How to use the string-kit.createMarkup function in string-kit

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few string-kit examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github cronvel / terminal-kit / lib / Terminal.js View on Github external
"W": term.str.bgBrightWhite() ,
				"y": term.str.bgYellow() ,
				"Y": term.str.bgBrightYellow()
	} ;

	term.formatConfig.rawMarkupConfig = Object.create( term.formatConfig ) ;
	term.formatConfig.rawMarkupConfig.startingMarkupReset = false ;
	term.formatConfig.rawMarkupConfig.endingMarkupReset = false ;

	for ( k in term.escHandler ) { term.formatConfig.fn[ k ] = term.escHandler[ k ] ; }
	for ( k in term.escOffHandler ) { term.formatConfig.fn[ k + '_off' ] = term.escOffHandler[ k ] ; }

	term.format = string.createFormatter( term.formatConfig ) ;
	term.markup = string.createMarkup( term.formatConfig ) ;
	term.options = options ;

	// Should come after any escape sequence definitions
	createOptimized( term ) ;

	// Register various exit handler
	// Fix the issue #3, turn grabInput off on exit
	// Disable input grabbing at exit.
	// Note: the terminal can still send some garbage if it was about to do it when exit kickin.

	process.on( 'exit' , () => {
		//console.log( '>>> exit' ) ;
		// Cleanup was done from elsewhere, probably by .asyncCleanup()
		if ( term.shutdown ) { return ; }
		term.shutdown = true ;
		term.styleReset() ;


A string manipulation toolbox, featuring a string formatter (inspired by sprintf), a variable inspector (output featuring ANSI colors and HTML) and various escape functions (shell argument, regexp, html, etc).

Latest version published 25 days ago

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