How to use the polished.margin function in polished

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few polished examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github idena-network / idena-desktop / renderer / screens / validation / components / validation-scene.js View on Github external
return (
        Are both keywords relevant to the flip?
          {haveWords ? (
              {{name, desc}, idx) => (
github idena-network / idena-desktop / renderer / screens / contacts / components / invite-form.js View on Github external

        <button> {
            onSave(newFirstName, newLastName)
github idena-network / idena-desktop / renderer / screens / flips / components / flip-hint.js View on Github external
...margin(0, 'auto'),
          width: rem(560),
          {hint.words &amp;&amp;
  {name, desc}) =&gt; (
github idena-network / idena-desktop / renderer / screens / flips / components / flip-master.js View on Github external
caption: 'Submit flip',
      title: `Submit flip (${composeHint(flip.hint)})`,
      desc: `Make sure it is not possible to read the shuffled images as a meaningful story?`,
      children: ,

  return (
          {{caption}, idx) =&gt; (
                ...margin(0, theme.spacings.xlarge, 0, 0),
                cursor: 'pointer',
              {idx &lt;= step ? (
              ) : (
github brumm / tabulous / src / components / Options / Advanced.js View on Github external
).then(plugins =>{ default: plugin }, index) => ({
    name: process.env.AVAILABLE_PLUGINS[index],

const Container = glamorous.h1({
  padding: 20,

const Box = glamorous.div({
  display: 'inline-flex',
  padding: 10,
  ...margin(5, 2, 20),
  backgroundColor: '#fff',
  borderRadius: 200,
  boxShadow: `
    0 0 0 0.5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1),
    0 1px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)

const Label = glamorous.label({
  display: 'block',

const Hr = glamorous.div({
  height: '1px',
  marginTop: 10,
  marginBottom: 10,
github idena-network / idena-desktop / renderer / shared / components / avatar.js View on Github external
function Avatar({username, size = 80}) {
  const src = username
    ? `${username}`
    : ''
  return (
    <img style="{{" height="{size}" width="{size}" alt="{username}" src="{src}">
github idena-network / idena-desktop / renderer / pages / settings / index.js View on Github external
<label>Encrypted private key</label>
        <input style="{{" type="text" value="{key}"> setKey(}
        <input style="{{" type="password" value="{password}"> setPassword(}
        <button disabled="{!password" type="submit">