Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
if (!this.$measureNode) {
var measureNode = this.$measureNode = dom.createElement("div");
var style =;
style.width = style.height = "auto";
style.left = = (-n * 40) + "px";
style.visibility = "hidden";
style.position = "absolute";
style.overflow = "visible";
style.whiteSpace = "nowrap";
// in FF 3.6 monospace fonts can have a fixed sub pixel width.
// that's why we have to measure many characters
// Note: characterWidth can be a float!
measureNode.innerHTML = lang.stringRepeat("Xy", n);
if (document.body) {
} else {
var container = this.element.parentNode;
while (!dom.hasCssClass(container, "ace_editor"))
container = container.parentNode;
var style = this.$;
var computedStyle = dom.computedStyle(this.element);
for (var prop in this.$fontStyles)
style[prop] = computedStyle[prop];
if (!this.$measureNode) {
var measureNode = this.$measureNode = dom.createElement("div");
var style =;
style.width = style.height = "auto";
style.left = = (-n * 40) + "px";
style.visibility = "hidden";
style.position = "absolute";
style.overflow = "visible";
style.whiteSpace = "nowrap";
// in FF 3.6 monospace fonts can have a fixed sub pixel width.
// that's why we have to measure many characters
// Note: characterWidth can be a float!
measureNode.innerHTML = lang.stringRepeat("Xy", n);
if (document.body) {
} else {
var container = this.element.parentNode;
while (!dom.hasCssClass(container, "ace_editor"))
container = container.parentNode;
var style = this.$;
for (var prop in this.$fontStyles) {
var value = dom.computedStyle(this.element, prop);
style[prop] = value;
this.getTabString = function() {
if (this.getUseSoftTabs()) {
return lang.stringRepeat(" ", this.getTabSize());
} else {
return "\t";
exec: function(env, args, request) {
env.editor.insert(lang.stringRepeat(args.text || "", args.times || 1));
exec: function(env, args, request) {
env.editor.insert(lang.stringRepeat(args.text || "", args.times || 1));
var session = this.session;
var range = this.getSelectionRange();
if (range.start.row < range.end.row || range.start.column < range.end.column) {
var rows = this.$getSelectedRows();
session.indentRows(rows.first, rows.last, "\t");
} else {
var indentString;
if (this.session.getUseSoftTabs()) {
var size = session.getTabSize(),
position = this.getCursorPosition(),
column = session.documentToScreenColumn(position.row, position.column),
count = (size - column % size);
indentString = lang.stringRepeat(" ", count);
} else
indentString = "\t";
return this.onTextInput(indentString, true);
this.getTabString = function() {
if (this.getUseSoftTabs()) {
return lang.stringRepeat(" ", this.getTabSize());
} else {
return "\t";
this.getTabString = function() {
if (this.getUseSoftTabs()) {
return lang.stringRepeat(" ", this.getTabSize());
} else {
return "\t";
var session = this.session;
var range = this.getSelectionRange();
if (range.start.row < range.end.row || range.start.column < range.end.column) {
var rows = this.$getSelectedRows();
session.indentRows(rows.first, rows.last, "\t");
} else {
var indentString;
if (this.session.getUseSoftTabs()) {
var size = session.getTabSize(),
position = this.getCursorPosition(),
column = session.documentToScreenColumn(position.row, position.column),
count = (size - column % size);
indentString = lang.stringRepeat(" ", count);
} else
indentString = "\t";
return this.onTextInput(indentString);
exec: function(env, args, request) {
env.editor.insert(lang.stringRepeat(args.text || "", args.times || 1));