How to use the patternfly-react.excludeKeys function in patternfly-react

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few patternfly-react examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github oVirt / ovirt-web-ui / src / components / VmActions / Action.js View on Github external
const ActionButtonWraper = (props) => {
  const btnProps = excludeKeys(props, [ 'confirmation', 'items' ])
  const { items, actionDisabled, confirmation, shortTitle } = props
  if (items && items.filter(i => i !== null).length > 0) {
      { items.filter(i => i !== null && !i.actionDisabled).map(item => {
      }) }
  return <button>
ActionButtonWraper.propTypes = {</button>
github oVirt / ovirt-web-ui / src / components / VmDetails / BaseCard.js View on Github external
editMode = undefined,
      editable = true,
      idPrefix = '',
      className = '',
      disableSaveButton = false,
      disableTooltip = undefined,
    } = this.props
    const editing = editMode === undefined ? this.state.edit : editMode
    const hasHeading = !!title
    const hasBadge = itemCount !== undefined
    const hasIcon = icon &amp;&amp; icon.type &amp;&amp;

    const RenderChildren = this.renderChildren
    return (
        {hasHeading &amp;&amp; (
              {hasIcon &amp;&amp; }
              {hasBadge &amp;&amp; {itemCount}}