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const withStyles = (styles: Styles, options?: HOCOptions = {}) => {
const {index = getSheetIndex(), theming, injectTheme, ...sheetOptions} = options
const isThemingEnabled = typeof styles === 'function'
const ThemeConsumer = (theming && theming.context.Consumer) || ThemeContext.Consumer
return (
InnerComponent: ComponentType = NoRenderer
): ComponentType => {
const displayName = getDisplayName(InnerComponent)
const getTheme = (props): Theme => (isThemingEnabled ? props.theme : ((noTheme: any): Theme))
class WithStyles extends Component, State> {
static displayName = `WithStyles(${displayName})`
// $FlowFixMe
static defaultProps = {...InnerComponent.defaultProps}
static createState(props) {
const sheet = createStyleSheet({
// $FlowFixMe: Flow complains for no reason...
const {innerRef, theme, ...props} = this.props
const sheet = dynamicSheet || staticSheet
if (injectMap.sheet && !props.sheet && sheet) props.sheet = sheet
if (injectMap.theme) props.theme = theme
// We have merged classes already.
if (injectMap.classes) props.classes = classes
if (isThemingEnabled || injectMap.theme) {
const ThemeConsumer = (theming && theming.context.Consumer) || ThemeContext.Consumer
// eslint-disable-next-line no-inner-declarations
function ContextSubscribers(props) {
return {theme => }
ContextSubscribers.InnerComponent = InnerComponent
return ContextSubscribers
return Jss
import React from 'react';
import {getDisplayName} from '@reshadow/react';
import {
createStyled as createReshadowStyled,
} from '@reshadow/runtime';
import coreStyled, {KEYS, map} from '@reshadow/core';
import tags from '@reshadow/utils/html-tags';
import {ThemeContext} from 'theming';
import isReactProp from 'is-react-prop';
const ThemeConsumer = ThemeContext.Consumer;
const styledProps = ['as', 'theme'];
const blacklist = new Set([...styledProps, 'color']);
const filterProps = props => {
const nextProps = {};
const filtered = Object.create(styledProps);
Object.keys(props).forEach(prop => {
nextProps[prop] = props[prop];
if (blacklist.has(prop) || !isReactProp(prop)) {
return {props: nextProps, filtered};