How to use the string-kit.wordwrap function in string-kit

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few string-kit examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github cronvel / terminal-kit / lib / Terminal.js View on Github external
action = options.root.str.column( options.root.wrapOptions.x ) + action ;

			options.root.wrapOptions.continue = true ;
			options.root.wrapOptions.offset = wrapOptions.offset ;
		else {
			wrapOptions = {
				width: options.root.wrapOptions.width || options.root.width ,
				glue: '\n' ,
				offset: options.root.wrapOptions.offset ,
				updateOffset: true ,
				skipFn: termkit.escapeSequenceSkipFn
			} ;

			action = string.wordwrap( action , wrapOptions ) ;
			options.root.wrapOptions.continue = true ;
			options.root.wrapOptions.offset = wrapOptions.offset ;
	else {
		// All non-wrapped string display reset the offset
		options.root.wrapOptions.continue = false ;
		options.root.wrapOptions.offset = 0 ;

	off = options.offHasFormatting ? options.root.format( ) : ;

	if ( options.forceStyleOnReset ) {
		action = action.replace( new RegExp( string.escape.regExp( options.root.optimized.styleReset ) , 'g' ) , options.root.optimized.styleReset + on ) ;
github cronvel / terminal-kit / lib / singleColumnMenu.js View on Github external
menuItems = ( element , index ) => {

				var item , lines ,
					lineLength = options.itemMaxWidth - paddingLength ;

				lines = string.wordwrap( element , {
					width: lineLength ,
					noJoin: true ,
					fill: true ,
					skipFn: termkit.escapeSequenceSkipFn
				} ) ;

				item = {
					offsetY: offsetY ,
					index: index ,
					text: element ,
					displayText: lines
				} ;

				offsetY += lines.length ;

				return item ;
github cronvel / terminal-kit / lib / document / Element.js View on Github external
Element.wordwrapContent = ( content , width , hasMarkup ) =>
	hasMarkup ? misc.wordwrapMarkup( content , width ) : string.wordwrap( content , { width , fill: true , noJoin: true } ) ;
github cronvel / terminal-kit / lib / misc.js View on Github external
misc.wordwrapMarkup = ( str , width ) => string.wordwrap( str , {
	width: width ,
	noJoin: true ,
	fill: true ,
	regroupFn: strArray => {
		var markup = '' ,
			complexMarkup = false ,
			newStrArray = [] ;

		strArray.forEach( char => {
			if ( complexMarkup ) {
				markup += char ;

				if ( char === ']' ) {
					newStrArray.push( markup ) ;
					markup = '' ;
					complexMarkup = false ;


A string manipulation toolbox, featuring a string formatter (inspired by sprintf), a variable inspector (output featuring ANSI colors and HTML) and various escape functions (shell argument, regexp, html, etc).

Latest version published 7 months ago

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