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export function getProgressionColor(scale: number) {
const baseColor = euiLightVars.euiColorPrimary;
const adjustedScale = 0.75 * scale + 0.05; // prevents pure black & white as min/max colors.
if (adjustedScale < 0.5) {
return tint(adjustedScale * 2, baseColor);
if (adjustedScale > 0.5) {
return shade(1 - (adjustedScale - 0.5) * 2, baseColor);
return baseColor;
text: baseColors.white,
light: [null, tint(0.9,],
dark: [null, shade(0.4,],
yellow: {
base: baseColors.yellow,
text: readableColor(baseColors.yellow),
light: [null, tint(0.9, baseColors.yellow)],
dark: [null, shade(0.4, baseColors.yellow)],
red: {
text: readableColor(,
light: [null, tint(0.9,],
dark: [null, shade(0.4,],
const blurple = colors.blurple;
const blue =;
const green =;
const yellow = colors.yellow;
const red =;
// theme.js
export default {
fontSizes: [12, 14, 16, 20, 24, 32, 48, 64],
fontWeights: [0, 300, 400, 600, 700],
letterSpacings: [0, 1, 2, 4, 8],
lineHeights: {
solid: 1,
}: {
color: string;
paletteKey: string;
paletteOverrides?: ({ color }: { color: string }) => {};
}) => {
return {
[`${paletteKey}100`]: tint(0.7, color),
[`${paletteKey}200`]: tint(0.5, color),
[`${paletteKey}300`]: tint(0.3, color),
[`${paletteKey}400`]: tint(0.1, color),
[paletteKey]: color,
[`${paletteKey}500`]: color,
[`${paletteKey}600`]: shade(0.1, color),
[`${paletteKey}700`]: shade(0.3, color),
[`${paletteKey}800`]: shade(0.5, color),
[`${paletteKey}900`]: shade(0.7, color),
[`${paletteKey}Tint`]: tint(0.9, color),
[`${paletteKey}Inverted`]: readableColor(color),
[`${paletteKey}TintInverted`]: shade(0.5, color),
...(paletteOverrides ? paletteOverrides({ color }) : {})
export const generateTextVariants = (textColor: string) => ({
text100: lighten(0.2, textColor),
text200: lighten(0.15, textColor),
text300: lighten(0.1, textColor),
text400: lighten(0.05, textColor),
text: textColor,
textTint: tint(0.8, textColor),
textInverted: readableColor(textColor),
textTintInverted: shade(0.3, textColor)
background: ${p => shade(0.85, p.color)};
function shadeFromProps(
amount: number,
props: { buttonType: buttonTypeEnum; theme: ThemeInterface }
) {
switch (props.buttonType) {
case buttonTypeEnum.neutral:
return shade(
1 - amount,
opacify(0.1, determineBackgroundFromProps(props))
return shade(amount, determineBackgroundFromProps(props))
export const tintOrShade = (
textColor: string,
color: string,
tintFraction: number,
shadeFraction: number
) => {
if (parseToHsl(textColor).lightness > 0.5) {
return shade(1 - shadeFraction, color);
} else {
return tint(1 - tintFraction, color);
zIndices: [0, 9, 99, 999, 9999],
messageStyle: {
base: {
color: shade(0.4, '#AAA'),
backgroundColor: tint(0.9, '#AAA'),
borderColor: '#AAA',
success: {
color: shade(0.4, success),
backgroundColor: tint(0.9, success),
borderColor: success,
warning: {
color: shade(0.4, warning),
backgroundColor: tint(0.9, warning),
borderColor: warning,
danger: {
color: shade(0.4, danger),
backgroundColor: tint(0.9, danger),
borderColor: danger,
info: {
color: shade(0.4, info),
backgroundColor: tint(0.9, info),
borderColor: info,
color: shade(0.4, success),
backgroundColor: tint(0.9, success),
borderColor: success,
warning: {
color: shade(0.4, warning),
backgroundColor: tint(0.9, warning),
borderColor: warning,
danger: {
color: shade(0.4, danger),
backgroundColor: tint(0.9, danger),
borderColor: danger,
info: {
color: shade(0.4, info),
backgroundColor: tint(0.9, info),
borderColor: info,
get headingDark() {
return shade(0.1, this.heading);