How to use the sharp.kernel function in sharp

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few sharp examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github vseventer / sharp-cli / lib / constants.js View on Github external
// Package modules.
const sharp = require('sharp')

// Exports.
module.exports = {
  BAND: ['red', 'green', 'blue'],
  BLEND: Object.keys(sharp.blend),
  BOOL: Object.keys(sharp.bool),
  COLOURSPACE: Object.keys(sharp.colourspace),
  CONTAINER: ['fs', 'zip'],
  DEPTH: ['onepixel', 'onetile', 'one'],
  FIT: Object.keys(,
  FORMAT: ['heif', 'jpeg', 'jpg', 'png', 'raw', 'tiff', 'webp'],
  GRAVITY: Object.keys(sharp.gravity),
  HEIF_COMPRESSION: ['hevc', 'avc', 'jpeg', 'av1'],
  KERNEL: Object.keys(sharp.kernel),
  LAYOUT: ['dz', 'google', 'zoomify'],
  POSITION: Object.keys(sharp.position),
  STRATEGY: Object.keys(sharp.strategy),
  TIFF_COMPRESSION: ['ccittfax4', 'deflate', 'jpeg', 'lzw', 'none'],
  TIFF_PREDICTOR: ['float', 'horizontal', 'none']
github google / chicago-brick / demo_modules / tiffany / tiffany_server.js View on Github external
async function loadImage(url) {
    const response = await fetch(url);
    if (!response.ok) {
      throw new Error(`Failed to load ${url}`);
    const buffer = await response.buffer();
    debug(`loaded url ${url}`);
    const {data, info} = await sharp(buffer)
        .resize(undefined, VERTICAL_RESOLUTION, {
          kernel: sharp.kernel.lanczos2
        .toBuffer({resolveWithObject: true});
        console.log(info, data.length);
    const resized_u8c4 = new jsfeat.matrix_t(
      info.width, info.height, jsfeat.U8_t | jsfeat.C4_t,
      new jsfeat.data_t(info.width * info.height, data));

    const norm_u8 = normalize(grayscale(resized_u8c4));

    return {
      original_u8c4: resized_u8c4,
      width: resized_u8c4.cols,
github jwagner / smartcrop-sharp / index.js View on Github external
getData: function(image) {
    var options = { kernel: sharp.kernel.cubic };
    return image._sharp
      .resize(image.width, image.height, options)
      .then(function(data) {
        if (data.length === image.width * image.height * 3) {
          data = rgb2rgba(data);
        if (data.length !== image.width * image.height * 4) {
          throw new Error('unexpected data length ' + data.length);
        return new smartcrop.ImgData(image.width, image.height, data);
github bpatrik / pigallery2 / src / backend / model / threading / PhotoWorker.ts View on Github external
return async (input: RendererInput): Promise => {
      Logger.silly('[SharpRenderer] rendering photo:' + input.mediaPath + ', size:' + input.size);
      const image: Sharp = sharp(input.mediaPath, {failOnError: false});
      const metadata: Metadata = await image.metadata();

       * newWidth * newHeight = size*size
       * newHeight/newWidth = height/width
       * newHeight = (height/width)*newWidth
       * newWidth * newWidth = (size*size) / (height/width)
       * @type {number}
      const ratio = metadata.height / metadata.width;
      const kernel = input.qualityPriority === true ? sharp.kernel.lanczos3 : sharp.kernel.nearest;

      if (input.cut) {
      if (input.makeSquare === false) {
        if (metadata.height > metadata.width) {
          image.resize(Math.min(input.size, metadata.width), null, {
            kernel: kernel
        } else {
          image.resize(null, Math.min(input.size, metadata.height), {
            kernel: kernel
github superfly / fly / packages / core / src / bridge / fly / image.ts View on Github external
async function scale(this: sharp.Sharp, ...args: any[]) {
  const opts = typeof args[args.length - 1] === "object" ? args[args.length - 1] : undefined
  const sharpOpts = {
    kernel: sharp.kernel.lanczos3,
    fastShrinkOnLoad: true
  const fit = opts &&

  if (opts) {
    sharpOpts.kernel = opts.kernel
    sharpOpts.fastShrinkOnLoad = opts.fastShrinkOnLoad

  let width = typeof args[0] === "number" ? args[0] : undefined
  let height = typeof args[1] === "number" ? args[1] : undefined
  const ignoreAspectRatio = typeof opts === "object" && opts.ignoreAspectRatio === true
  const withoutEnlargement = typeof opts === "object" && opts.allowEnlargement === false

  if (!width || !height) {
    const meta = await this.metadata()
github leptojs / lepto / plugins / resize.js View on Github external
const resize = (opts={}) => {
  const kernelOption = {};
  if (opts.kernel) {
    kernelOption.kernel = sharp.kernel[opts.kernel];
  const retinaPrefix = typeof opts.prefix !== 'undefined' ? opts.prefix : '@';
  const retinaSuffix = typeof opts.suffix !== 'undefined' ? opts.suffix : 'x';

  return function resize(input, fulfill) {
    let finish = -input.outputs.length + 1;
    const next = () => {
      if (finish > 0) {

    if (Array.isArray(opts.retina)) {
      for (let i = 0, l = input.outputs.length; i < l; i++) {
        for (let multiple of opts.retina) {
github linuxacademy / content-lambda-deep-dive / section_5 / live_activity_7 / index.js View on Github external
function transform(response, next) {
        sharp(response.Body).resize(MAX_WIDTH, MAX_HEIGHT, {
          kernel: sharp.kernel.nearest,
          fit: 'inside',
          position: 'right top'
          .toBuffer(imageType, function (err, buffer) {
            if (err) {
            } else {
              next(null, response.ContentType, buffer);



High performance Node.js image processing, the fastest module to resize JPEG, PNG, WebP, GIF, AVIF and TIFF images

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