How to use the node-opcua-variant.Variant function in node-opcua-variant

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few node-opcua-variant examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github node-opcua / node-opcua / packages / node-opcua-address-space / src / alarms_and_conditions / condition_snapshot.ts View on Github external
const variant = new Variant({ dataType: DataType.Boolean, value });
        this._map[idKey] = variant;

        // also change varName with human readable text
        const twoStateNode = this._node_index[hrKey];
        if (!twoStateNode) {
            throw new Error("Cannot find twoState Varaible with name " + varName);
        if (!(twoStateNode instanceof UATwoStateVariable)) {
            throw new Error("Cannot find twoState Varaible with name " + varName + " " + twoStateNode);

        const txt = value ? twoStateNode._trueState : twoStateNode._falseState;

        const hrValue = new Variant({
            dataType: DataType.LocalizedText,
            value: coerceLocalizedText(txt)
        this._map[hrKey] = hrValue;

        const node = this._node_index[idKey];

        // also change ConditionNode if we are on currentBranch
        if (this.isCurrentBranch()) {
            assert(twoStateNode instanceof UATwoStateVariable);
            // xx console.log("Is current branch", twoStateNode.toString(),variant.toString());
            // xx console.log("  = ",twoStateNode.getValue());
        this.emit("value_changed", node, variant);
github node-opcua / node-opcua / packages / node-opcua-data-value / source / datavalue.ts View on Github external
export function encodeDataValue(dataValue: DataValue, stream: OutputBinaryStream): void {
  const encodingMask = getDataValue_EncodingByte(dataValue);
  assert(_.isFinite(encodingMask) && encodingMask >= 0 && encodingMask <= 0x3F);
  // write encoding byte
  encodeUInt8(encodingMask, stream);

  // write value as Variant
  if (encodingMask & DataValueEncodingByte.Value) {
    if (!dataValue.value) {
      dataValue.value = new Variant();
    if (!dataValue.value.encode) {
      // tslint:disable-next-line:no-console
      console.log(" CANNOT FIND ENCODE METHOD ON VARIANT !!! HELP", JSON.stringify(dataValue, null, " "));
  // write statusCode
  if (encodingMask & DataValueEncodingByte.StatusCode) {
    encodeStatusCode(dataValue.statusCode, stream);
  // write sourceTimestamp
  if ((encodingMask & DataValueEncodingByte.SourceTimestamp) && (dataValue.sourceTimestamp !== null)) {
    encodeHighAccuracyDateTime(dataValue.sourceTimestamp, dataValue.sourcePicoseconds, stream);
  // write sourcePicoseconds
github node-opcua / node-opcua / packages / node-opcua-address-space / src / data_access / address_space_add_AnalogItem.js View on Github external
if (options.hasOwnProperty("engineeringUnits")) {

            const engineeringUnits = new EUInformation(options.engineeringUnits);
            assert(engineeringUnits instanceof EUInformation, "expecting engineering units");

            // EngineeringUnits  specifies the units for the   DataItem‟s value (e.g., DEGC, hertz, seconds).   The
            // EUInformation   type is specified in   5.6.3.

            const eu = namespace.addVariable({
                propertyOf: variable,
                typeDefinition: "PropertyType",
                browseName: {name:"EngineeringUnits",namespaceIndex:0},
                dataType: "EUInformation",
                minimumSamplingInterval: 0,
                accessLevel: "CurrentRead",
                value: new Variant({
                    dataType: DataType.ExtensionObject, value: engineeringUnits
                modellingRule: options.modellingRule ? "Mandatory" : undefined




        return variable;

github node-opcua / node-opcua / packages / node-opcua-data-value / source / datavalue.ts View on Github external
function decodeDataValueInternal(dataValue: DataValue, stream: BinaryStream) {

  const encodingMask = decodeUInt8(stream);
  if (encodingMask & DataValueEncodingByte.Value) {
    dataValue.value = new Variant();
  // read statusCode
  if (encodingMask & DataValueEncodingByte.StatusCode) {
    dataValue.statusCode = decodeStatusCode(stream);
  } else {
    dataValue.statusCode = StatusCodes.Good;

  dataValue.sourcePicoseconds = 0;
  // read sourceTimestamp
  if (encodingMask & DataValueEncodingByte.SourceTimestamp) {
    dataValue.sourceTimestamp = decodeHighAccuracyDateTime(stream);
    dataValue.sourcePicoseconds += (dataValue.sourceTimestamp as DateWithPicoseconds).picoseconds | 0;
  // read sourcePicoseconds
github node-opcua / node-opcua / packages / node-opcua-address-space / src / alarms_and_conditions / condition_snapshot.ts View on Github external
"\n v2= " +

            self._node_index[key] = aggregate;
            _ensure_condition_values_correctness(self, aggregate, prefix + name + ".", error);

    if (displayError && error.length) {
        throw new Error(error.join("\n"));

const disabledVar = new Variant({
    dataType: "StatusCode",
    value: StatusCodes.BadConditionDisabled

// list of Condition variables that should not be published as BadConditionDisabled when the condition
// is in a disabled state.
const _varTable = {
    "branchId": 1,
    "conditionClassId": 1,
    "conditionClassName": 1,
    "conditionName": 1,
    "enabledState": 1,
    "enabledState.effectiveDisplayName": 1,
    "": 1,
    "enabledState.transitionTime": 1,
    "eventId": 1,
github node-opcua / node-opcua / packages / node-opcua-address-space / src / namespace.ts View on Github external
}) as UAVariable;

        const handler = variable.handle_semantic_changed.bind(variable);
        euRange.on("value_changed", handler);

        if (options.hasOwnProperty("instrumentRange")) {

            const instrumentRange = namespace.addVariable({
                accessLevel: "CurrentRead | CurrentWrite",
                browseName: { name: "InstrumentRange", namespaceIndex: 0 },
                dataType: "Range",
                minimumSamplingInterval: 0,
                modellingRule: options.modellingRule ? "Mandatory" : undefined,
                propertyOf: variable,
                typeDefinition: "PropertyType",
                value: new Variant({
                    dataType: DataType.ExtensionObject, value: new Range(options.instrumentRange)

            instrumentRange.on("value_changed", handler);


        if (options.hasOwnProperty("engineeringUnits")) {

            const engineeringUnits = new EUInformation(options.engineeringUnits);
            assert(engineeringUnits instanceof EUInformation, "expecting engineering units");

            // EngineeringUnits  specifies the units for the   DataItem‟s value (e.g., DEGC, hertz, seconds).   The
            // EUInformation   type is specified in   5.6.3.
github node-opcua / node-opcua / packages / node-opcua-address-space / src / alarms_and_conditions / condition.js View on Github external
Object.keys(data).forEach(function(key) {
        const varNode = _getCompositeKey(conditionNode, key);
        assert(varNode instanceof UAVariable);

        const variant = new Variant(data[key]);

        // check that Variant DataType is compatible with the UAVariable dataType
        //xx var nodeDataType = addressSpace.findNode(varNode.dataType).browseName;

        /* istanbul ignore next */
        if (!varNode._validate_DataType(variant.dataType)) {
            throw new Error(" Invalid variant dataType " + variant + " " + varNode.browseName.toString());

        const value = new Variant(data[key]);

github node-opcua / node-opcua / packages / node-opcua-address-space / src / alarms_and_conditions / base_event_type.ts View on Github external
public setSourceNode(node: NodeId | BaseNode): void {
        const self = this;
          new Variant({
              dataType: DataType.NodeId,
              value: (node as any).nodeId ? (node as any).nodeId : node