How to use the node-simctl.openUrl function in node-simctl

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few node-simctl examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github appium / appium-xcuitest-driver / lib / driver.js View on Github external
log.warn('Setting permissions is only supported on Simulator. ' +
          'The "permissions" capability will be ignored.');

    await this.startWda(this.opts.sessionId, realDevice);

    await this.setReduceMotion(this.opts.reduceMotion);

    await this.setInitialOrientation(this.opts.orientation);

    // real devices will be handled later, after the web context has been initialized
    if (this.isSafari() && !this.isRealDevice() && util.compareVersions(this.opts.platformVersion, '>=', '12.2')) {
      // on 12.2 the page is not opened in WDA
      await openUrl(this.opts.device.udid, this._currentUrl);

    if (this.isSafari() || this.opts.autoWebview) {
      log.debug('Waiting for initial webview');
      await this.navToInitialWebview();

    if (this.isSafari() && this.isRealDevice() && util.compareVersions(this.opts.platformVersion, '>=', '12.2')) {
      // on 12.2 the page is not opened in WDA
      await this.setUrl(this._currentUrl);

    if (!this.isRealDevice()) {
      if (this.opts.calendarAccessAuthorized) {
        await this.opts.device.enableCalendarAccess(this.opts.bundleId);
github appium / appium-remote-debugger / test / functional / safari-e2e-specs.js View on Github external
beforeEach(async function () {
    rd = createRemoteDebugger({
      bundleId: '',
      isSafari: true,
      useNewSafari: true,
      pageLoadMs: 1000,
      platformVersion: PLATFORM_VERSION,
      socketPath: await sim.getWebInspectorSocket(),
      garbageCollectOnExecute: false,
      isSimulator: true,
      logAllCommunication: true,
      logAllCommunicationHexDump: false,
    }, false);

    await openUrl(sim.udid, address);
    // pause a moment while Safari loads
    await B.delay(2000);
  afterEach(async function () {
github appium / appium-xcuitest-driver / lib / commands / certificate.js View on Github external
} catch (e) {
        throw new Error(`The temporary web server cannot be started at http://${host}:${tmpPort}.`);
      if (this.isRealDevice()) {
        try {
          await this.proxyCommand('/url', 'POST', {url: certUrl});
        } catch (err) {
          if (this.isWebContext()) {
            // The command above does not always work on real devices
            await, certUrl);
          } else {
            throw err;
      } else {
        await openUrl(this.opts.udid || this.sim.udid, certUrl);

      let isCertAlreadyInstalled = false;
      if (util.compareVersions(this.opts.platformVersion, '>=', '12.2')) {
        if (await installPost122Certificate(this, cn)) {
          await clickElement(this, Settings.Profile);
          await trustCertificateInPreferences(this, cn);
        } else {
          isCertAlreadyInstalled = true;
      } else {
        if (await installPre122Certificate(this)) {
          await clickElement(this, Button.Return_to_Settings);
          await trustCertificateInPreferences(this, cn);
        } else {
          isCertAlreadyInstalled = true;
github appium / appium-ios-simulator / lib / simulator-xcode-8.js View on Github external
await waitForCondition(async () => {
        try {
          // This is to make sure Safari is already running
          const {stdout} = await exec('xcrun', ['simctl', 'launch', this.udid, MOBILE_SAFARI_BUNDLE_ID]);
            await simctlOpenUrl(this.udid, url);
            return true;
        } catch (err) {
          log.error(`Failed to open '${url}' in Safari. Retrying...`);
          lastError = err.stderr || err.message;
        return false;
      }, {waitMs: SAFARI_STARTUP_TIMEOUT, intervalMs: 500});
    } catch (err) {
github appium / appium-ios-driver / lib / commands / general.js View on Github external
commands.setUrl = async function setUrl (url) {
  log.debug(`Attempting to set url '${url}'`);
  if (!this.isWebContext()) {
    // use xcrun to open deeplink
    await openUrl(this.opts.udid || this.sim.udid, url);
  // make sure to clear out any leftover web frames
  this.curWebFrames = [];
  await this.remote.navToUrl(url);