {
      return {theme =&gt; }

    ContextSubscribers.InnerComponent = InnerComponent

    return ContextSubscribers

  return Jss
github kiwicom / orbit-components / src / Theming / ThemedSample.js View on Github external
colorTextPrimary: {theme.colorTextPrimary}
    fontFamily: {theme.fontFamily}
    lineHeightText: {theme.lineHeightText}

// We're passing a default theme for Component that aren't wrapped in the ThemeProvider
ComponentWithTheme.defaultProps = {
  theme: tokens,

// Themed component cannot be used without ThemeProvider
const ThemedComponent = withTheme(ComponentWithTheme);
ThemedComponent.displayName = "ThemedComponent";

export { ThemedComponent as default, ComponentWithTheme as RawComponent };
github skbkontur / retail-ui / packages / retail-ui / components / ThemeProvider / index.js View on Github external
// TODO: define own custom ThemeProvider based on theming
import { ThemeProvider } from 'theming';
import createDefaultTheme from '../theme';

ThemeProvider.defaultTheme = createDefaultTheme();

export default ThemeProvider;
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const customTheme = {
  color: {
    primary: "red",
    secondary: "blue"
type CustomTheme = typeof customTheme;

interface DemoBoxProps {
  text: string;
  theme: CustomTheme;
const DemoBox = ({ text, theme }: DemoBoxProps) =&gt; {
  return <div style="{{">{text}</div>;
const ThemedDemoBox = withTheme(DemoBox);
const renderDemoBox = () =&gt; ;

const App = () =&gt; {
  return (

const AugmentedApp = () =&gt; {
  return (
       ({ ...outerTheme, augmented: true })}&gt;
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constructor(props: P, context: ContextWithTheme) {
      super(props, context);
      this.state = { theme: themeListener.initial(context) };
    componentDidMount() {
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componentDidMount() {
      this.subscription = themeListener.subscribe(this.context, this.setTheme);
    componentWillUnmount() {
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componentWillUnmount() {
      const { subscription } = this;
      if (subscription != null) {
        themeListener.unsubscribe(this.context, subscription);
    render() {