How to use the regexpp.parseRegExpLiteral function in regexpp

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few regexpp examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github sikidamjanovic / cowrite / node_modules / @typescript-eslint / eslint-plugin / dist / rules / prefer-includes.js View on Github external
function parseRegExp(node) {
            const evaluated = eslint_utils_1.getStaticValue(node, globalScope);
            if (evaluated == null || !(evaluated.value instanceof RegExp)) {
                return null;
            const { pattern, flags } = regexpp_1.parseRegExpLiteral(evaluated.value);
            if (pattern.alternatives.length !== 1 ||
                flags.ignoreCase ||
                return null;
            // Check if it can determine a unique string.
            const chars = pattern.alternatives[0].elements;
            if (!chars.every(c => c.type === 'Character')) {
                return null;
            // To string.
            return String.fromCodePoint( => c.value));
        return {
github typescript-eslint / typescript-eslint / packages / eslint-plugin / src / rules / prefer-includes.ts View on Github external
function parseRegExp(node: TSESTree.Node): string | null {
      const evaluated = getStaticValue(node, globalScope);
      if (evaluated == null || !(evaluated.value instanceof RegExp)) {
        return null;

      const { pattern, flags } = parseRegExpLiteral(evaluated.value);
      if (
        pattern.alternatives.length !== 1 ||
        flags.ignoreCase ||
      ) {
        return null;

      // Check if it can determine a unique string.
      const chars = pattern.alternatives[0].elements;
      if (!chars.every(c => c.type === 'Character')) {
        return null;

      // To string.
      return String.fromCodePoint(
github sindresorhus / eslint-plugin-unicorn / rules / escape-case.js View on Github external
const findLowercaseEscape = value => {
	const ast = parseRegExpLiteral(value);

	let escapeNodePosition;
	visitRegExpAST(ast, {
Record escaped node position in regexpp ASTNode. Returns undefined if not found.
@param {ASTNode} node A regexpp ASTNode. Note that it is of different type to the ASTNode of ESLint parsers
@returns {undefined}
		onCharacterLeave(node) {
			if (escapeNodePosition) {

			const matches = node.raw.match(escapePatternWithLowercase);

			if (matches && matches[2].slice(1).match(hasLowercaseCharacter)) {


Regular expression parser for ECMAScript.

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