How to use node-opcua-variant - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few node-opcua-variant examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github node-opcua / node-opcua / packages / node-opcua-address-space / test_helpers / add_event_generator_object.ts View on Github external
context: SessionContext,
      callback: MethodFunctorCallback) => {

        // xx console.log("In Event Generator Method");
        // xx console.log(this.toString());
        // xx console.log(context.object.toString());

        // xx console.log("inputArguments ", inputArguments[0].toString());

        const message = inputArguments[0].value || "Hello from Event Generator Object";
        const severity = inputArguments[1].value || 0;

        const myEventType = namespace.addressSpace.findEventType("MyEventType", namespace.index);
        context.object.raiseEvent(myEventType, {
            message: {
                dataType: DataType.LocalizedText,
                value: { text: message }
            severity: {
                dataType: DataType.UInt32,
                value: severity

        // console.log(require("util").inspect(context).toString());
        const callMethodResult = {
            outputArguments: [],
            statusCode: StatusCodes.Good
        callback(null, callMethodResult);
github node-opcua / node-opcua / packages / node-opcua-address-space / test_to_fix / test_address_space_construct_extension_object.js View on Github external
it("should bind an xml-preloaded Extension Object Variable : ServerStatus ", function (done) {
        // in this test, we verify that we can easily bind the Server_ServerStatus object
        // the process shall automatically bind variables and substructures recursively
        var VariableIds = require("node-opcua-constants").VariableIds;
        var makeNodeId = require("node-opcua-nodeid").makeNodeId;

        var serverStatus = addressSpace.findNode(makeNodeId(VariableIds.Server_ServerStatus));

        // before bindExtensionObject is called, startTime property exists but is not bound"startTime");

        //Xx value.startTime.should.eql(DataType.Null);
        //xx debugLog("serverStatus.startTime =",serverStatus.startTime.readValue().value.toString());



        serverStatus.readValue().value.value.startTime = new Date(Date.UTC(1800, 0, 1));
github node-opcua / node-opcua / packages / node-opcua-address-space / test_to_fix / test_address_space_construct_extension_object.js View on Github external
it("should bind an xml-preloaded Extension Object Variable : ServerStatus ", function (done) {
        // in this test, we verify that we can easily bind the Server_ServerStatus object
        // the process shall automatically bind variables and substructures recursively
        var VariableIds = require("node-opcua-constants").VariableIds;
        var makeNodeId = require("node-opcua-nodeid").makeNodeId;

        var serverStatus = addressSpace.findNode(makeNodeId(VariableIds.Server_ServerStatus));

        // before bindExtensionObject is called, startTime property exists but is not bound"startTime");

        //Xx value.startTime.should.eql(DataType.Null);
        //xx debugLog("serverStatus.startTime =",serverStatus.startTime.readValue().value.toString());



        serverStatus.readValue().value.value.startTime = new Date(Date.UTC(1800, 0, 1));

        serverStatus.startTime.setValueFromSource({dataType: DataType.DateTime, value: new Date(Date.UTC(2100, 0, 1))});
github node-opcua / node-opcua / test / helpers / helpers.ts View on Github external
// setup data
    const sourceTimestamp = makeDate(time);

    if (value === undefined || value === null) {

        return new DataValue({
            value: undefined,

    } else if (typeof value === "boolean") {
        return new DataValue({
            value: {dataType: DataType.Boolean, value},

    } else {
        return new DataValue({
            value: {dataType: DataType.Float, value},
github node-opcua / node-opcua / packages / node-opcua-address-space / src / alarms_and_conditions / condition_snapshot.ts View on Github external
const variant = new Variant({ dataType: DataType.Boolean, value });
        this._map[idKey] = variant;

        // also change varName with human readable text
        const twoStateNode = this._node_index[hrKey];
        if (!twoStateNode) {
            throw new Error("Cannot find twoState Varaible with name " + varName);
        if (!(twoStateNode instanceof UATwoStateVariable)) {
            throw new Error("Cannot find twoState Varaible with name " + varName + " " + twoStateNode);

        const txt = value ? twoStateNode._trueState : twoStateNode._falseState;

        const hrValue = new Variant({
            dataType: DataType.LocalizedText,
            value: coerceLocalizedText(txt)
        this._map[hrKey] = hrValue;

        const node = this._node_index[idKey];

        // also change ConditionNode if we are on currentBranch
        if (this.isCurrentBranch()) {
            assert(twoStateNode instanceof UATwoStateVariable);
            // xx console.log("Is current branch", twoStateNode.toString(),variant.toString());
            // xx console.log("  = ",twoStateNode.getValue());
        this.emit("value_changed", node, variant);
github node-opcua / node-opcua / packages / node-opcua-data-value / source / datavalue.ts View on Github external
export function encodeDataValue(dataValue: DataValue, stream: OutputBinaryStream): void {
  const encodingMask = getDataValue_EncodingByte(dataValue);
  assert(_.isFinite(encodingMask) && encodingMask >= 0 && encodingMask <= 0x3F);
  // write encoding byte
  encodeUInt8(encodingMask, stream);

  // write value as Variant
  if (encodingMask & DataValueEncodingByte.Value) {
    if (!dataValue.value) {
      dataValue.value = new Variant();
    if (!dataValue.value.encode) {
      // tslint:disable-next-line:no-console
      console.log(" CANNOT FIND ENCODE METHOD ON VARIANT !!! HELP", JSON.stringify(dataValue, null, " "));
  // write statusCode
  if (encodingMask & DataValueEncodingByte.StatusCode) {
    encodeStatusCode(dataValue.statusCode, stream);
  // write sourceTimestamp
  if ((encodingMask & DataValueEncodingByte.SourceTimestamp) && (dataValue.sourceTimestamp !== null)) {
    encodeHighAccuracyDateTime(dataValue.sourceTimestamp, dataValue.sourcePicoseconds, stream);
  // write sourcePicoseconds
github node-opcua / node-opcua / packages / node-opcua-server / source / server_engine.ts View on Github external

        DataType.DateTime, () => minOPCUADate);

      // TimeZoneDataType
      const timeZoneDataType = addressSpace.findDataType(resolveNodeId(DataTypeIds.TimeZoneDataType))!;
      // xx console.log(timeZoneDataType.toString());

      const timeZone = new TimeZoneDataType({
        daylightSavingInOffset: /* boolean*/ false,
        offset: /* int16 */ 0
        DataType.ExtensionObject, () => {
          return timeZone;

        DataType.Byte, () => {
          return 255;

        DataType.Boolean, () => {
          return engine.isAuditing;

      function bindServerDiagnostics() {

github node-opcua / node-opcua / packages / node-opcua-address-space / source / loader / load_nodeset2.ts View on Github external
function makeDefaultVariant(
    addressSpace: AddressSpacePublic,
    dataTypeNode: NodeId,
    valueRank: number
): VariantOptions | undefined {
    let variant: VariantOptions = { dataType: DataType.Null };
    const nodeDataType = addressSpace.findNode(dataTypeNode);

    if (nodeDataType) {
        const dataType = addressSpace.findCorrespondingBasicDataType(dataTypeNode);
        if (dataType === DataType.ExtensionObject) {
            // console.log("xxxxxxxxxx ", dataTypeNode.toString(addressSpace as any));
            return variant;
        const dv = findSimpleType(DataType[dataType]).defaultValue;

        let arrayType: VariantArrayType = VariantArrayType.Scalar;
        const value = (typeof dv === "function") ? dv() : dv;
        //  if (dataType === DataType.ByteString ) { value = Buffer.alloc(0) }
        *  * n > 1                     : the Value is an array with the specified number of dimensions.
        *  * OneDimension (1):           The value is an array with one dimension.
        *  * OneOrMoreDimensions (0):    The value is an array with one or more dimensions.
        *  * Scalar (-1):                The value is not an array.
        *  * Any (-2):                   The value can be a scalar or an array with any number of dimensions.
        *  * ScalarOrOneDimension (-3):  The value can be a scalar or a one dimensional array.
github node-opcua / node-opcua / packages / node-opcua-client-proxy / source / object_explorer.ts View on Github external
const inputArguments: Variant[] = any) => {

            const dataType = convertNodeIdToDataType(arg.dataType);

            const arrayType = (arg.valueRank === 1) ? VariantArrayType.Array : VariantArrayType.Scalar;

            // xx console.log("xxx ",arg.toString());
            const propName = lowerFirstLetter(;

            const value = inputArgs[propName];
            if (value === undefined) {
                throw new Error("expecting input argument " + propName);
            if (arrayType === VariantArrayType.Array) {
                if (!_.isArray(value)) {
                    throw new Error("expecting value to be an Array or a TypedArray");
            return new Variant({arrayType, dataType, value});
github node-opcua / node-opcua / packages / node-opcua-address-space / src / address_space_add_event_type.js View on Github external
function _process_var(self,prefix,node) {
            const lowerName =prefix + lowerFirstLetter(;
            // istanbul ignore next
            if (doDebug) { console.log("      "+lowerName.toString()); }
            visitedProperties[lowerName] = node;
            if (data.hasOwnProperty(lowerName)) {

                //xx eventData[lowerName] = _coerceVariant(data[lowerName]);
            } else {

                // add a property , but with a null variant
                eventData.setValue(lowerName,node,{ dataType: DataType.Null});

                if (doDebug) {
                    if (node.modellingRule === "Mandatory") {
                        console.log("ERROR : AddressSpace#constructEventData(eventType,options) cannot find property ".red
                          + self.browseName.toString() + " => " + lowerName.cyan);
                    } else {
                        console.log("Warning : AddressSpace#constructEventData(eventType,options) cannot find property ".yellow
                          + self.browseName.toString() + " => " + lowerName.cyan);
