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pmCollection.CookieList.isCookieList(cookieList); // $ExpectType boolean
// DescriptionDefinition Tests
const descDef: pmCollection.DescriptionDefinition = {
content: "string",
type: "string"
descDef.content; // $ExpectType string
descDef.type; // $ExpectType string | undefined
// Description Tests
let desc = new pmCollection.Description();
desc = new pmCollection.Description("string");
desc = new pmCollection.Description(descDef);
desc.content; // $ExpectType string
desc.type; // $ExpectType string
desc.toJSON(); // $ExpectType DescriptionDefinition
desc.toString(); // $ExpectType string
desc.update("string"); // $ExpectType void
desc.update("string", "string"); // $ExpectType void
desc.update(descDef); // $ExpectType void
pmCollection.Description.isDescription(desc); // $ExpectType boolean
// EventDefinition Tests
const eventDesc: pmCollection.EventDefinition = {
pmCollection.CookieList.isCookieList(cookieList); // $ExpectType boolean
// DescriptionDefinition Tests
const descDef: pmCollection.DescriptionDefinition = {
content: "string",
type: "string"
descDef.content; // $ExpectType string
descDef.type; // $ExpectType string | undefined
// Description Tests
let desc = new pmCollection.Description();
desc = new pmCollection.Description("string");
desc = new pmCollection.Description(descDef);
desc.content; // $ExpectType string
desc.type; // $ExpectType string
desc.toJSON(); // $ExpectType DescriptionDefinition
desc.toString(); // $ExpectType string
desc.update("string"); // $ExpectType void
desc.update("string", "string"); // $ExpectType void
desc.update(descDef); // $ExpectType void
pmCollection.Description.isDescription(desc); // $ExpectType boolean
// EventDefinition Tests
const eventDesc: pmCollection.EventDefinition = {
script: "string"
const cookieList = new pmCollection.CookieList(null, [cookie]);
pmCollection.CookieList.isCookieList(cookieList); // $ExpectType boolean
// DescriptionDefinition Tests
const descDef: pmCollection.DescriptionDefinition = {
content: "string",
type: "string"
descDef.content; // $ExpectType string
descDef.type; // $ExpectType string | undefined
// Description Tests
let desc = new pmCollection.Description();
desc = new pmCollection.Description("string");
desc = new pmCollection.Description(descDef);
desc.content; // $ExpectType string
desc.type; // $ExpectType string
desc.toJSON(); // $ExpectType DescriptionDefinition
desc.toString(); // $ExpectType string
desc.update("string"); // $ExpectType void
desc.update("string", "string"); // $ExpectType void
desc.update(descDef); // $ExpectType void
pmCollection.Description.isDescription(desc); // $ExpectType boolean
// EventDefinition Tests