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device.language = language;
device.onLanguageChanged(function() {});
const model = device.model;
device.model = model;
device.onModelChanged(function() {});
const orientation = device.orientation;
device.orientation = orientation;
const platform = device.platform;
device.platform = platform;
device.onPlatformChanged(function() {});
const scaleFactor = device.scaleFactor;
device.scaleFactor = scaleFactor;
device.onScaleFactorChanged(function() {});
const screenHeight = device.screenHeight;
device.screenHeight = screenHeight;
device.onScreenHeightChanged(function() {});
const screenWidth = device.screenWidth;
device.screenWidth = screenWidth;
device.onScreenWidthChanged(function() {});
function showPopover() {
const popover = new Popover({width: 300, height: 400, anchor: button})
.on('close', () => console.log('Popover closed'))
const navigationView = new NavigationView({
layoutData: {left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0},
navigationAction: new Action({
title: 'Close',
image: {
src: device.platform === 'iOS' ? 'resources/close-black-24dp@3x.png' : 'resources/close-white-24dp@3x.png',
scale: 3
}).on('select', () => popover.close())
const page = new Page({title: 'Popover'}).appendTo(navigationView);
new TextView({centerX: 0, centerY: 0, text: 'Hello popover'}).appendTo(page);
createCheckBox('Custom navigation action', ({value: checked}) => {
if (checked) {
navigationView.navigationAction = new Action({
title: 'Close',
image: {
src: device.platform === 'iOS' ? 'resources/close-black-24dp@3x.png' : 'resources/close-white-24dp@3x.png',
scale: 3
}).on('select', () => console.log('navigationAction selected'));
} else {
navigationView.navigationAction = null;
}, false);
background: '#E8E8E8'
const label = new TextView({
left: 16, top: 'prev() 16', right: 16,
font: 'italic 14px',
text: 'You can press home and reopen the app to it to see how long you were away.'
new Button({
left: 16, right: 16, bottom: 16,
text: 'Reload app'
}).on('select', () => app.reload())
if (device.platform === 'Android') {
new Button({
left: 16, right: 16, bottom: 'prev() 16',
text: 'Close app'
}).on('select', () => app.close())
app.on('pause', () => paused =
.on('resume', () => {
if (paused > 0) {
const diff = - paused;
label.text = ' Welcome back!\n You were gone for ' + (diff / 1000).toFixed(1) + ' seconds.';
app.onBackNavigation(event => {
function getImage(image) {
return 'resources/' + image + (device.platform === 'iOS' ? '-black-24dp@3x.png' : '-white-24dp@3x.png');
import {ImageView, TextView, CheckBox, Slider, Composite, contentView, device} from 'tabris';
const imageView = new ImageView({
left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: '#controls',
image: 'resources/salad.jpg',
background: '#f5f5f5',
zoomEnabled: true
}).onZoom(({zoomLevel}) => zoomLevelSlider.selection = zoomLevel * 10)
const controls = new Composite({
id: 'controls',
left: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, height: device.platform === 'iOS' ? 204 : undefined,
background: 'white',
padding: {left: 16, right: 16, top: 16, bottom: 24},
elevation: 8
new CheckBox({
id: 'zoomEnabled',
left: 0, right: 0, top: 0,
checked: true,
text: 'Zoom enabled'
}).onCheckedChanged(({target: checkBox, value: zoomEnabled}) => {
zoomLevelSlider.selection = 10;
minZoomSlider.selection = 10;
maxZoomSlider.selection = 30;
imageView.zoomEnabled = zoomEnabled;
controls.children().filter(widget => widget !== checkBox).set({enabled: zoomEnabled});
function actionSnippet(parent) {
dimen(parent, large);
const navigationView = new NavigationView({
left: 16, right: 16, top: 16, bottom: 16, actionColor: device.platform === 'iOS' ? 'black' : 'white'
new Page({title: 'Action'}).appendTo(navigationView);
if (device.platform === 'Android') { new Action({title: 'Share'}).appendTo(navigationView); }
new Action({image: 'resources/search-black-24dp@3x.png'}).appendTo(navigationView);
import {app, contentView, device, ImageView, TextInput, WebView} from 'tabris';
const MARGIN = 8;
const NAV_SIZE = device.platform === 'Android' ? 48 : 30;
contentView.set({background: '#f5f5f5'});
const back = new ImageView({
left: MARGIN, width: NAV_SIZE, top: MARGIN, bottom: ['#webView', MARGIN],
highlightOnTouch: true,
image: {src: 'resources/arrow-back-black-24dp@3x.png', scale: 3}
}).onTap(() => webView.goBack())
const forward = new ImageView({
left: back, width: NAV_SIZE, top: MARGIN, bottom: ['#webView', MARGIN],
highlightOnTouch: true,
image: {src: 'resources/arrow-forward-black-24dp@3x.png', scale: 3}
}).onTap(() => webView.goForward())
import {Action, NavigationView, Page, Popover, Button, TextView, contentView, device} from 'tabris';
contentView.set({padding: 16}).append(
<button>Show Popover</button>
const IMG_CLOSE = device.platform === 'iOS' ? 'resources/close-black-24dp@3x.png' : 'resources/close-white-24dp@3x.png';
const button = $(Button).only();
function showPopover() {
const popover =
Hello Popover
function renderDeviceProperties() {
$(TextView).only().text =
<b>Platform:</b> {device.platform}<br>
<b>Version:</b> {device.version}<br>
<b>Model:</b> {device.model}<br>
<b>Vendor:</b> {device.vendor}<br>
<b>Name:</b> {}<br>
<b>Language:</b> {device.language}<br>
<b>Orientation:</b> {device.orientation}<br>
<b>Screen:</b> {device.screenWidth} x {device.screenHeight}<br>
<b>Scale:</b> {device.scaleFactor}<br>
<b>Cameras:</b> {device.cameras ? => camera.position).join(', ') : 'none'}<br>