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function test_Picker() {
var widget: Picker = new Picker();
widget.set("foo", 23);
selection: "foo",
selectionIndex: 23,
items: ["foo", "bar", "baz"]
const AIRPORTS = [
id: 'SFO',
name: 'San Francisco'
id: 'TXL',
name: 'Berlin Tegel'
id: 'FRA',
name: 'Frankfurt'
const picker = new Picker({
left: 20, top: 20, right: 20,
itemCount: AIRPORTS.length,
itemText: (index) => AIRPORTS[index].name,
selectionIndex: 1
picker.onSelect(({index}) => console.log('Selected ' + AIRPORTS[index].id));
function showIntro() {
Object.defineProperty(global, 's', {get: stop});
Object.defineProperty(global, 'n', {get: next});
Object.defineProperty(global, 'p', {get: prev});
if (localStorage.getItem(KEY_SNIPPET_INDEX)) {
return false;
const snippetPicker = new Picker({
top: 'prev()', left: 10, right: 10,
selectionIndex: 0,
itemText: index => typeof snippets[index] === 'string' ? snippets[index] : snippets[index][0],
itemCount: snippets.length
const autoCheckBox = new CheckBox({
top: 'prev()',
text: 'auto continue',
checked: localStorage.getItem(KEY_AUTO_CONTINUE) === 'true'
new Button({text: 'Start', top: 'prev()'}).on({
select: () => {
localStorage.setItem(KEY_AUTO_CONTINUE, autoCheckBox.checked);
localStorage.setItem(KEY_SNIPPET_INDEX, snippetPicker.selectionIndex);
function createColorPicker(text, property) {
const initialColor = navigationView[property];
new TextView({
left: MARGIN, top: ['prev()', MARGIN], width: LABEL_WIDTH,
new Picker({
left: ['prev()', MARGIN], baseline: 'prev()', right: MARGIN,
itemCount: COLORS.length,
itemText: index => COLORS[index] || initialColor
}).onSelect(({index}) => navigationView[property] = COLORS[index] || initialColor)
import {Picker, TextView, contentView, navigationBar} from 'tabris';
const THEMES = ['default', 'light', 'dark'];
const DISPLAY_MODES = ['default', 'float', 'hide'];
const BACKGROUNDS = [navigationBar.background, 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25)', 'red', 'green', 'blue'];
createTextView('Theme', 'theme');
createTextView('Display mode', 'displayMode');
createTextView('Background', 'background');
createTextView('Height', 'height');
new Picker({
left: '#displayMode 16', baseline: '#theme', right: 16,
itemCount: THEMES.length,
itemText: index => THEMES[index]
}).on('select', ({index}) => navigationBar.theme = THEMES[index])
new Picker({
left: '#displayMode 16', baseline: '#displayMode', right: 16,
itemCount: DISPLAY_MODES.length,
itemText: index => DISPLAY_MODES[index]
}).on('select', ({index}) => navigationBar.displayMode = DISPLAY_MODES[index])
new Picker({
left: '#displayMode 16', baseline: '#background', right: 16,
itemCount: BACKGROUNDS.length,
{name: 'Small', src: 'resources/landscape.jpg', scale: 3}
const SCALE_MODES = ['auto', 'fit', 'fill', 'stretch', 'none'];
const imageView = new ImageView({
top: MARGIN, width: 200, height: 200, centerX: 0,
image: IMAGES[0],
background: 'rgb(220, 220, 220)'
const imageSizeLabel = new TextView({
left: MARGIN, top: [imageView, MARGIN_LARGE], width: 96,
text: 'Image'
new Picker({
right: MARGIN, left: [imageSizeLabel, 0], baseline: imageSizeLabel,
itemCount: IMAGES.length,
itemText: index => IMAGES[index].name
select: ({index}) => imageView.image = IMAGES[index]
const scaleModeTextView = new TextView({
left: MARGIN, top: [imageSizeLabel, MARGIN_LARGE], width: 96,
text: 'Scale mode'
new Picker({
right: MARGIN, left: scaleModeTextView, baseline: scaleModeTextView,
itemCount: SCALE_MODES.length,
itemText: index => SCALE_MODES[index]
/** @type {Array} */
const BACKGROUNDS = ['initial', 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25)', 'red', 'green', 'blue'];
createTextView('Theme', 'theme');
createTextView('Display mode', 'displayMode');
createTextView('Background', 'background');
createTextView('Height', 'height');
new Picker({
left: '#displayMode 16', baseline: '#theme', right: 16,
itemCount: THEMES.length,
itemText: index => THEMES[index]
}).onSelect(({index}) => statusBar.theme = THEMES[index])
new Picker({
left: '#displayMode 16', baseline: '#displayMode', right: 16,
itemCount: DISPLAY_MODES.length,
itemText: index => DISPLAY_MODES[index]
}).onSelect(({index}) => statusBar.displayMode = DISPLAY_MODES[index])
new Picker({
left: '#displayMode 16', baseline: '#background', right: 16,
itemCount: BACKGROUNDS.length,
itemText: index => BACKGROUNDS[index]
}).onSelect(({index}) => statusBar.background = BACKGROUNDS[index])
new TextView({
left: '#displayMode 16', baseline: '#height', right: 16,
text: statusBar.height.toString()
const {Composite, CollectionView, Picker, TextView, contentView} = require('tabris');
const LANGUAGES = [{
id: 'en',
name: 'English'
}, {
id: 'de',
name: 'Deutsch'
let selectedLanguage, texts;
new Picker({
left: 16, top: 8, right: 16,
itemCount: LANGUAGES.length,
itemText: index => LANGUAGES[index].name,
selectionIndex: =>
}).on('select', ({index}) => {
collectionView.itemCount = texts.items.length;
const collectionView = new CollectionView({
left: 0, top: 'prev() 8', right: 0, bottom: 0,
itemCount: texts.items.length,
cellHeight: 54,
createCell: () => new MenuCell(),
updateCell: (cell, index) => = texts.items[index]
id: 'passphraseLabel',
text: 'Passphrase:'
new TextInput({
id: 'passphraseInput',
type: 'password',
message: 'Passphrase'
new TextView({
id: 'countryLabel',
text: 'Country:'
new Picker({
id: 'countryPicker',
itemCount: COUNTRIES.length,
itemText: index => COUNTRIES[index]
new TextView({
id: 'classLabel',
text: 'Class:'
new Picker({
id: 'classPicker',
itemCount: CLASSES.length,
itemText: index => CLASSES[index]