How to use regexpp - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few regexpp examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github makuga01 / dnsFookup / FE / node_modules / eslint / lib / rules / no-regex-spaces.js View on Github external
if (!DOUBLE_SPACE.test(rawPattern)) {

            const characterClassNodes = [];
            let regExpAST;

            try {
                regExpAST = regExpParser.parsePattern(pattern, 0, pattern.length, flags.includes("u"));
            } catch (e) {

                // Ignore regular expressions with syntax errors

            regexpp.visitRegExpAST(regExpAST, {
                onCharacterClassEnter(ccNode) {

            const spacesPattern = /( {2,})(?: [+*{?]|[^+*{?]|$)/gu;
            let match;

            while ((match = spacesPattern.exec(pattern))) {
                const { 1: { length }, index } = match;

                // Report only consecutive spaces that are not in character classes.
                if (
                    characterClassNodes.every(({ start, end }) => index < start || end <= index)
                ) {
github eslint / eslint / lib / rules / no-invalid-regexp.js View on Github external
 * @fileoverview Validate strings passed to the RegExp constructor
 * @author Michael Ficarra
"use strict";

// Requirements

const RegExpValidator = require("regexpp").RegExpValidator;
const validator = new RegExpValidator({ ecmaVersion: 2018 });
const validFlags = /[gimuys]/gu;
const undefined1 = void 0;

// Rule Definition

module.exports = {
    meta: {
        type: "problem",

        docs: {
            description: "disallow invalid regular expression strings in `RegExp` constructors",
            category: "Possible Errors",
            recommended: true,
            url: ""
github makuga01 / dnsFookup / FE / node_modules / eslint / lib / rules / no-regex-spaces.js View on Github external

"use strict";

// Requirements

const astUtils = require("./utils/ast-utils");
const regexpp = require("regexpp");

// Helpers

const regExpParser = new regexpp.RegExpParser();
const DOUBLE_SPACE = / {2}/u;

 * Check if node is a string
 * @param {ASTNode} node node to evaluate
 * @returns {boolean} True if its a string
 * @private
function isString(node) {
    return node && node.type === "Literal" && typeof node.value === "string";

// Rule Definition
github eslint / eslint / lib / rules / prefer-named-capture-group.js View on Github external
// Requirements

const {
} = require("eslint-utils");
const regexpp = require("regexpp");

// Helpers

const parser = new regexpp.RegExpParser();

// Rule Definition

module.exports = {
    meta: {
        type: "suggestion",

        docs: {
            description: "enforce using named capture group in regular expression",
            category: "Best Practices",
            recommended: false,
            url: ""
github eslint / eslint / lib / rules / prefer-named-capture-group.js View on Github external
function checkRegex(regex, node, uFlag) {
            let ast;

            try {
                ast = parser.parsePattern(regex, 0, regex.length, uFlag);
            } catch (_) {

                // ignore regex syntax errors

            regexpp.visitRegExpAST(ast, {
                onCapturingGroupEnter(group) {
                    if (! {
                        const locNode = node.type === "Literal" ? node : node.arguments[0];

                            messageId: "required",
                            loc: {
                                start: {
                                    line: locNode.loc.start.line,
                                    column: locNode.loc.start.column + group.start + 1
                                end: {
                                    line: locNode.loc.start.line,
                                    column: locNode.loc.start.column + group.end + 1
github eslint / eslint / lib / rules / no-misleading-character-class.js View on Github external
let patternNode;

            try {
                patternNode = parser.parsePattern(
            } catch (e) {

                // Ignore regular expressions with syntax errors

            visitRegExpAST(patternNode, {
                onCharacterClassEnter(ccNode) {
                    for (const chars of iterateCharacterSequence(ccNode.elements)) {
                        for (const kind of kinds) {
                            has[kind] = has[kind] || hasCharacterSequence[kind](chars);

            for (const kind of kinds) {
                if (has[kind]) {
          { node, messageId: kind });
github sikidamjanovic / cowrite / node_modules / @typescript-eslint / eslint-plugin / dist / rules / prefer-includes.js View on Github external
function parseRegExp(node) {
            const evaluated = eslint_utils_1.getStaticValue(node, globalScope);
            if (evaluated == null || !(evaluated.value instanceof RegExp)) {
                return null;
            const { pattern, flags } = regexpp_1.parseRegExpLiteral(evaluated.value);
            if (pattern.alternatives.length !== 1 ||
                flags.ignoreCase ||
                return null;
            // Check if it can determine a unique string.
            const chars = pattern.alternatives[0].elements;
            if (!chars.every(c => c.type === 'Character')) {
                return null;
            // To string.
            return String.fromCodePoint( => c.value));
        return {
github typescript-eslint / typescript-eslint / packages / eslint-plugin / src / rules / prefer-includes.ts View on Github external
function parseRegExp(node: TSESTree.Node): string | null {
      const evaluated = getStaticValue(node, globalScope);
      if (evaluated == null || !(evaluated.value instanceof RegExp)) {
        return null;

      const { pattern, flags } = parseRegExpLiteral(evaluated.value);
      if (
        pattern.alternatives.length !== 1 ||
        flags.ignoreCase ||
      ) {
        return null;

      // Check if it can determine a unique string.
      const chars = pattern.alternatives[0].elements;
      if (!chars.every(c => c.type === 'Character')) {
        return null;

      // To string.
      return String.fromCodePoint(
github PrismJS / prism / tests / pattern-tests.js View on Github external
function forEachCapturingGroup(pattern, callback) {
		let number = 0;
		visitRegExpAST(pattern, {
			onCapturingGroupEnter(node) {
					group: node,
					number: ++number
github mysticatea / eslint-plugin-es / lib / rules / no-regexp-unicode-property-escapes.js View on Github external
function verify(context, node, pattern, flags) {
    try {
        let found = false

        new RegExpValidator({
            onUnicodePropertyCharacterSet() {
                found = true
        }).validatePattern(pattern, 0, pattern.length, flags.includes("u"))

        if (found) {
  { node, messageId: "forbidden" })
    } catch (error) {
        //istanbul ignore else
        if (error.message.startsWith("Invalid regular expression:")) {
        //istanbul ignore next
        throw error


Regular expression parser for ECMAScript.

Latest version published 4 years ago

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