How to use the patternfly-react.Grid.Col function in patternfly-react

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github syndesisio / syndesis / apps / dashboard / dist / components / RecentUpdates.js View on Github external
React.createElement(Card.Body, null, this.props.loading ? (React.createElement(RecentUpdatesSkeleton, null)) : (React.createElement(Grid, { fluid: true }, => (React.createElement(Grid.Row, { key: },
                React.createElement(Grid.Col, { sm: 5 },,
                React.createElement(Grid.Col, { sm: 3 },
                    React.createElement(IntegrationStatus, { currentState: i.currentState })),
                React.createElement(Grid.Col, { sm: 4 }, new Date(i.updatedAt || i.createdAt).toLocaleString())))))))));
github syndesisio / syndesis / apps / dashboard / dist / components / Dashboard.js View on Github external
React.createElement(CardGrid.Col, { sm: 6, md: 3 },
                        React.createElement(AggregatedMetricCard, { title: `${this.props.integrationsCount} Integrations`, ok: this.props.integrationsCount -
                                this.props.integrationsErrorCount, error: this.props.integrationsErrorCount })),
                    React.createElement(CardGrid.Col, { sm: 6, md: 3 },
                        React.createElement(ConnectionsMetric, { count: this.props.connectionsCount })),
                    React.createElement(CardGrid.Col, { sm: 6, md: 3 },
                        React.createElement(AggregatedMetricCard, { title: `${this.props.metrics.messages} Total Messages`, ok: this.props.metrics.messages - this.props.metrics.errors, error: this.props.metrics.errors })),
                    React.createElement(CardGrid.Col, { sm: 6, md: 3 },
                        React.createElement(UptimeMetric, { start: this.props.metrics.start })))),
            React.createElement(Grid, { fluid: true },
                React.createElement(Grid.Row, null,
                    React.createElement(Grid.Col, { sm: 12, md: 6 },
                        React.createElement(TopIntegrations, { loading: !this.props.integrationsLoaded, topIntegrations: this.props.topIntegrations })),
                    React.createElement(Grid.Col, { sm: 12, md: 6 },
                        React.createElement(Grid.Row, null,
                            React.createElement(Grid.Col, { sm: 12 },
                                React.createElement(IntegrationBoard, { runningIntegrations: this.props.runningIntegrations, pendingIntegrations: this.props.pendingIntegrations, stoppedIntegrations: this.props.stoppedIntegrations }))),
                        React.createElement(Grid.Row, null,
                            React.createElement(Grid.Col, { sm: 12 },
                                React.createElement(RecentUpdates, { loading: !this.props.integrationsLoaded, recentlyUpdatedIntegrations: this.props.recentlyUpdatedIntegrations })))))),
            React.createElement(Grid, { fluid: true, style: { marginTop: '20px' } },
                React.createElement(Grid.Row, null,
                    React.createElement(Grid.Col, { sm: 12 },
                        React.createElement("div", { className: 'Dashboard-header' },
                            React.createElement("h1", { className: 'Dashboard-header__title' }, "Connections"),
                            React.createElement("div", { className: "Dashboard-header__actions" },
                                React.createElement(Link, { to: '/connections' }, "View All Connections"),
                                React.createElement(Link, { to: '/connections/new', className: 'btn btn-primary' }, "Create Connection")))))),
            React.createElement(ConnectionsGrid, { loading: !this.props.connectionsLoaded },, index) => (React.createElement(ConnectionCard, { name:, description: c.description || '', icon: getConnectionIcon(c, process.env.PUBLIC_URL), key: index }))))));
github syndesisio / syndesis / apps / dashboard / dist / components / Dashboard.js View on Github external
render() {
        return (React.createElement("div", { className: 'container-fluid' },
            React.createElement(Grid, { fluid: true },
                React.createElement(Grid.Row, null,
                    React.createElement(Grid.Col, { sm: 12 },
                        React.createElement("div", { className: 'Dashboard-header' },
                            React.createElement("h1", { className: 'Dashboard-header__title' }, "System metric"),
                            React.createElement("div", { className: "Dashboard-header__actions" },
                                React.createElement(Link, { to: '/integrations' }, "View All Integrations"),
                                React.createElement(Link, { to: '/integrations/new', className: 'btn btn-primary' }, "Create Integration")))))),
            React.createElement(CardGrid, { fluid: true, matchHeight: true },
                React.createElement(CardGrid.Row, null,
                    React.createElement(CardGrid.Col, { sm: 6, md: 3 },
                        React.createElement(AggregatedMetricCard, { title: `${this.props.integrationsCount} Integrations`, ok: this.props.integrationsCount -
                                this.props.integrationsErrorCount, error: this.props.integrationsErrorCount })),
                    React.createElement(CardGrid.Col, { sm: 6, md: 3 },
                        React.createElement(ConnectionsMetric, { count: this.props.connectionsCount })),
                    React.createElement(CardGrid.Col, { sm: 6, md: 3 },
                        React.createElement(AggregatedMetricCard, { title: `${this.props.metrics.messages} Total Messages`, ok: this.props.metrics.messages - this.props.metrics.errors, error: this.props.metrics.errors })),
                    React.createElement(CardGrid.Col, { sm: 6, md: 3 },
                        React.createElement(UptimeMetric, { start: this.props.metrics.start })))),
github syndesisio / syndesis / apps / dashboard / dist / components / RecentUpdates.js View on Github external
React.createElement(Card.Body, null, this.props.loading ? (React.createElement(RecentUpdatesSkeleton, null)) : (React.createElement(Grid, { fluid: true }, => (React.createElement(Grid.Row, { key: },
                React.createElement(Grid.Col, { sm: 5 },,
                React.createElement(Grid.Col, { sm: 3 },
                    React.createElement(IntegrationStatus, { currentState: i.currentState })),
                React.createElement(Grid.Col, { sm: 4 }, new Date(i.updatedAt || i.createdAt).toLocaleString())))))))));
github patternfly / patternfly-react / packages / patternfly-3 / patternfly-react-extensions / src / components / TableGrid / TableGridColumnHeader.js View on Github external

TableGridColumnHeader.propTypes = {
  /** Children nodes */
  children: PropTypes.node,
  /** Additional css classes */
  className: PropTypes.string,
  /** Flag if this column is sortable */
  sortable: PropTypes.bool,
  /** Flag if this is the current sort column */
  isSorted: PropTypes.bool,
  /** Flag if the sort is ascending */
  isAscending: PropTypes.bool,
  /** Callback function when the user click on this column header */
  onSortToggle: PropTypes.func,

TableGridColumnHeader.defaultProps = {
  children: null,
  className: '',
  sortable: false,
  isSorted: false,
  isAscending: true,
  onSortToggle: helpers.noop,

export default TableGridColumnHeader;
github patternfly / patternfly-react / packages / patternfly-3 / patternfly-react-extensions / src / components / TableGrid / TableGridColumnHeader.js View on Github external
isSorted: PropTypes.bool,
  /** Flag if the sort is ascending */
  isAscending: PropTypes.bool,
  /** Callback function when the user click on this column header */
  onSortToggle: PropTypes.func,

TableGridColumnHeader.defaultProps = {
  children: null,
  className: '',
  sortable: false,
  isSorted: false,
  isAscending: true,
  onSortToggle: helpers.noop,

export default TableGridColumnHeader;