How to use the pilot/dom.createElement function in pilot

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few pilot examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github HelioNetworks / HelioPanel_archived / web / ace / lib / ace / layer / text.js View on Github external
this.$renderLinesFragment = function(config, firstRow, lastRow) {
        var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(),
            row = firstRow,
            fold = this.session.getNextFold(row),
            foldStart = fold ?fold.start.row :Infinity;

        while (true) {
            if(row > foldStart) {
                row = fold.end.row+1;
                fold = this.session.getNextFold(row);
                foldStart = fold ?fold.start.row :Infinity;
            if(row > lastRow)

            var container = dom.createElement("div");

            var html = [];
            // Get the tokens per line as there might be some lines in between
            // beeing folded.
            // OPTIMIZE: If there is a long block of unfolded lines, just make
            // this call once for that big block of unfolded lines.
            var tokens = this.session.getTokens(row, row);
            if (tokens.length == 1)
                this.$renderLine(html, row, tokens[0].tokens, false);

            // don't use setInnerHtml since we are working with an empty DIV
            container.innerHTML = html.join("");
            var lines = container.childNodes
github atom / atom / vendor / ace / virtual_renderer.js View on Github external
// Imports CSS once per DOM document ('ace_editor' serves as an identifier).
    dom.importCssString(editorCss, "ace_editor", container.ownerDocument);
    dom.addCssClass(this.container, "ace_editor");


    this.$gutter = dom.createElement("div");
    this.$gutter.className = "ace_gutter";

    this.scroller = dom.createElement("div");
    this.scroller.className = "ace_scroller";

    this.content = dom.createElement("div");
    this.content.className = "ace_content";

    this.$gutterLayer = new GutterLayer(this.$gutter);
    this.$markerBack = new MarkerLayer(this.content);

    var textLayer = this.$textLayer = new TextLayer(this.content);
    this.canvas = textLayer.element;

    this.$markerFront = new MarkerLayer(this.content);

    this.characterWidth = textLayer.getCharacterWidth();
    this.lineHeight = textLayer.getLineHeight();

    this.$cursorLayer = new CursorLayer(this.content);
    this.$cursorPadding = 8;
github cloudjee / wavemaker / dev / studio / webapproot / app / lib / ace-build / lib / ace / layer / text.js View on Github external
this.$renderLinesFragment = function(config, firstRow, lastRow) {
        var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
        var tokens = this.session.getTokens(firstRow, lastRow);
        for (var row=firstRow; row<=lastRow; row++) {
            var lineEl = dom.createElement("div");
            lineEl.className = "ace_line";
            var style =;
            style.height = this.session.getRowHeight(config, row) + "px";
            style.width = config.width + "px";

            var html = [];
            if (tokens.length > row-firstRow)
                this.$renderLine(html, row, tokens[row-firstRow].tokens);
            // don't use setInnerHtml since we are working with an empty DIV
            lineEl.innerHTML = html.join("");
        return fragment;
github HelioNetworks / HelioPanel_archived / web / ace / lib / ace / layer / text.js View on Github external
this.$measureSizes = function() {
        var n = 1000;
        if (!this.$measureNode) {
            var measureNode = this.$measureNode = dom.createElement("div");
            var style =;

            style.width = style.height = "auto";
            style.left = = (-n * 40)  + "px";

            style.visibility = "hidden";
            style.position = "absolute";
            style.overflow = "visible";
            style.whiteSpace = "nowrap";

            // in FF 3.6 monospace fonts can have a fixed sub pixel width.
            // that's why we have to measure many characters
            // Note: characterWidth can be a float!
            measureNode.innerHTML = lang.stringRepeat("Xy", n);

            if (document.body) {
github atom / atom / vendor / ace / layer / text.js View on Github external
this.$renderLinesFragment = function(config, firstRow, lastRow) {
        var fragment = this.element.ownerDocument.createDocumentFragment(),
            row = firstRow,
            fold = this.session.getNextFoldLine(row),
            foldStart = fold ?fold.start.row :Infinity;

        while (true) {
            if(row > foldStart) {
                row = fold.end.row+1;
                fold = this.session.getNextFoldLine(row, fold);
                foldStart = fold ?fold.start.row :Infinity;
            if(row > lastRow)

            var container = dom.createElement("div");

            var html = [];
            // Get the tokens per line as there might be some lines in between
            // beeing folded.
            // OPTIMIZE: If there is a long block of unfolded lines, just make
            // this call once for that big block of unfolded lines.
            var tokens = this.session.getTokens(row, row);
            if (tokens.length == 1)
                this.$renderLine(html, row, tokens[0].tokens, false);

            // don't use setInnerHtml since we are working with an empty DIV
            container.innerHTML = html.join("");
            if (this.$useLineGroups()) {
                container.className = 'ace_line_group';
            } else {
github atom / atom / vendor / ace / scrollbar.js View on Github external
var ScrollBar = function(parent) {
    this.element = dom.createElement("div");
    this.element.className = "ace_sb";

    this.inner = dom.createElement("div");


    // in OSX lion the scrollbars appear to have no width. In this case resize
    // the to show the scrollbar but still pretend that the scrollbar has a width
    // of 0px
    // in Firefox 6+ scrollbar is hidden if element has the same width as scrollbar
    // make element a little bit wider to retain scrollbar when page is zoomed 
    this.width = dom.scrollbarWidth(); = (this.width || 15) + 5 + "px";

    event.addListener(this.element, "scroll", this.onScroll.bind(this));
github cloudjee / wavemaker / dev / studio / webapproot / app / lib / ace-build / lib / ace / scrollbar.js View on Github external
var ScrollBar = function(parent) {
    this.element = dom.createElement("div");
    this.element.className = "ace_sb";

    this.inner = dom.createElement("div");


    this.width = dom.scrollbarWidth(); = this.width + "px";

    event.addListener(this.element, "scroll", this.onScroll.bind(this));
github HelioNetworks / HelioPanel_archived / web / ace / lib / ace / virtual_renderer.js View on Github external
this.$updatePrintMargin = function() {
        var containerEl;

        if (!this.$showPrintMargin && !this.$printMarginEl)

        if (!this.$printMarginEl) {
            containerEl = dom.createElement("div");
            containerEl.className = "ace_print_margin_layer";
            this.$printMarginEl = dom.createElement("div");
            this.$printMarginEl.className = "ace_print_margin";
            this.content.insertBefore(containerEl, this.$textLayer.element);

        var style = this.$;
        style.left = ((this.characterWidth * this.$printMarginColumn) + this.$padding * 2) + "px";
        style.visibility = this.$showPrintMargin ? "visible" : "hidden";
github HelioNetworks / HelioPanel_archived / web / ace / lib / ace / virtual_renderer.js View on Github external
this.showComposition = function(position) {
        if (!this.$composition) {
            this.$composition = dom.createElement("div");
            this.$composition.className = "ace_composition";

        this.$composition.innerHTML = " ";

        var pos = this.$cursorLayer.getPixelPosition();
        var style = this.$; = + "px";
        style.left = (pos.left + this.$padding) + "px";
        style.height = this.lineHeight + "px";

github atom / atom / vendor / ace / virtual_renderer.js View on Github external
this.showComposition = function(position) {
        if (!this.$composition) {
            this.$composition = dom.createElement("div");
            this.$composition.className = "ace_composition";

        this.$composition.innerHTML = " ";

        var pos = this.$cursorLayer.getPixelPosition();
        var style = this.$; = + "px";
        style.left = (pos.left + this.$padding) + "px";
        style.height = this.lineHeight + "px";
