How to use the node-simctl.terminate function in node-simctl

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few node-simctl examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github appium / appium-xcuitest-driver / lib / simulator-management.js View on Github external`Successfully restored keychains after full reset`);
    } else if (opts.keychainsExcludePatterns || opts.keepKeyChains) {
      log.warn('Cannot restore keychains after full reset, because ' +
               'the backup operation did not succeed');
  } else if (opts.bundleId) {
    // fastReset or noReset

    // Terminate the app under test if it is still running on Simulator
    // Termination is not needed if Simulator is not running
    if (await device.isRunning()) {
      if (opts.enforceSimulatorShutdown) {
        await shutdownSimulator(device);
      } else {
        try {
          await terminate(device.udid, opts.bundleId);
        } catch (err) {
          log.warn(`Reset: failed to terminate Simulator application with id "${opts.bundleId}"`);
    if ( {'Not scrubbing third party app in anticipation of uninstall');
    const isSafari = (opts.browserName || '').toLowerCase() === 'safari';
    try {
      if (isSafari) {
        await device.cleanSafari();
      } else {
        // iOS 8+ does not need basename
        await device.scrubCustomApp('', opts.bundleId);
github appium / appium-ios-simulator / lib / simulator-xcode-8.js View on Github external
async cleanCustomApp (appFile, appBundleId, scrub = false) {
    try {
      await terminate(this.udid, appBundleId);
    } catch (ign) {
      // ignore error
    await super.cleanCustomApp(appFile, appBundleId, scrub);
github appium / appium-ios-simulator / lib / simulator-xcode-8.js View on Github external
async cleanSafari (keepPrefs = true) {
    try {
      if (await this.isRunning()) {
        await terminate(this.udid, MOBILE_SAFARI_BUNDLE_ID);
    } catch (ign) {
      // ignore error
    await super.cleanSafari(keepPrefs);