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'use strict'
// Package modules.
const sharp = require('sharp')
// Exports.
module.exports = {
BAND: ['red', 'green', 'blue'],
BLEND: Object.keys(sharp.blend),
BOOL: Object.keys(sharp.bool),
COLOURSPACE: Object.keys(sharp.colourspace),
CONTAINER: ['fs', 'zip'],
DEPTH: ['onepixel', 'onetile', 'one'],
FIT: Object.keys(,
FORMAT: ['heif', 'jpeg', 'jpg', 'png', 'raw', 'tiff', 'webp'],
GRAVITY: Object.keys(sharp.gravity),
HEIF_COMPRESSION: ['hevc', 'avc', 'jpeg', 'av1'],
KERNEL: Object.keys(sharp.kernel),
LAYOUT: ['dz', 'google', 'zoomify'],
POSITION: Object.keys(sharp.position),
STRATEGY: Object.keys(sharp.strategy),
TIFF_COMPRESSION: ['ccittfax4', 'deflate', 'jpeg', 'lzw', 'none'],
TIFF_PREDICTOR: ['float', 'horizontal', 'none']
function(size, _cb){
// resize by default
var $query = master.background(options.background);
// check resize
if(options.resize == true){
$query = $query.resize(size.width, size.height);
// check crop (on valid crop option)
if(options.crop != false && _.has(sharp.gravity, options.crop)){
$query = $query.crop(sharp.gravity[options.crop]);
// check embed
if(options.embed == true){
$query = $query.embed();
// check max
if(options.max == true){
$query = $query.max();
// check min
if(options.min == true){
$query = $query.min();
function getCropper(name) {
// See
// Possible attributes of sharp.gravity are north, northeast, east, southeast, south,
// southwest, west, northwest, center and centre.
if (sharp.gravity[name] !== undefined) {
return sharp.gravity[name];
// The experimental strategy-based approach resizes so one dimension is at its target
// length then repeatedly ranks edge regions, discarding the edge with the lowest
// score based on the selected strategy.
// - entropy: focus on the region with the highest Shannon entropy.
// - attention: focus on the region with the highest luminance frequency,
// colour saturation and presence of skin tones.
if (sharp.strategy[name] !== undefined) {
return sharp.strategy[name];
throw new UsageError(
`"${name}" is not a valid crop value. Consult`
const [topLeft, topRight, bottomLeft, bottomRight] = await Promise.all([
[nextXY.minX, nextXY.minY],
[nextXY.maxX, nextXY.minY],
[nextXY.minX, nextXY.maxY],
[nextXY.maxX, nextXY.maxY]
].map(([x, y]) => renderTile({ tileset, z: nextZ, x, y, scale }, dataParams)));
const compositedBuffer = await sharp({
create: {
width: tileSize * 2,
height: tileSize * 2,
channels: 4,
background: { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, alpha: 0 }
{input: topLeft, gravity: sharp.gravity.northwest},
{input: topRight, gravity: sharp.gravity.northeast},
{input: bottomLeft, gravity: sharp.gravity.southwest},
{input: bottomRight, gravity: sharp.gravity.southeast}
return sharp(compositedBuffer)
.resize(tileSize, tileSize, {fit: 'inside'})
processor: 'sharp', pipe: function (instance) {
return instance
.toFormat(format.type, {quality})
.resize(Math.ceil(width), Math.ceil(height))
async function genPicPNG(avatarStream,filename){//图片套模板
data = await streamToBuffer(avatarStream)
return await sharp('template1.png').overlayWith(data,{gravity:sharp.gravity.southeast}).png().toBuffer()
function genCircleAvatar(origStream){//圆形头像
if (message.attachments.array()[0] === undefined && fullInput[1] === undefined) {
if (message.attachments.array()[0] === undefined) {
keyartUrl = fullInput[1]
} else {
keyartUrl = message.attachments.array()[0].url
const imageData = await request.Request({url: keyartUrl, encoding: null});
const image = sharp(imageData);
await fs.mkdirs(`keyart_gen/temp/${}/Keyart/Data/Gfx/UI/KeyArt`);
await fs.mkdirs(`keyart_gen/temp/${}/Keyart/Data/Gfx2/UI/KeyArt`);
await image
.resize(2728, 1536)
.then(async function (info) {
await fs.copy(`keyart_gen/tex_source/tex.tex`, `keyart_gen/temp/${}/Keyart/Data/Gfx2/UI/KeyArt/Mad_Easy_Keyart.tex`);
await fs.writeFile(`keyart_gen/temp/${}/Keyart/Data/Gfx2/UI/KeyArt/keyart.txt`, `1\nMad_Easy_Keyart.tex\n${info.width} ${info.height}\n1\n0 0 ${info.width} ${info.height} 0 0 0 MadWoTBMods0`);
await fs.writeFile(`keyart_gen/temp/${}/Keyart/Data/Gfx2/UI/KeyArt/Mad_Easy_Keyart_size.txt`, `(I${info.width * info.height}\nI${info.width}\nI${info.height}\ntp0\n.`);
await image
.resize(1364, 768)
.then(async function (info) {
await fs.copy(`keyart_gen/tex_source/tex.tex`, `keyart_gen/temp/${}/Keyart/Data/Gfx/UI/KeyArt/Mad_Easy_Keyart.tex`);
await fs.writeFile(`keyart_gen/temp/${}/Keyart/Data/Gfx/UI/KeyArt/keyart.txt`, `1\nMad_Easy_Keyart.tex\n${info.width} ${info.height}\n1\n0 0 ${info.width} ${info.height} 0 0 0 MadWoTBMods0`);
if (assetType === AssetType.IMAGE) {
const image = sharp(data);
const metadata = await image.metadata();
const width = metadata.width || 0;
const height = metadata.height || 0;
if (maxWidth < width || maxHeight < height) {
return image.resize(maxWidth, maxHeight, { fit: 'inside' }).toBuffer();
} else {
return data;
} else {
return sharp(path.join(__dirname, 'file-icon.png'))
.resize(800, 800, { fit: 'outside' })
.overlayWith(this.generateMimeTypeOverlay(mimeType), {