How to use the platform/api/rdf.Rdf.iri function in platform

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few platform examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github researchspace / researchspace / metaphacts-platform / web / src / main / components / sparql-editor / SparqlEditor.ts View on Github external
function getResourceIriFromToken(token: YasguiYasqe.YasqeToken): Rdf.Iri | undefined {
  const {prefixes} = token.state;
  if (token.type === 'string-2') {
    const [prefixKey, resource] = token.string.split(':');
    if (resource) {
      const prefix = prefixes[prefixKey];
      if (prefix) {
        return Rdf.iri(`${prefix}${resource}`);
      try {
        return resolveIris([token.string])[0];
      } catch {
        return undefined;
  } else if (token.type === 'variable-3') {
    const resourceIri = Rdf.fullIri(token.string);
    if (!resourceIri.value.length) {
      return undefined;
    const prefixKey = findKey(prefixes, prefix => prefix === resourceIri.value);
    return prefixKey ? undefined : resourceIri;
  return undefined;
github researchspace / researchspace / metaphacts-platform / web / src / main / components / forms / inputs / SelectInput.ts View on Github external
this.props.updateValue(v => {
            const nonEmpty = FieldValue.isEmpty(v)
              ? FieldValue.fromLabeled({value: Rdf.iri('')}) : v;
            const errors = FieldValue.getErrors(nonEmpty).push({
              kind: ErrorKind.Loading,
              message: `Failed to load value set`,
            return FieldValue.setErrors(nonEmpty, errors);
github researchspace / researchspace / metaphacts-platform / web / src / main / components / forms / FieldDefinition.ts View on Github external

  if (!definition.maxOccurs || definition.maxOccurs === 'unbound') {
    definition.maxOccurs = Infinity;
  } else {
    definition.maxOccurs = parseInt(definition.maxOccurs, 10);

  if (!definition.order || definition.order === 'unbound') {
    definition.order = 0;
  } else {
    definition.order = parseInt(definition.order, 10);

  if (typeof definition.domain === 'string') {
    definition.domain = [Rdf.iri(definition.domain)];
  } else if (Array.isArray(definition.domain)) {
    definition.domain = => {
      if (typeof domain === 'string') {
        return Rdf.iri(domain);
      return domain;

  if (typeof definition.range === 'string') {
    definition.range = Rdf.iri(definition.range);
  } else if (Array.isArray(definition.range)) {
    definition.range = => {
      if (typeof range === 'string') {
        return Rdf.iri(range);
github researchspace / researchspace / metaphacts-platform / web / src / main / components / 3-rd-party / ontodia / Ontodia.ts View on Github external
).flatMap(diagramIri => {
      if (this.props.postSaving === 'navigate') {
        const props = {...this.props.queryParams, diagram: diagramIri.value};
        return navigateToResource(Rdf.iri(this.props.navigateTo), props);
      this.setState({diagramIri: diagramIri.value});
      return Kefir.constant(undefined);
    }).map(results => {
github researchspace / researchspace / researchspace / web / src / main / components / iiif / ImageRegionEditor.ts View on Github external
return ImageApi.queryImageBounds(iiifServerUrl, iiifImageId).flatMap(canvasSize =>
          baseIri: imageInfo.isRegion ? imageInfo.imageIRI : Rdf.iri(iri),
          imageIri: imageInfo.imageIRI,
      ).flatMapErrors(() =>
github researchspace / researchspace / researchspace / web / src / main / components / narratives / SemanticNarrativeEditor.tsx View on Github external
throw 'Error while parsing annotation.html';
          label: annotation.label,
          editor: editor,
          state: content,
    } else {
      const content = createEmptyState();
        target: props.annotationTarget ?
          Rdf.iri(props.annotationTarget.replace(/<|>/g, '')) :
        editor: editor,
        state: content,

github researchspace / researchspace / metaphacts-platform / web / src / main / components / forms / FieldDefinition.ts View on Github external
if (typeof definition.range === 'string') {
    definition.range = Rdf.iri(definition.range);
  } else if (Array.isArray(definition.range)) {
    definition.range = => {
      if (typeof range === 'string') {
        return Rdf.iri(range);
      return range;

  if (typeof definition.xsdDatatype === 'string') {
    const datatype = XsdDataTypeValidation.parseXsdDatatype(definition.xsdDatatype);
    definition.xsdDatatype = datatype
      ? datatype.iri : Rdf.iri(definition.xsdDatatype);

  if (definition.xsdDatatype) {
    definition.xsdDatatype = XsdDataTypeValidation.replaceDatatypeAliases(definition.xsdDatatype);
  } else if (definition.range) {
    definition.xsdDatatype = xsd.anyURI;

  if (!definition.defaultValues) {
    definition.defaultValues = [];

  if (typeof definition.testSubject === 'string') {
    definition.testSubject = Rdf.iri(definition.testSubject);
github researchspace / researchspace / metaphacts-platform / web / src / main / api / services / WorkflowService.ts View on Github external
return ldpAssetsService.get(workflowData.definition).flatMap(graph => {
            try {
                const steps = Rdf.getValuesFromPropertyPath(
                    [VocabWorkflow.hasStep],, graph)
                const firstStep = steps.find(step => step.value === workflowData.firstStep.value);
                if (!firstStep) {
                    throw new Error(`Unknown step ${workflowData.firstStep}, no equals with definition's steps`);
                const subjectIri = this.generateSubjectByTemplate(
                const subject = Rdf.iri('');
                const workflowStateIri = Rdf.iri(
                const workflowMetadataIri = Rdf.iri(
                const timeLiteral = Rdf.literal(moment().toISOString(), xsd.dateTime);
                const triples: Array = [
                    Rdf.triple(subject, rdf.type, VocabWorkflow.WorkflowInstantiation),
                    Rdf.triple(subject, VocabWorkflow.subject, workflowData.subject),
                    Rdf.triple(subject, VocabWorkflow.hasState, workflowStateIri),
                    Rdf.triple(subject, VocabWorkflow.currentState, workflowStateIri),
                    Rdf.triple(workflowStateIri, rdf.type, VocabWorkflow.WorkflowState),
                    Rdf.triple(workflowStateIri, VocabWorkflow.step, firstStep),
                    Rdf.triple(workflowStateIri, VocabWorkflow.startTime, timeLiteral),
                if (workflowData.assignee.value) {
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match.excluded.forEach(excludedChild => {
        triples.push(Rdf.triple(matchPointer, rso.PX_match_excludes, Rdf.iri(excludedChild)));