How to use the postman-collection.Url function in postman-collection

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few postman-collection examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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proxyConf.getProxyUrl(); // $ExpectType string

proxyConf.test("string"); // $ExpectType boolean

proxyConf.update(proxyConfDef); // $ExpectType void

proxyConf.updateProtocols(["string"]); // $ExpectType void

pmCollection.ProxyConfig.isProxyConfig(proxyConf); // $ExpectType boolean

// ProxyConfigList Tests

const proxyConfigList = new pmCollection.ProxyConfigList(null, [proxyConf]);

proxyConfigList.resolve("string"); // $ExpectType ProxyConfig
proxyConfigList.resolve(new pmCollection.Url({host: "string", path: "string"})); // $ExpectType ProxyConfig

pmCollection.ProxyConfigList.isProxyConfigList(proxyConfigList); // $ExpectType boolean

// QueryParamDefinition Tests

const qpDef: pmCollection.QueryParamDefinition = {
    key: null,
    value: null
qpDef.key; // $ExpectType string | null
qpDef.value; // $ExpectType string | null
qpDef.system; // $ExpectType boolean | undefined

// QueryParam Tests

let qp = new pmCollection.QueryParam("string");
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host: ["string"],
    path: ["string"]

urlDef.auth; // $ExpectType { user: string; password: string; } | undefined
urlDef.hash; // $ExpectType string | undefined; // $ExpectType string | string[] | undefined
urlDef.path; // $ExpectType string | string[]
urlDef.port; // $ExpectType string | undefined
urlDef.query; // $ExpectType string | QueryParamDefinition[] | PropertyList | undefined
urlDef.variable; // $ExpectType VariableDefinition[] | undefined
urlDef.protocol; // $ExpectType string | undefined

// Url Tests

let url = new pmCollection.Url(urlDef);
url = new pmCollection.Url("string");

url.auth; // $ExpectType { user: string; password: string; } | undefined
url.hash; // $ExpectType string | undefined; // $ExpectType string[] | undefined
url.path; // $ExpectType string[]
url.port; // $ExpectType string | undefined
url.protocol; // $ExpectType string | undefined
url.query; // $ExpectType PropertyList
url.variables; // $ExpectType VariableList

url.addQueryParams("string"); // $ExpectType void
url.addQueryParams([qp, qpDef]); // $ExpectType void

url.removeQueryParams("string"); // $ExpectType void
url.removeQueryParams(["string"]); // $ExpectType void
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// CertificateDefinition Tests
const certDef: pmCollection.CertificateDefinition = {};
certDef.matches; // $ExpectType string[] | UrlMatchPatternList | undefined
certDef.key; // $ExpectType string | { src?: string | undefined; } | undefined
certDef.cert; // $ExpectType string | { src?: string | undefined; } | undefined
certDef.passphrase; // $ExpectType string | undefined

// Certificate Tests
const certificate = new pmCollection.Certificate({});
certificate.cert; // $ExpectType { src?: string | undefined; }
certificate.key; // $ExpectType { src?: string | undefined; }
certificate.matches; // $ExpectType UrlMatchPatternList
certificate.passphrase; // $ExpectType string

certificate.canApplyTo("string"); // $ExpectType boolean
certificate.canApplyTo(new pmCollection.Url({host: "string", path: "string"})); // $ExpectType boolean

certificate.update({}); // $ExpectType void

pmCollection.Certificate.isCertificate(certificate); // $ExpectType boolean

// PropertyList Tests
const pList = new pmCollection.PropertyList("Certificate", null, []);
pList.add(certificate); // $ExpectType void
pList.all(); // $ExpectType Certificate[]
pList.append(certificate); // $ExpectType void
pList.assimilate(pList, false); // $ExpectType void
pList.assimilate([certificate], false); // ExpectType void
pList.clear(); // $ExpectType void
pList.count(); // $ExpectType number
pList.each((el: pmCollection.Certificate) => {}); // $ExpectType void
pList.each((el: pmCollection.Certificate) => {}, pList); // $ExpectType void
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path: ["string"]

urlDef.auth; // $ExpectType { user: string; password: string; } | undefined
urlDef.hash; // $ExpectType string | undefined; // $ExpectType string | string[] | undefined
urlDef.path; // $ExpectType string | string[]
urlDef.port; // $ExpectType string | undefined
urlDef.query; // $ExpectType string | QueryParamDefinition[] | PropertyList | undefined
urlDef.variable; // $ExpectType VariableDefinition[] | undefined
urlDef.protocol; // $ExpectType string | undefined

// Url Tests

let url = new pmCollection.Url(urlDef);
url = new pmCollection.Url("string");

url.auth; // $ExpectType { user: string; password: string; } | undefined
url.hash; // $ExpectType string | undefined; // $ExpectType string[] | undefined
url.path; // $ExpectType string[]
url.port; // $ExpectType string | undefined
url.protocol; // $ExpectType string | undefined
url.query; // $ExpectType PropertyList
url.variables; // $ExpectType VariableList

url.addQueryParams("string"); // $ExpectType void
url.addQueryParams([qp, qpDef]); // $ExpectType void

url.removeQueryParams("string"); // $ExpectType void
url.removeQueryParams(["string"]); // $ExpectType void
url.removeQueryParams(qp); // $ExpectType void
github postmanlabs / postman-runtime / lib / authorizer / edgegrid.js View on Github external
            url = urlEncoder.toNodeUrl(request.url.toString(true)),
            self = this;

        if (!(params.accessToken && params.clientToken && params.clientSecret)) {
            return done(); // Nothing to do if required parameters are not present.

        request.removeHeader(AUTHORIZATION, {ignoreCase: true});

        // Extract host from provided baseURL.
        // @note: Here, instead of directly passing params.baseURL in urlEncoder.toNodeUrl() we first parse it using
        //        sdk.Url() and add protocol because urlEncoder.toNodeUrl() method doesn't work properly with URLs
        //        without protocol
        params.baseURL = params.baseURL && urlEncoder.toNodeUrl(new sdk.Url(params.baseURL).toString(true)).host;
        params.nonce = params.nonce || uuid();
        params.timestamp = params.timestamp || getTimestamp();
        params.url = url;
        params.method = request.method;

        // ensure that headers are case-insensitive as specified in the documentation
        params.headers = request.getHeaders({enabled: true, ignoreCase: true});

        if (typeof params.headersToSign === STRING) {
            params.headersToSign = params.headersToSign.split(',');
        else if (!_.isArray(params.headersToSign)) {
            params.headersToSign = [];

        // only calculate body hash for POST requests according to specification
github postmanlabs / openapi-to-postman / lib / schemapack.js View on Github external, (transaction, requestCallback) => {
        let requestUrl = transaction.request.url,
        if (typeof requestUrl === 'object') {
          // SDK URL object. Get raw string representation.
          requestUrl = (new sdk.Url(requestUrl)).toString();

        // 1. Look at transaction.request.URL + method, and find matching request from schema
        matchedPaths = schemaUtils.findMatchingRequestFromSchema(

        if (!matchedPaths.length) {
          // No matching paths found
          return requestCallback(null, {
            endpoints: []
github postmanlabs / postman-runtime / lib / runner / extensions / request.command.js View on Github external,

        // @todo - no need to sync variables when SDK starts supporting resolution from scope directly
        item = context.item = new sdk.Item(context.item.toObjectResolved(null,
            variableDefinitions, {ignoreOwnVariables: true}));

        auth = context.auth;

        // Re-parse the URL, because variables have been resolved now, and things might be moved around
        item.request.url = new (sdk.Url)(item.request.url.toString());

        // resolve variables in auth
        auth && (context.auth = new sdk.RequestAuth(auth.toObjectResolved(null,
            variableDefinitions, {ignoreOwnVariables: true})));
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sanitizeURL = function (url) {
        if (Url.isUrl(url)) {
            return url;

        if (url && typeof url === STRING) {
            return new Url(url);

        return null;