How to use the platform/api/sparql.SparqlClient.setBindings function in platform

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github researchspace / researchspace / metaphactory / web / src / main / components / semantic / search / web-components / SemanticSearchResult.ts View on Github external
// if subQuery projection variable is different from default we need to make sure that
        // the result is still available under default variable (?subject)
        if (projectionVar.substring(1) !== SEMANTIC_SEARCH_VARIABLES.PROJECTION_ALIAS_VAR) {
            expression: projectionVar as SparqlJs.Term,
            type: 'bind',
            variable: ('?' + SEMANTIC_SEARCH_VARIABLES.PROJECTION_ALIAS_VAR) as SparqlJs.Term,

        // override limit only when query doesn't already have one
        if (!baseQuery.limit && this.context.baseConfig.limit) {
          baseQuery.limit = context.baseConfig.limit;
        const queryWithBindings = SparqlClient.setBindings(baseQuery, this.context.bindings);

        // if context is set for result visualization we also need to
        // rewrite the query to take into account virtual relations
        if (_.has(context.bindings, RESULT_VARIABLES.CONTEXT_RELATION_VAR)) {
          this.bindRelationPattern(queryWithBindings, context.bindings);

        return SparqlUtil.serializeQuery(
            queryWithBindings, context.selectedDatasets, context.baseConfig.datasetsConfig
github researchspace / researchspace / researchspace / web / src / main / components / search / facet / FacetStore.ts View on Github external
    facetsQuery.where = facetsQuery.where.concat(
        baseQuery, this.excludeClauseForRelation(conjuncts, relation.iri)

    // If we have a threshold for the number of displayed facet values,
    // we introduce a limit into the query to retrieve only (threshold + 1) results
    if (isResourceQuery && this.config.config.facetValuesThreshold > 0) {
        facetsQuery.limit = this.config.config.facetValuesThreshold + 1;

    const query =
        facetsQuery, _.assign({
          [FACET_VARIABLES.RELATION_VAR]: relation.iri,
          [FACET_VARIABLES.RANGE_VAR]: relation.hasRange.iri,
        }, {
   => a.iri).getOrElse(undefined),

    const federatedQuery =
        query, this.context.selectedDatasets, this.context.baseConfig.datasetsConfig
    return, {context: this.context.semanticContext});
github researchspace / researchspace / researchspace / web / src / main / components / arguments / FieldSelection.tsx View on Github external
(field: ArgumentsFieldDefinition, repository: string) => {
      const query = SparqlUtil.parseQuerySync(field.selectPattern);
      const askQuery: SparqlJs.AskQuery = {
        prefixes: query.prefixes,
        type: 'query',
        queryType: 'ASK',
        where: query.where,
      return SparqlClient.ask(
          askQuery, {'subject': this.props.record}
        {context: {repository: repository}}
github researchspace / researchspace / metaphacts-platform / web / src / main / components / semantic / search / data / search / SparqlQueryGenerator.ts View on Github external
function generateNonFederatedPatternForDataset(
  dataset: Dataset, whereClause: Array, config?: DatasetsConfig
): SparqlJs.Pattern {
  const datasetPattern =
      c => Maybe.fromNullable(c.datasetPattern)
  const patterns =
  const parametrizedPatterns =
        prefixes: {},
        type: 'query',
        queryType: 'SELECT',
        variables: ['*'],
        where: patterns,
      {__dataset__: dataset.iri}
  return {
    type: 'group',
    patterns: parametrizedPatterns,
github researchspace / researchspace / metaphacts-platform / web / src / main / api / services / WorkflowService.ts View on Github external
        metadataQuery: string,
        metadataIri: Rdf.Iri
    ): Kefir.Property {
        if (!metadataQuery) {
            return Kefir.constant([]);
        let query = parseQuerySync(metadataQuery);
        query = SparqlClient.setBindings(query, {
        return SparqlClient.construct(query);
github researchspace / researchspace / metaphacts-platform / web / src / main / components / semantic / search / data / search / SparqlQueryGenerator.ts View on Github external
if (patternConfig.kind === 'place') {
    if (disjunct.kind === Model.SpatialDisjunctKinds.Distance) {
      queryPattern = patternConfig.distanceQueryPattern;
    } else if (disjunct.kind === Model.SpatialDisjunctKinds.BoundingBox) {
      queryPattern = patternConfig.boundingBoxQueryPattern;
  } else {
    queryPattern = patternConfig.queryPattern;
  const parsedPattern = parseQueryPattern(queryPattern, projectionVariable);
  const parameters =
      getGenericVariables(domain, conjunct),
      disjunctToVariables(config, patternConfig, conjunct)(disjunct)
  return SparqlClient.setBindings(parsedPattern, parameters);
github researchspace / researchspace / metaphacts-platform / web / src / main / api / services / WorkflowService.ts View on Github external
        resourceIri: Rdf.Iri
    ): Kefir.Property {
        const queryStr = `ASK {
            ?workflow a ?type .
            ?workflow ?predicate ?subject .
        let query = parseQuerySync(queryStr);
        query = SparqlClient.setBindings(query, {
            subject: resourceIri,
            type: VocabWorkflow.WorkflowInstantiation,
            predicate: VocabWorkflow.subject,
        return SparqlClient.ask(query);
github researchspace / researchspace / researchspace / web / src / main / components / arguments / BeliefsUtil.ts View on Github external
function propSetForArgumentsBelief(belief: ArgumentsFieldBelief): Kefir.Property {
  const query =
  return SparqlClient.construct(
    SparqlClient.setBindings(query, {'subject':})
